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 Post subject: Re: So ... you're a Potter. [ KimmiChan1989 & Eruvandir ]
Posted: Sep 7th, '18, 16:50    


Joined: Oct 5th, '17, 01:00
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"You know. We were at Hogwarts remember? The attack on Godric's Hollow? " Julia reminded him gently,"My home was attacked. That's why we had moved." She hoped it wasn't the same man that had gone after them. Because if so, he would be coming for her parents next. He could even come after her. And that idea scared her more than she wanted to admit.

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 Post subject: Re: So ... you're a Potter. [ KimmiChan1989 & Eruvandir ]
Posted: Sep 7th, '18, 16:59    


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Caelum heaved a sigh of relief and took her back into his arms. "I had forgotten … I'm sorry." He expressed with melancholy. "There was too much happening too quickly and I'd forgotten. I shouldn't have." He sighed once again, his thoughts returning to the man who invaded his home. "I still don't know who attacked your family … but now that you've moved, keep your minds open to having it put under Fidelius. Wouldn't want my beloved Potter in any danger." He chuckled before returning to his somber mood. "Might I suggest asking the goblins for help? They know a lot about wards and curses and they're more trustworthy than the Ministry or Wizengamot right now."

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 Post subject: Re: So ... you're a Potter. [ KimmiChan1989 & Eruvandir ]
Posted: Sep 7th, '18, 17:33    


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Julia couldn't hold back a smile and hugged him gently,"I plan to." She said softly,"I hope that it doesnt come to having to use that charm. The only ones over mentioned my new house to are you and our friends here." She kissed his cheek gently,"Whoever that guest is...make sure your careful."

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 Post subject: Re: So ... you're a Potter. [ KimmiChan1989 & Eruvandir ]
Posted: Sep 30th, '18, 09:26    


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(( Still no internet :p ))

"Mmm." Caelum hummed in confirmation before chuckling as a mischievous grin played on his lips. "So, miss Potter, when am I meeting the family?" His eyebrows darted up and down as his eyes were filled with playful anticipation.

"You have to give me time to prepare, of course. I need to win your mother over and make sure that I won't be on the receiving end of your father's exceptional spell-work at the same time."

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 Post subject: Re: So ... you're a Potter. [ KimmiChan1989 & Eruvandir ]
Posted: Nov 14th, '18, 03:49    


Joined: Oct 5th, '17, 01:00
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(Omg I'm sorry! I thought I posted already!)

Julia giggled,"Anytimg you're ready," she said to him, just leaning against him for a while. She looked up at him,"Instead if going home you could just come back with me..." she offered. She really didn't want him to go home...not with that new visitor there... she worried what might happen to him if the visitor got any crazy, awful ideas It made her worry.

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 Post subject: Re: So ... you're a Potter. [ KimmiChan1989 & Eruvandir ]
Posted: Dec 3rd, '18, 16:37    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
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(( I'm sorry for disappearing as well. We had (still have) exams and the days before them were very busy … ))
(( Would you like to skip to the start of seventh year? Perhaps at Kings Cross or at Hogsmeade station? ))

"I'd love to," Caelum apologetically kissed the top of Julia's head before continuing, "but I do have to go home. Father will be waiting for me and I'm sure he's stressed and pulling his hair out over how to get mum back to normal. He needs me there, but I promise I'll be visiting you soon. Next thing you know, we'll be eating waffles at your breakfast table." He smiled at her with gleaming eyes.


Their trip had ended and everyone departed their own ways after reaching the airport. Caelum and Aren had stayed behind with the former planning to use the floo and the latter decided to stay in the villa for a few days more.

Days had passed and a knock was heard on the door of the Potter's new home. It was Dorothea Malfoy Rosier at the door with a youthful, lost, but hopeful light in her eyes holding a letter with an elegant script written on the back, "To Julia".

Dorothea asked if her best friend was living there, while giving the letter to the person who answered the door. "The young Malfoy wanted me to give this. It's quite strange. Who would have known that Corvus had the ability to sire a child?"

    Dear Julia,

    I hope this letter reaches you and that you are well. I apologize but I cannot visit you so I decided to write this letter in my stead. Mother will be coming alone and we have the greatest trust that she will arrive safely, she hasn't forgotten how to hex, after all.

    The days have been cold in the manor, but bearable. Stone walls and marble floors tend to do that. One of the house elves accidentally disabled the warming charm, Merlin knows how he did that, but he did. Everyone's been walking around with warming charms on their clothes while others have been dragging bundles of thick blankets around like old kings walking aged corridors with weary malaise as they wistfully remembered the history of a particular painting.

    The end of summer draws near and I find myself wishing I was beside you by the warm hearth of your - most likely - red and gold living room. Perhaps it would be too warm over there to light a fire in the hearth, but let a shivering boy dream.

    Father has closed off our floo from the network (as he always does when he doesn't expect visitors) so that means I can't speak to you through the floo. He's also warded off any owls from leaving and entering the area so this will be my last letter to you until we return to Hogwarts. Please try not to owl me or your owl will be dying a most excruciating death, or, well, captured by the elves and kept somewhere in the owlery.

    Please send Olivia and Amira my regards.

    With love,

    P.S. Mother is very fond of blueberry pancakes.
    P.P.S. I haven't cut my hair in a while. I wonder, would miss Potter still find me exquisitely handsome?
    P.P.P.S. I am still handsome. There is no doubt about that. Don't you dare doubt that. You know full well in your heart that I will always be flawlessly fetching.

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     Post subject: Re: So ... you're a Potter. [ KimmiChan1989 & Eruvandir ]
    Posted: Dec 3rd, '18, 16:53    


    Joined: Oct 5th, '17, 01:00
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    ((Omg I love his letter to Julia. Gave me some good giggles. I can imagine him smirking as he wrote it. And I can't remember what name I gave Julia's mom x.x))

    Julia hadn't wanted go let Caelum go before they had gone home from the trip. She couldn't help but worry. She had a feeling even before his mother had arrived that he wouldnt hsve been able to join her. She just hoped he would be okay.

    When Julia's mother saw Dorthea, she smiled,"Hello, my dear friend." She said to her after Julia led her in. Julia had updated her on the time Turner and all so she knew to be careful. She showed her around and then took her to one of their spare rooms to get her settled in.

    Julia had read Caeulm's letter once she had gotten back into her room and set it down sadly. She worried so much, her dad had noticed when he came in. He sat with her as she explained why she worried and he had assured her that Caelum could always come there if he needed help. He even offered his father help should he need it, even though he doubted he would ask.

    By the time it was time to go back to Hogwarts, Julia had been anxious to go. It was her final year at Hogwarts and she wondered what would possibly happen this year. She sat in her usual compartment with Amira and Olivia, venting to them her worries after they talked so ok it the rest of their summers.

    Amira patted her baxk,"Dont worry...Caelum is smart. I'm sure he's okay. Olivia nodded in agreement.

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     Post subject: Re: So ... you're a Potter. [ KimmiChan1989 & Eruvandir ]
    Posted: Dec 3rd, '18, 17:19    


    Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
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    (( I checked the front page. Julia's mother's name is Olivia :mclaugh: ))
    (( Also, I copied the way I wrote my first post here, the arrival at King's Cross. I thought it would be … poetic (?) to do so. ))

    Caelum ran a hand through his hair, the freshly cut ends prickling his skin as a few strands got caught between the two rings on his finger. He had given up the thought of freeing his hair from the metal trap and just yanked hard enough to cut the strands and detangled what remained on his hand. Another year at Hogwarts was starting and with a weary sigh filled with relief, he scanned the crowd in front of him.

    His father stood beside him, and arm laid protectively over his shoulder. Their eyes, one pair as green as the killing curse while the other as blue as the northern sea, watched the families scattered around the station and with a reluctant smile, Corvus lifted his hand from his son's shoulder after giving it a tight squeeze. "Go. They're waiting for you, I'm sure." Caelum sent him a look of concern, conveying a message through his eyes. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I survived your mother's tantrums. What could be worse than that?"

    "We both know full well what it is that is worse than mother's tantrums."

    "And we both know that I'll take care of this. Just like I always took care of any of our problems. I am the head of the noble house of Malfoy, Caelum. You have to give me credit for that." He sent his son another reassuring smile before watching him disappear into the red walls of the Hogwarts Express.


    Caelum absentmindedly walked through the aisles of the train that would bring him to his second home and entered the last compartment at the end of the train. His friends would find him soon, he was sure. He looked out of the window, eyes focused on his father who sent him a simple wave to say goodbye before disappearing into the crowd.

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     Post subject: Re: So ... you're a Potter. [ KimmiChan1989 & Eruvandir ]
    Posted: Dec 3rd, '18, 17:25    


    Joined: Oct 5th, '17, 01:00
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    Frank was pulling his trunk along down the corridor when he noticed Caelum looking distracted and a bit worried. He carefully opened the door,"Hey, Caelum." He said to him gently, as not to startle him. He pulled his trunk in, closed the door behind him, and looked at his friend again,"Is everything okay?"

    Julia had been wandering to change into her robes to be done with it when she saw the two in the compartment. She saw the looks on their faces and decided to leave them alone as she had wanted to say hey to them. She changed quickly and slowly made her way back to her own compartment,wondering I'd things were going to change.

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     Post subject: Re: So ... you're a Potter. [ KimmiChan1989 & Eruvandir ]
    Posted: Dec 3rd, '18, 17:32    


    Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
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    "Yeah." Caelum answered as he breathed deeply, regaining his composure. "Everything's alright."


    The sweets trolley stopped by Julia's compartment and the witch in charge of the trolley levitated three sugar quills in front of the girls. "Sugar quills for the three beautiful ladies, as requested." She grinned at them before presenting the sweets on the cart. "Anything catch your interest? We have a new batch of chocolate frogs. These ones are extra jumpy."

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