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Re: Special talents and skills

Posted: Apr 10th, '17, 15:01
by -Leo-
I find my own language somewhat limited when it comes to storytelling. Song lyrics and such are one thing, but actual stories seem to be somewhat lacking, even the books that I read sometimes.

As for grammar: practice, practice and more practice. The first story (still ongoing fanfiction) I shared online, back then I thought my English was good enough to write, but looking back... I was still pretty bad at it. It's a miracle I got so many readers that early on, because truly, I wouldn't read the story from back then. I still kind of regret I never thought about keeping the first version of the first chapter, so I could compare it to the one now... Oh well.

If you want, I can share you my list of writer's pet peeves (it's up on my blog, so it'll just be a link I would have to share), which also works as a reminder to myself, what things to look out for, so I won't make the same mistakes. Some are personal preferences, but others are general things to remember.

Re: Special talents and skills

Posted: Apr 10th, '17, 15:09
by Miky90
That would be very nice of you, thank you!

Re: Special talents and skills

Posted: Apr 10th, '17, 15:12
by -Leo-
I sent it to you via PM. :) Not so much because I mind sharing it here, but just because, lol. Now, there are also some behavior pet peeves, but you can just scroll past them, lol.

Re: Special talents and skills

Posted: Apr 10th, '17, 15:24
by Miky90
Thank you very much. I will take my time and read them when I'll get home. Almost leaving hour at work and I'm starting to get agitated :mcargh:

Re: Special talents and skills

Posted: Apr 10th, '17, 15:30
by Kitalpha Hart
Having someone whose native tongue is the one you're writing in could help you catch things you'd otherwise miss, from not being yours. Even moreso if you learned it when older

Re: Special talents and skills

Posted: Apr 10th, '17, 15:33
by Poshi
My talent is that I don't have a talent. I am mediocre at everything.
I'm very good at breaking most things though xD It could be called a talent itself.

Re: Special talents and skills

Posted: Apr 10th, '17, 15:36
by -Leo-
Yeah, it's a long one since I keep adding to it now and then. It actually helps feeling less peeved about things by writing them down. Just like it helps having them there as a reminder for myself also.

Take a deep breath, count to ten, and keep going. I don't know about others, but I can't deal with stress. So I need to literally stop everything for a moment (even if it's few seconds) and then keep going.

One good thing I've noticed is that because English isn't my native language, I work actually so much harder than many of those whose native language it is. It really makes you think, like how carelessly we sometimes treat the language we grew up with.

Aw. I'm sure there is something, you just haven't found it yet. :P Or it's something you take for granted, until you find out it's actually something special. But yeah... I know all about the breaking things...

Re: Special talents and skills

Posted: Apr 10th, '17, 15:55
by Kitalpha Hart
And yet it's still complicated as all fuck

Re: Special talents and skills

Posted: Apr 10th, '17, 15:56
by -Leo-
What's complicated? The language we grew up with or learned later?

Re: Special talents and skills

Posted: Apr 10th, '17, 18:08
by Kitalpha Hart

It beats up other languages in dark alleyways and then rifles through their pockets for loose grammar