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Re: weird things you do

Posted: Jul 24th, '22, 21:20
by Amura
Well, peanut butter has been readily avaliable only in recent years, a few years ago you would only find it in import stores.
I have tried it, of course, as I must try everything :mcgrin: and for me it's ok but not something to die for.
I think I've only bought a few jars in my life. Pity me :mcgrin:

As for chocolate/PB, no, I don't think there is anything like that here. Pity me even more!
You can find peanut caramel chocolates - that's a rather common combo and a very tasty one - and I think that peanut butter would have the same salty/sugary punch as peanut caramel, so I'm positive I would like it.
Still not close to dulce de leche and chocolate, but that's plain decadent. Yummy yummy.

Re: weird things you do

Posted: Jul 25th, '22, 03:35
by JosieQ
Oh wow, where DO you live if you don't mind my asking? I can't imagine peanut butter not being a huge part of my life, and I'm not even THAT big into it. XD

Re: weird things you do

Posted: Jul 25th, '22, 09:16
by Amura
I live in Spain.
We do plenty of yummy stuff with nuts and such, just not peanut butter. And we have pretty awesome sweets, mind you.
So I would not change my food for any amount of peanut butter in the world :D

Re: weird things you do

Posted: Jul 25th, '22, 10:04
by JosieQ
Then you are a fool and I shall speak to you no more!!


Alright, I think enough time has passed that I forgive you.

Re: weird things you do

Posted: Jul 26th, '22, 06:59
by Tartaglia
I wish I could eat more peanut butter. @_@ I can have like... a spoonful once a week of a certain brand and make. Any more and I get violently ill and gotta epi-pen myself.

Re: weird things you do

Posted: Jul 26th, '22, 08:15
by JosieQ
Tartaglia wrote:I wish I could eat more peanut butter. @_@ I can have like... a spoonful once a week of a certain brand and make. Any more and I get violently ill and gotta epi-pen myself.
Oh noooes, what about almonds and almond butter?

Re: weird things you do

Posted: Jul 26th, '22, 08:31
by Tartaglia
JosieQ wrote:
Oh noooes, what about almonds and almond butter?
Nope! That's even worse. I will have to stab myself with an epi-pen if I even smell them. XD I can have small amounts of coconut and hazelnut. The worst ones are walnut and pecan. :X

But nutella is good!

Re: weird things you do

Posted: Jul 26th, '22, 08:44
by Amura
That sounds dangerous :mcdead:
I would not even get close to the stuff!

Re: weird things you do

Posted: Jul 26th, '22, 08:49
by Tartaglia
Haha, yeah. I was told to never go out to eat ever again after I got my last allergy test done. But... I have safe restaurants where I can get stuff to go usually.

Never gonna have Five Guys though. ;A; I've heard it's so good.

Treenuts/nuts are in EVERYTHING. It's awful. I'm also moderately allergic to kiwi and mildly allergic to mustard.

Re: weird things you do

Posted: Jul 26th, '22, 08:56
by Amura
Lately I have the feeling that EVERYTHING is in EVERYTHING.
Whatever label you pick up, there is gluten, and lactose, and nuts, and any other allergen you can think about.

I'm not allergic, I just read that cause I'm curious.