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Re: Special talents and skills

Posted: Apr 10th, '17, 18:14
by -Leo-
For me, overall it's not anymore. Mostly few ridiculous grammar rules only (that give me a headache and make me cry blood), which not even many native speakers actually care about (not talking about the serious readers and writers and other grammar nerds, lol). Meanwhile, they claim that Finnish and Estonian are some of the most difficult languages to learn. And since I was born to and raised with both, I wouldn't know.

Re: Special talents and skills

Posted: Apr 10th, '17, 19:26
by Kitalpha Hart
Isn't English one of the top ones too?

Re: Special talents and skills

Posted: Apr 10th, '17, 19:28
by -Leo-
I have no idea. But whether it is or isn't, English is still something that many people are used to anyway. Be it through school or the media etc.

Re: Special talents and skills

Posted: Apr 10th, '17, 23:20
by Lunch
I feel like I'm pretty talented at doing cross-stitch which is a type of needlework, like sewing almost! :mchappy: I also think I'm pretty good at playing video games(sometimes, hahah..). And I also think I'm pretty good at coloring, whether it's on the computer or in real life. :mccute: Those are the only talents I can think of right now unless you wanna count sleeping as one, lol! :mclaugh: :mcsquee:

Re: Special talents and skills

Posted: Apr 10th, '17, 23:27
by -Leo-
Oh, I haven't done cross-stitching in years. That's a good one. :)

Re: Special talents and skills

Posted: May 15th, '17, 03:07
by light_sucks
I am freaking amazing at guessing exactly where the plot in movies/ shows/ books/ games are going. Like creepily good. My husband is amazed by my strange skill.

There are only a few times that I have been completely and totally surprised by the ending of something. I still enjoy the stories and stuff. It's just more fun when the random surprises happen.

Re: Special talents and skills

Posted: May 15th, '17, 03:57
by Lycanthus
i guess my special talent is being somewhat average at a bunch of different things generally? i write, i make music, i draw, i do a little game dev... i have my toes dipped in a number of different skillsets.

honestly, i'm not sure if i'd prefer being really good at ONE thing since being somewhat okay at a bunch of them makes doing solo projects a lot easier, ahaha. even if i'm not great at one aspect, at least i can control exactly how i want things to be. the rest of it is just a matter of practice.