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Re: Favortie theme song

Posted: Jul 4th, '12, 17:30
by Hiyono
Durarara - Trust Me - Matsushita Yuuya
All Letter Bee theme songs
All Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood theme songs
Yugioh opening themes

Re: Favortie theme song

Posted: Jul 5th, '12, 02:10
by Pwale
Wolf's Rain and Mermaid Saga.

Re: Favortie theme song

Posted: Jul 5th, '12, 02:14
by Star_Dust
I really like Papermoon (the second theme song) from Soul Eater! It's really awesome!

Re: Favortie theme song

Posted: Jul 6th, '12, 05:23
by HanafuruLove
I like so many, it's hard to choooose >////< Some of the best ones I can think of are:

Girl From Byakkoya - Paprika theme
Uragiri no Yuuyake - Durarara's first opening
Snow Faerie - Fairy Tail's first opening
Colors - Code Geass' first opening
Karma - Tale of the Abyss opening
Tsukiakari - Darker Than Black's first ending
Alones - Bleach...opening? Maybe the 7th. Or 8th. I've forgotten.
Your Move - English Yu-Gi-Oh opening. (xD I've had that one permanently burned into my brain ever since they used to play it on TV all the time. Ahhh happy memories....)

Also, because it's just so awesome in it's bizarre little way that it gets it's own paragraph here: ♪ Maru kaite chikyuu, maru kaite chikyuu, maru kaite chikyuu, boku Hetaliaaaaa ♫
Maru Kaite Chikyuu - Hetalia's first opening.

Re: Favortie theme song

Posted: Jul 8th, '12, 02:11
by Forsaken Moon
There are so many to chose from but I will list a few.

Ai no Kusabi OVA theme song
Ai no Kusabi 2011 theme song
Mushishi theme song
Stories - Code Geass
Transparent - Requiem for the Phantom Ending
Karma - Requiem for the Phantom Opening
Princess Mononoke theme song

Re: Favortie theme song

Posted: Jul 11th, '12, 19:41
by mementomori
Right now, my two favorites are probably Merry-Go-Round from Gundam Unicorn and Wana from 00 Gundam. But I'm also really digging Climax Jump from Kamen Rider Den-o, but that's not an anime, so...but I felt like mentioning it. XD

Re: Favortie theme song

Posted: Jul 14th, '12, 03:21
by zangetsugirl
The music from Wolf's Rain is really good, I listen to that when I'm cooking sometimes. "Always" and "Time After Time" from the 5th and 7th Detective Conan movies are particular favorites. "Logos naki World" from Hellsing, "Kuroki Neko" from Black Cat, "Brightdown" from d.Gray-man, "Tsukiakari" from Darker Than Black, "Theme of Gemini" from Kikaider and "Natsu Yuuzora" from Natsume Yuujinchou are some other favorites. I collect anime music, so I could go on all day and not even scratch the surface.

Re: Favortie theme song

Posted: Dec 23rd, '12, 15:13
by Hibari97
It's been so long..
Hello again xD

At the moment there's one song stuck in my head o.o
Core Pride by UVERworld ~ the op of Ao no Exorcist >:3

Re: Favortie theme song

Posted: Dec 24th, '12, 12:01
by XxCrystalxX
I like Death Note openings and endings. And Fullmoon wo Sagashite opening.

Re: Favortie theme song

Posted: Dec 24th, '12, 13:49
by Shadowisper
Durarara!! opening ->
Saiyuki Burial ending ->
Hellsing OST - Bodhisattva of Cathedral ->
Black Lagoon opening >