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Re: what's the weather like where you are?

Posted: Jun 10th, '23, 03:51
by lunar_eclipse66
I actually live in upstate New York. I'm south of Syracuse. We weren't as bad as NYC though. The sky literally turned orange over there.

Re: what's the weather like where you are?

Posted: Jun 10th, '23, 04:45
by Hotarla
Yeah I saw the images. It was crazyyyy. And I checked the air quality index during that time…..New York had the WORSE air quality at over 300 which is considered hazardous to everyone.

Imagine being over 300 and in the hazardous range.

Re: what's the weather like where you are?

Posted: Jun 10th, '23, 23:11
by lunar_eclipse66
I didn't realize they capped out at 300. We were up to 240 at one point.

Re: what's the weather like where you are?

Posted: Jun 10th, '23, 23:18
by Hotarla
yeah 300 is like.......CRAZY dangerous. i still have the image that i took of the live air quality reports and NYC was ranked number 1 and was over 300 in the hazardous range. it was craaay man. at that point, toronto was ranked 7.

Re: what's the weather like where you are?

Posted: Jun 11th, '23, 03:19
by lunar_eclipse66
The pharmacy I was working at was getting inhaler prescriptions sent to us left and right because the air was so bad.

Re: what's the weather like where you are?

Posted: Jun 11th, '23, 08:18
by Ninja Ai
Does anyone else think the weather is unusual lately? I'm in cali, this same time last year it was 110 and this year it's 70 and raining...either the earth has tilted or global warming is real. :mcheh:

Re: what's the weather like where you are?

Posted: Jun 11th, '23, 10:36
by Shi
It's almost breaking record high and record low IN THE SAME DAY. We're supposed to be tropical here :mcmeh:

Re: what's the weather like where you are?

Posted: Jun 11th, '23, 20:53
by Hotarla
Yeah I’m not surprised, I’m glad I didn’t need an inhaler.
It was a nice day yesterday. The management at our complex was doing some planting project with a bbq after. So I got free food yesterday.

Re: what's the weather like where you are?

Posted: Jun 12th, '23, 17:54
by lunar_eclipse66
The weather has been weird. The entire Northeast of the US and Eastern part of Canada have been super dry,

I'm glad you didn't need an inhaler. I'm not sure how it is in Canada right now, but in the US the most common rescue inhaler medication is on shortage.

Re: what's the weather like where you are?

Posted: Jun 12th, '23, 22:19
by Hotarla
Yeah it was super dry, hence the wildfires. But now we’ve got a few days of rain lol. XD;; so that might help the super dry.

Wow that bad huh? D: