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Re: AlizzzZone: [Ifrit] [Rococo Revival]

Posted: Sep 2nd, '17, 11:21
by Poshi
I guess overtime it becomes tedious more than fun. For me it's just a habit.

I haven't even heard of goodreads. I do have a discord which I don't use. I only have my boyfriend added on there haha

Re: AlizzzZone: [Ifrit] [Rococo Revival]

Posted: Sep 2nd, '17, 12:22
by AliceON
it's just a social net for reading. you need an account if you want to interact with readers and writers or make your own list of books, but if you're simply looking for reviews of a book, you don't even need an account.

one of my friends left because "it was feeling more like a job to even log in" and I couldn't understand that. but now I think I know what she meant XD it doesn't feel like a job to me but it's a lot of things to keep in mind, you know, log in here, log in there, collect your tokens, check out your knuffel, throw a bomb, try to get digging items before they retire, etc etc. and when it's all on multiple sites, you're like, wow I guess it's a daily responsibility now. do I really want my leisure time to feel like this?

Re: AlizzzZone: [Ifrit] [Rococo Revival]

Posted: Sep 2nd, '17, 12:29
by Poshi
Ah yes, when the games you like start to feel like you're doing daily chores >_>;
I gave up on digging a very long time ago. I just want to collect items now and look after my charity (not that I get much traffic anyway).

Are you setting yourself up for a project, new job or something? I think I quit gaia and tinierme in the last year of highschool and now I'm in my last year (ish) of university. I'm writing a thesis. That should be enough reason to quit but eh ... It's not like I have too many other things for leisure.

Re: AlizzzZone: [Ifrit] [Rococo Revival]

Posted: Sep 2nd, '17, 14:36
by Merrymaking
wulfilalice wrote:I wish I could say
for now, I need to not need to be checking back here. answering your previous question, everything is fine but I want it to be better, and I figured nothing will change if I change nothing. so... I'm trying to act on my priorities and avoid filling my time with avatar forums events and updates. and I think if everyone knows where to find me, I'll be less tempted to log in here to see if there are any posts or messages.
I don't know your situation, but in any situation, I think trying to waste less time on avatar forums is the right decision. It would be for everyone. So I admire you for making this decision and fully support you in it! I wish you all the best, love :qh:

Re: AlizzzZone: [Ifrit] [Rococo Revival]

Posted: Sep 3rd, '17, 22:20
by AliceON
I just want to cope better with what's already going on in my life

thanks for all the support you're giving me, it's very heartwarming! :qh: