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Re: Dirty Little Secrets...

Posted: Aug 9th, '20, 06:52
by Bunnei
My husband is a mean drunk i found out recently
I told him i cannot tolerate him drinking anymore

Re: Dirty Little Secrets...

Posted: Oct 17th, '20, 02:53
by AutobotDen
I finally told someone about the "game" that you and I played one time when we were kids.

Re: Dirty Little Secrets...

Posted: Oct 17th, '20, 03:34
by Bramblelegs
i'm burnt out, tired, and really over giving a shit about what people think of me.

Re: Dirty Little Secrets...

Posted: Oct 18th, '20, 17:37
by amalath
Work is wearing me down and I can hardly keep up. People relay on me, but I just cannot do this any more.

Re: Dirty Little Secrets...

Posted: Oct 19th, '20, 22:02
by Axiom
I'm trully lost and can't seem to find what I thrive for. My studies and my job seem pointless and I don't want to work in this field anymore. I hate my coworkers.

Re: Dirty Little Secrets...

Posted: Oct 24th, '20, 12:08
by amalath
I did not enjoy what you did last night.

Re: Dirty Little Secrets...

Posted: Oct 25th, '20, 05:45
by AutobotDen
I plan on airing all y'all's dirty laundry to my therapist. because fuck you.

Re: Dirty Little Secrets...

Posted: Oct 30th, '20, 23:22
by CrystalOwl
My bf's niece and nephew (we live with them) are incredibly spoiled and its annoying. They get tablets or phones and watch youtube for hours after they go to bed. They talk back like theyre adults and its so frustrating. Their parents try but theyre not consistent enough with discipline and end up giving in to them too much. I cant stand it. theyre just huge brats and i do love them it just sucks to see them act this way.

Re: Dirty Little Secrets...

Posted: Oct 31st, '20, 12:01
by Mirika
I've allowed friends of mine to meet with each other and it often feels like they like each other more than they like me, so I get incredibly envious whenever they hang out with each other. I know it's bad, but I can't help the way I feel, and I urge to believe envy is my worst trait (though it's definitely based on my own insecurity).

Re: Dirty Little Secrets...

Posted: Nov 2nd, '20, 09:00
by Luluannabell
Whenever my friends meet my bf, they exchange numbers and start texting him more than me. I hate it. It's such a silly thing to worry about, but I don't feel like I have actual friends anymore. I feel like they've all exchanged me.