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Re: How's the pandemic treating you?

Posted: Oct 21st, '21, 10:42
by AutobotDen
They started working on the basis for this vaccine back when H1N1 was a thing. It's a different strain of the same virus as COVID 19. So I highly doubt it's rushed.

Flu shots aren't 100% effective either, but people still get them. Choosing to get vaccinated helps protect the people who can't, such as young children, immune-compromised people, and the elderly. Choosing not to means you're basically going "Fuck you" to those groups. So excuse me if I'm a bit short on "tolerance" for people who are so selfish that they'd rather innocent people get sick with something that could potentially kill them than get a vaccine.

With freedom comes responsibility. That responsibility is to help protect the vulnerable, and anti-vaxxers will always be in the wrong for choosing not to do that. Doubly so if they're public servants and/or healthcare workers who willingly choose to not get vaccinated.

So tell me how that's fascism again?

Also, I have no love for my government. I'm one of the people who is getting screwed over by it, because I'm poor and the disability process is so fucking convoluted that there are literally people DYING before they can even get benefits for legitimate health issues.

But I have a feeling that nothing I say will convince you. so I hope you have a good life, and maybe don't be so quick to slap a label on someone you've only had a short convo with over the internet.

Re: How's the pandemic treating you?

Posted: Oct 21st, '21, 12:03
by JosieQ
Speaking of ole H1N1, did you know they recalled that vaccine when it killed only like 4 people? Meanwhile this has killed hundreds (that they admit to, there are actually thousands) but still no recall?

Flu shots aren't 100% effective, they're not effective at all. The flu mutates and they basically guess each year. I've literally never known a single person to get the flu shot who didn't then get the flu right after. So does covid, if it exists. They're already saying the shot is useless and you need boosters, and boosters are useless against Mu and it'll be pills in addition to shots monthly, weekly, forever, and they have a right to your body and what goes in it because fear. And you're saying yes, go them, if the government says so!

But given that they're saying EVERYONE has to get the vaccine, including people who can't take vaccines (such as people with egg allergies, or histories of blood clots which this vaccine massively increases risk of), whom are you protecting exactly? They're saying everyone has to take it, full stop, no exclusions. I am immune-compromised and cannot take vaccines, and my sister died of DVT so I double can't take vaccines, and they're telling me fuck you take it you selfish prick, even as they say the vaccine doesn't protect you from covid. The number dropped from 99% to like 20% effective. So whom are you protecting, again??

Covid doesn't "potentially kill" anyone anymore than the flu does, less in fact, and it'd be equally immoral to mandate a flu vaccine. Or to mandate any vaccine. Even if this were a real pandemic, which it isn't, no one has ANY RIGHT, ever, to tell anyone else what they MUST put in their bodies for the protection of others. You want protection, protect yourself. It is not my responsibility to destroy my life and health to protect you, anymore than it is your responsibility to betray your beliefs and freedoms to protect me. Especially from made-up overblown nonsense. I have a moral objection, health objection, and religious objection to this vaccine. You say screw all that, take it you selfish pig think of the chillllldrennnnn! Tell me how it's selfish that I want to live my life and be left alone and without telling others how to live theirs, but you're selfLESS as you try to force your way on me? Tell me how that's not fascist again?

Don't label you, whaaat? But it's so easy to label you! You're so transparent! You've got that classic double-think going on, it's fantastic, it's what all the super forward-thinking clever people are doing nowadays! "Oh of course I hate the government of course I don't trust it, all politicians lie, we can't trust them, who loves the government nobody!" and then covid happens and, "Well of course we can trust them on this, why would they lie about THIS, what could they possibly hope to gain but absolute control naaaaw they wouldn't we can trust them on this!!"


You're right, nothing you say will convince me. (So far it's only been "UR SELFISH" and "I highly doubt it's rushed" showing you've done zero research, but even if you did and then got better arguments, yes, I would remain unconvinced. I've seen better arguments. They're unconvincing.) Time, however, is proving me right. The numbers of people hurt and killed by the vaccine are only growing.