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 Post subject: Re: used to roleplay a lot, but...
Posted: May 16th, '17, 19:37    


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@Kitalpha Hart

haha, oh man... that's how a good number of my ocs ended up too. the opposite ended up happening for another though- thought he was aro/ace but nope. he is not. i guess in his case he just needed to find the right person, but others are just completely uninterested in romance/physical intimacy.

@Akili Li

aw i know that problem. make one oc, you always end up with at least two or three others that are related to them in some way. i usually do kind of vague ideas for supporting characters until i really need to flesh them out.

world building is so much fun though! i always end up writing notes for worlds i never use. still fun to think about them.


that reminds me of a short story by jorge luis borges? basically, the concept of creating a detailed record of a person/thing/place that doesn't actually exist. it sounds like fun! i would totally do the same thing tbh. actually, i've been thinking of a concept i'd use with that kind of work in mind... still got to think more though.

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 Post subject: Re: used to roleplay a lot, but...
Posted: May 16th, '17, 22:12    


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It is fun! I would highly recommend it. :mchappy: It makes me feel like I'm putting historian training to good use in a weird way, lol.

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 Post subject: Re: used to roleplay a lot, but...
Posted: May 17th, '17, 00:40    

Akili Li

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Oh boy.
You remind me of the time I was trying to DM for a group that included someone who was DETERMINED to get 'treasure!' out of every possible situation. So the group would be trying to find out some obscure bit of info about an ancient curse (it had recently become 'live' again, there was a massive reward to the person who could lift it from the royal family without letting word get out), and they'd visit the home of a scholar, and this one person.... of COURSE.... pick-pocketed the scholar.
Of course.
So I told him he'd scored the rough-draft of a treatise on the history of currency trade between two countries (the one they were in and a neighboring one) prior to the wide-spread implementation of weight/mineral-based currencies after the Dwarf Accords.

And he decides this is actually the best treasure ever and wants me to actually write it for him.
It was good practice anyhow, would make me flesh out the world a little more.

So I do it.

Then he decides it's somehow far more fascinating than the actual storyline (seriously, this is not a person who was showing a lot of intellectual curiosity tendencies. More a "oooh! Shiny!" type. HOW?!) and he wants to change his entire character concept from a 'hoard-the-shinies' thief to an 'explore-the-ruins' historian, and tries to drag the group off on all these side-quests and keeps making me develop more and more of the history of these countries.

And on one hand? Yay! World-building/world-exploring, here's someone who actually appreciates the work you put in.

There was plot, once upon a time.

It was a specific adventure, when we started.

There was a storyline and relevance and suddenly the country can just muddle through however it will, and now it's a sandbox of 'let's see how detailed the DM was with this part, and how much we can make her suddenly have to produce on the spot! Yay!'.

They kept trying to track down these scary immortal/undead monster-style things, and dragons. Not because they wanted to fight them, oh no.
They wanted to interview the lich. About a battle that happened two centuries before they started playing.


Who knows!!

The group ended up dissolving into a biweekly get-together where we all sat there quietly working on our own things, making maps or timelines or whatever, until I moved.

They never did finish the initial adventure.

It was simultaneously the most frustrating thing, and the most gratifying thing.

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 Post subject: Re: used to roleplay a lot, but...
Posted: Oct 16th, '17, 01:19    

Mikael Hart

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Aha, I actually know what about mean about elitist tendencies. If you're a writer who's looking to improve as well as have fun, it's inevitable that you would develop some expectations.

When I first started out, I did't know what was what --the only important things to me were that I wrote coherently and had fun. Nowadays, however, I want my posts to be fluid, descriptive, and engaging. I expect myself to write a character who is likable or relatable to people who read about them*, and I want them to have depth; I desire purpose in my writing. I've also developed a taste for complex plots and world building; it can all get pretty crazy with how much I'm willing to invest in a good story.

(*To clarify, a character doesn't need to be sweet and kind to be likable or relatable. Rather, a good character has good and bad points, but are able to draw the readers and connect to them to some degree.)

That being said, these are things that not everyone desires in writing. Some people just want to have a good time, or to live vicariously through their characters. Some people have the same desires, but our maturity levels (as in life experiences and stage in life) are different, or our view points or writing styles don't mesh well. I feel like the more expectations you have for yourself and your partners, the smaller your RP pool is going to be.


Good grief, here's a rant coming up; just a few points I'd like to touch on:

My take on post length is pretty flexible. I personally prefer two or three paragraphs minimum, about double that for a good post; maybe up to a page or a little over, if I'm in the zone.

When it comes to my partners, though, the length is up to them. I'd like to receive a post I can work with (and that usually means multiple paragraphs). It's heavily appreciated when my partner is able to insert their own ideas without me having to navigate everything and carry the story as well. (I enjoy taking the lead every so often, I really do, but I write with other people so that I can gain alternate perspectives and and experiences that I wouldn't have come up with on my own.)

I'll admit that I sometimes have trouble finding partners because of the way I view characters as well. *facehands* I used to be a moderator for an RP forum ages ago, and one of my main jobs was to look over character applications and approve them. After that experience, along with many, many role-plays, I've started to feel indifferent or uninterested in a majority of OCs. *facehands* Sometimes it feels like if you've seen 'em once, you've seen 'em all.

I don't have much of a problem role-playing with someone regardless of this, but unless a character really stands out to me I'm not interested in developing a romantic relationship from it. (Unsurprisingly, romance is often the goal of many-a-roleplays, so you can see how this wouldn't work out with a number of RPers.)

I'm pretty fickle when it comes to romantic RPs, since I tend to both write and look for characters whose personal goals are greater than just finding a boyfriend/girlfriend, and whose identities are complex.

I like characters who are heavily flawed, but unless they are able to gain my respects and potentially contribute to a healthy relationship, I'm not interested in it. I've had my OCs baby-sit and coddle their romantic prospects too many times for it to be appealing to me, and what I generally look for in romantic RPs is a relationship where they can view one another as equals.

(...Even so, my OCs don't always agree with me. Our tastes often overlap, but sometimes run different, so if they insist on something different, I usually go with it. *lies down*)


What are your best/worst experiences?

Most of my best experiences comes from when I'm actually able to connect with my RP partners. It's important to have a good rapport with them, and even better if you're friends.

I mentioned about being an RP mod before (and boy, looking back, it was a real WIP for me); back in those days, I had a tight-knit group of RP buddies (many who also worked alongside me as mods). We would have and joke and mess around with our OCs; it was just so much fun and the number of characters in that group made it possible for us our characters to develop a broad social circle with complex relationships. It was so much fun because both people and their OCs were able to mess with each other.

I've also had some pretty good experiences in one-on-one RPs. There was one I did with my friend, Robot, that was largely script-based and humorous. It was all about the antics of these college kids, and although many of the scenarios were absurd, we got a lot of good stuff out of it.

I also wrote with another friend, Kalin, and surprised her by snail-mailing her a letter my character supposedly sent hers. It was really great how much she enjoyed it.

Then there was the last group I was currently active in; that was a lot of fun. My character always got caught up in one mess or another, and often dragged or was dragged into things by his friends, but boy, it was so fun and creative to write.

Oddly, RPs I enjoyed most were script-based (because you could develop the relationship and go through scenarios at a quicker pace), but the posts I'm most proud of are multi-paragraph ones. I still have to work out quite a bit with the latter, since I often struggle with my writing. *facehands* I'm too much of a perfectionist sometimes, and it really ends up boxing me.

Er, as for worst experience... uh. I encountered a bully (role-player, not character) in a group before, and wow, yikes. She and her partner didn't like me much because I had some con-crit about her OC. I was polite, but... *shrugs* That's drama, dude; what're you gonna do?

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