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Re: Yokuutsu/Disaster private rp

Posted: Dec 6th, '20, 07:41
by Beautiful Disaster
The wolf's tail thumped on the ground as it enjoyed being pet. At his question, it looked up at him with a surprisingly human emotion in its eyes and gave a low whine, confirming the human's suspicion. The wolf was lonely. But! It had the human to play with! At least for the night. So that made it less lonely!

Re: Yokuutsu/Disaster private rp

Posted: Dec 6th, '20, 09:48
by Yokuutsu
"I'm sorry." Tony says, hearing the whine and feeling a bit guilty for even bringing it up now. "I'm here though." For now at least. "And you like the pets, right?" He says, petting the wolf again, trying to comfort a bit.

Re: Yokuutsu/Disaster private rp

Posted: Dec 7th, '20, 09:21
by Beautiful Disaster
The wolf perked up, panting happily as it was pet. Pets made everything better! It sniffed at the cooking rabbit, clearly eager for it to be done.

((I'm sorry I can't come up with more detailed replies, I'm just drawing a blank))

Re: Yokuutsu/Disaster private rp

Posted: Dec 7th, '20, 19:54
by Yokuutsu
"You'll find other wolves....just might have to travel a bit." Tony says before laughing as he watches the wolf. He then checks the rabbit. "A bit longer, sorry....I've heard of some horrible stuff happening when people eat undercooked rabbit." He says.

But not much longer and the rabbit is done. He lets it cool a bit before he goes to ripping it apart, half for him and half for his furry friend. "I wonder how different cooked tastes from raw..." It's a random thought, he wouldn't try it, but he wonders for animals, the differences between cooked and raw.

Re: Yokuutsu/Disaster private rp

Posted: Dec 8th, '20, 09:10
by Beautiful Disaster
The wolf made a happy sound and gave the human's hand a lick, as if thanking him. It waited patiently for the rabbit to be finished, watching intently as the human split it into two portions. As if answering his musings, the wolf gave a "wruf!" and wagged its tail. Of course raw was better! Fresh meat was always best! Silly human!

Re: Yokuutsu/Disaster private rp

Posted: Dec 9th, '20, 08:40
by Yokuutsu
Tony just smiles a bit. "I can't eat raw, human stomachs can't handle it. Heard it might be due to stomach acid changing...." He realizes that he's really rambling to himself, but that's fine. He puts the wolf's half near the wolf himself. "I don't want you to accidently bite me or anything."

Re: Yokuutsu/Disaster private rp

Posted: Dec 9th, '20, 09:36
by Beautiful Disaster
The wolf seemed to understand, and waited until his hands were fully clear before it tore into its portion. It was clearly enjoying it- cooked was really good, too!- and looked up at the human as if to encourage him. Try some! It's really really good!

Re: Yokuutsu/Disaster private rp

Posted: Dec 10th, '20, 09:08
by Yokuutsu
"You like it?" Tony asks, but that answer is obvious. "Glad you're enjoying it." He says before starting to munch on his own half. "Thanks for catching it." Of course, he knows nothing about a certain bobcat that might have tried to munch on him under different circumstances.

He feeds bits of his half to the wolf every now and then.

Re: Yokuutsu/Disaster private rp

Posted: Dec 12th, '20, 08:05
by Beautiful Disaster
The wolf settled into a comfortable position to finish its meal. It gratefully took every scrap the human offered, tail thumping on the ground behind it. eventually, it started getting later, the moon crossing the sky on its way to the horizon. The wolf got restless- it had to go, before the moon was gone. It didn't want to leave the human, but it had no choice. It sat up and gave the human a few licks, both to thank him and to say goodbye. Maybe they'd met again. The wolf hoped so.

Re: Yokuutsu/Disaster private rp

Posted: Dec 12th, '20, 09:04
by Yokuutsu
For Tony, this is relaxing. Just eating in nature. It's the most peaceful thing he's done in awhile, truth be told. "Got to go?" He asks at the licks and all. He reaches to pet the wolf, scratching a bit. "Be safe then, okay?" Even if he never sees the wolf again, he wouldn't want a wolf like this getting hurt or anything.

(Does he remember what he did as a wolf?)