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Re: AlizzzZone: [Ifrit] [Rococo Revival]

Posted: Sep 1st, '17, 20:20
by AliceON
turn on some happy music, I'm getting a life! XD

Re: AlizzzZone: [Ifrit] [Rococo Revival]

Posted: Sep 1st, '17, 20:21
by Death Candy
Yes that is true.

Re: AlizzzZone: [Ifrit] [Rococo Revival]

Posted: Sep 1st, '17, 21:40
by memoriam
*golden confetti rain* Woohoo! Alice is getting a life! She's coming back to the living! :mcglee:

Hey, I'm jealous :mcmeh: LOL

Re: AlizzzZone: [Ifrit] [Rococo Revival]

Posted: Sep 1st, '17, 21:48
by AliceON
it's a choice ;P

Re: AlizzzZone: [Ifrit] [Rococo Revival]

Posted: Sep 1st, '17, 22:15
by Death Candy
I'm a single mom and a care provider for my mom. I need to leave the real world sometimes. XD

Re: AlizzzZone: [Ifrit] [Rococo Revival]

Posted: Sep 1st, '17, 23:06
by AliceON
fair enough!
I'm trying to read more, so guess it's a way to not fully get a life too XD

Re: AlizzzZone: [Ifrit] [Rococo Revival]

Posted: Sep 1st, '17, 23:09
by Death Candy
Right now I don't get to read grown up books. I only get to read kiddy books. XD

Re: AlizzzZone: [Ifrit] [Rococo Revival]

Posted: Sep 1st, '17, 23:21
by memoriam
I'm not ready to leave kofk yet, I've only begun being active here o3o" Though I remember the times when I would just grab my troth tokens and fly :mcargh: Now I only do that when I really don't have any time to be online...
Hnnn, I should get a life XD

Oh man, I should read some books as well, because I feel I'm becoming stupid and the vocabulary just leaves my head :mcheh:

Re: AlizzzZone: [Ifrit] [Rococo Revival]

Posted: Sep 1st, '17, 23:26
by AliceON
oooh btw if anyone's on goodreads, you can find me as wulfilalice there too!

part of how I knew I could as well leave is that I stopped caring about missing troth tokens *sigh*

Re: AlizzzZone: [Ifrit] [Rococo Revival]

Posted: Sep 1st, '17, 23:31
by memoriam
no goodreads account. How does it work, do you download anything or what?

Gah, I still care too much then :mcheh: