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Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....

Posted: May 14th, '13, 00:54
by BabyRodent
heytheregirl17 is a rebel without a gang. She will find someone to warm her up to their gang and accept her as who she is as a person.

Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....

Posted: May 28th, '13, 17:10
by BabyRodent
Meruca is preparing for Christmas early-- as in, extremely early. During a trip to the store for decorations, an employee approached her and showed her where they were. As a result, she gets some of the decorations for a half-price off.

Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....

Posted: Jun 16th, '13, 08:42
by Yukyy
In the midst of spring holidays, when the cherry blossoms were still blooming BabyRodent got asked by her friend if she could help out with advertising a cake store. Unsuspecting BabyRodent accept imagining handing out flyers or something like that. And then... she got stuffed in that extremely embarassing outfit featuring cake decorations and is now about to get on the street like that, calling customers in.

Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....

Posted: Jun 25th, '13, 21:31
by Heine_Ram
"Uh...excuse me," a mans voice said from behind Yukyy's book.
Slightly annoyed to be torn from the pages of a work of art, Yukyy glared at the man.
"Where am I" he asked desperately.
"Oh, just take these and proceed on your way." She handed him a gold goblet and an eagle's feather.
"What's this fo....."
"Don't ask questions. Your answers are down there." She pointed down the cloudy hall with shimmering silver light at the end.
As he past her desk a silver dragon flicked its tongue out at the man, to taste the judgement about to be placed on him. "Well, wether he shall stay here or not, he's past on." Yukyy stamped a scroll with "pass" on the man's records. His name and the life he lived all written down by the passage of time. Being a clerk for making sure the dead arrived on time was all she did, but it had it's perks. She smiled, picked up her book again and waited for the next spirit.

Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....

Posted: Jul 4th, '13, 18:39
by jocat646
Heine_Ram is a lost dark angel on his family's rival's pirate ship. He hears a thump. "Who's there?" It turns out to be the rival family's pet unicorn. They both express their dislike for rivalry amongst the two families, and while Heine_Ram escaped the ship, the two form an everlasting bond.

Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....

Posted: Jul 7th, '13, 04:42
by Heine_Ram
"Come see the show and have some cake!" Jocat stood outside the studio for hours to attract viewers to her show. She was the main star and at her studio she served her own pastrie delights. It brought good business and she was happy doing what she loved. Cooking and acting.

Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....

Posted: Oct 15th, '13, 07:39
by NamaeNoNai
Heine_Ram is a the count of all Dracula count. With a sharp fangs and even sharper mind, he is ready to rule the world with tricks and deceit.

Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....

Posted: Oct 15th, '13, 11:06
by Yura Mizu
NamaeNoNai is the senior occupant of an abandoned mansion, which is now the home to many spirits who are lost in the human world. Although she looks creepy, she is a very nice and helpful person especially towards spirits of little children. Nobody knows what happened to her when death is on her doorstep but they knew her spirit was saved by a man who is the master of the mansion.

Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....

Posted: Oct 15th, '13, 17:20
by Heine_Ram
Comforting the lost and abandoned folklore creatures of Japan, Mizu runs a busy weekend tending to new arrivals. With all the festivities going on around the country, more folklore's keep coming to her aid. They have no one else to turn to when they fall out of their stories. So, Mizu helps them find their home again, but cares for their well being while she does. =v=

Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....

Posted: Oct 15th, '13, 18:39
by Urtalazas
As you get ready to hide in your coffin for the day, you decide to have one last drink. You feel the rich taste of blood, but something seems to be missing.
Suddenly you hear a sound. Light footsteps echo through your empty mansion. You know your dinner has arrived. As she has these past few weeks. You wonder for a second why she keeps coming back, but eventually drop the thought thinking it doesn't matter.
You find her staring at one of your old dusty portraits. She whispers your name and starts to tear up.
The sun is coming and you have to leave her, but you won't forget what you remembered. Your childhood friend will stay on your thoughts even as you sleep.