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Re: Halloween is Fast Approaching!

Posted: Oct 24th, '20, 13:01
by Leilailla
nah, at our home we don't celebrate Halloween

Re: Halloween is Fast Approaching!

Posted: Oct 24th, '20, 20:19
by YourMajesty
I have a "this is my halloween costume" T-shirt. Does that count?

Re: Halloween is Fast Approaching!

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 06:39
by Carnehil
Halloween is not a thing where I live (and considering where things are going it very well might soon be outlawed as a demonic celebration or for some other ridiculous reason; can you tell I'm salty about the state of my country?)

Re: Halloween is Fast Approaching!

Posted: Oct 29th, '20, 03:56
by dataslifeforms
Last year my boyfriend and I dressed up as Steven Universe and Amethyst. We haven't decided on this year's costumes yet. We will probably be hanging with the squad at a friend's house.

Re: Halloween is Fast Approaching!

Posted: Oct 29th, '20, 18:01
by Mirika
We don't celebrate Halloween in my country in general, not the way it is celebrated in the US at least (shops do sell Halloween-themed items, foods, and sometimes you might find dress-up parties, but that's it).

I will dress up a little bit, but no full costume. I have a blouse and red vest similar to Captain Hook from Once Upon A Time, slap on some eye liner and lipstick and that'll be it. I normally never wear make-up so that's already a big difference for me, haha. Not gonna bother with an actual hook (do have one somewhere) since I'll be inside all day anyway.

Re: Halloween is Fast Approaching!

Posted: Oct 30th, '20, 23:28
by CrystalOwl
were doing a inside trick or treat hunt in the dark with fake fog and dressing up with our family and thats about it lol

Re: Halloween is Fast Approaching!

Posted: Oct 31st, '20, 02:22
by Unscheduled
I dont think I'll be doing much for Halloween, unfortunately. I just hope it isn't raining. Kids have it tough enough for this year, they don't need rain on Halloween too...

Re: Halloween is Fast Approaching!

Posted: Nov 3rd, '20, 05:52
by Suugar-Fiend
I love Halloween but I've only ever seriously dressed up when I was young, once, I hope that once my life settles I can dress up more often.

Re: Halloween is Fast Approaching!

Posted: Nov 4th, '20, 02:46
by jadepanda-ai
I love halloween, but I can never afford to get an actual costume or anything.
I've wanted to take old work tops and dye them and put little tears in them to look like an undead worker from that place, but I'm too lazy.
I usually just pull out these electronic cat ears I have and wear those, but with all the stress this year I forgot to...