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What would your power class be?
Acca (Offensive)  19%  [ 12 ]
Iuu (Defensive)  20%  [ 13 ]
Laicu (Trickery)  38%  [ 24 ]
Paoluc (Misc)  23%  [ 15 ]
Total votes : 64
 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: May 28th, '16, 12:26    


Joined: Feb 26th, '14, 19:42
Posts: 601
Hugs: 23322
Mood: Wind Fairy Top! <3
Aivio perched back down on her favourite log, propping her shield and sword besides her feet. She took a second to look at the smile on Melyna's face. It seemed like it was the first time in a while in which she was so relaxed. Aivio thought to herself for a few seconds before inviting her to sit. Aivio's emotions calmed as she saw the hesitation on her face. Perhaps Melyna has yearned to talk about this subject, but she has just never found anyone she could trust. Aivio wanted to make it her task for her new friend to feel comfortable around her, and hopefully she could make her feel a little less troubled.
"Those children don't know what they're missing out on, but I do agree... without the creatures roaming around this place would be absolute perfection" Aivio sighed, she wanted to understand the importance of this place and what it meant to her.
This was the first place where Aivio became a mercenary, and possibly in the future, this could become the place that she would retreat to when she wants a reminder to know where she started. This may have be how Melyna feels but for a strange reason, there seems to be a much deeper connection.

"A CENTURY???" Aivio scrambled around the log, her leg knocking over her shield causing a huge clash. A flock of birds over-head retreated to another nearby tree that could be seen in the distance. "Does that mean your immortal? I mean you could be a mortal but then your skin would be all saggy and wrinkly by now... wouldn't it?" Aivio eyes beaded at the girl as she couldn't control her excitement, the only century old immortals she has ever spoken to is her war segment captain and that was on just one occasion. "I've spoken to immortals before of course..." She spoke as she lowered her voice and straightened up her shield; "But doesn't it seem magnificent that immortals can live to be so old and still look so young... And that means you have a power!" Aivio quickly paused, realizing that she blabbered about a hundred sentences in a second, suddenly realizing how loud she had been when talking about powers. "But people don't really talk about powers do they, so you keep that a secret if you must... but once I heard a traveler in town manage to burp fire, how cool would that be?"

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 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Jun 1st, '16, 16:08    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
Posts: 7506
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Mood: Elusive Crumpet

Sitting next to Aivio and talking about her past in this casual manner relaxed Melyna and helped her calm down after the excitement of the attacking beast.
She even subconsciously reached for her stitching work and continued her leaf patterns again, relaxing her even further.
She had always preferred working undisturbed and alone, but having company to talk to like this was definitely a nice change.
And Aivio seemed to understand Melyna's love for this place quite well, even without knowing that much about her. She sensed a shared feeling of ease and comfort between them that Melyna had always felt was radiated from the old oak.

Melyna hadn't anticipated the surprise her age was to Aivio, but then again, maybe she should have. She herself had come to understand her own immortality before she really had time to meet many others and before they would have talked to her about these matters seriously, but for many mortals this was a very big thing.
She smiled at Aivio's excitement and tried to calmly answer her questions as best as she could.
"Yes, I am immortal. Else I would need some pretty awesome youth potions I suppose." She grinned. "I don't think those exist. I am in fact 113 years old, so not that much more than a century. Saying I have been away for a century might have made me sound older than I truly am, I am sorry about that." She might have given Aivio a greater shock than necessary with that phrasing. That had not been her intention, it had just sounded so good in her head.
"And yes, I agree, it is truly magnificent, we are very lucky to stay in such good physical conditions for the most part." Aivio might not have been quite as amazed at her youth if she had known what her natural body was stuck at. But she never wore her natural body anymore, her mind had outgrown it and she was glad that her power allowed her to not linger in it.
She was relieved that Aivio didn't press her about her power. She still felt a need to explain herself a little nonetheless.
"Burping fire sure sounds useful! From my experience with Immortals I have met in the past, it depends very much on the person and their power how open they are about it. Some will outright tell you, but generally those have a power that they can put to good use for the community so nobody would think less of them for it." She paused a bit, unsure of what to say. She did not want to unsettle the girl by making vague mentions of her power.
"My power is not that useful and I have had bad experiences with people knowing about it, so I prefer to keep it to myself. It is nothing harmful though, don't worry."
It seemed to be very irritating to people that they could not judge her deeds from her wings and many had chosen to stay away from her because of it. It was very hard to earn someones trust once they knew, so she had decided to hide her true self to be more compatible with society long ago. If you could even call it a decision, seeing she had not known she was capable of actually achieving it before she made it.
She smiled a reassuring smile and tried to steer the conversation to safer grounds again.
"But what about you? Have you always lived in this town?"

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Most urgent wishes currently:

Ehlenia Eyes (Aqua), Eyrion Fan (Claret), Jiniri Hair (Mocha), Lunar Night Banshee Hair (Blue White), Bat Momma Eyes (Ecru)

Check out jacobgrey's awesome interactive Harry Potter Fanfiction thread!

I'm on Flight Rising and Tattered Weave as well- feel free to friend me!

 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Jun 4th, '16, 18:45    


Joined: Feb 26th, '14, 19:42
Posts: 601
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Mood: Wind Fairy Top! <3
Aivio carefully gazed at Melyna's hands as she one by one poked her needle into the material. She'd tried sewing once before but she didn't have the patience to continue the hobby, she couldn't help but admit that it was incredibly fun to watch. She noted how effortless she made it seem, quickly following her pattern and within seconds she could already tell this would be a masterpiece.

Her full concentration drifted from Melyna's words as she looked back at her watch, there was only 10 minutes left of her shift and the thought of free dinner was quickly overtaking the background sound of her new friends voice.

Suddenly the mention of the word 'century' clicked back into Aivio's ears and sparked her attention. Her head tilted in question, she's been so caught up in Melyna's story, work and the thought of dinner that she realised that she'd forgotten to mention her own immortality. Her mind kept rattling but she couldn't put a finger on it... slowly the feeling in her gut started to not feel right. Up until now she never realised the pros and the cons of being immortal. 'Sure I'd be smoking hot and young and I'd be healthy for over one hundred years, but that's a long time if you think about it. A century... you'd had to have great great great great grandchildren by then. Okay maybe not that much, but what if they aren't immortal and they die before you die, and your lover dies before you die, and in the end you can't die. I'm never going to die. Oh my savior I'm never going to die'.
Her thoughts definitely shown in her emotion, her face became flustered and her palms became sweaty, her cheeks going as bright red as a squished tomato.

"Hahahaha, burping fire" She tried to regain her posture by looking away from the girl, taking deeper breaths to calm her self down. She took one last sigh and turned back to Melyna as she continued to speak.
"I believe that it's possible for all powers are useful in some way or another" . She managed to push her voice down to her normal tone, her skin returning to her original complexion. She twiddled her thumbs for a moment, she realised how out of the blue the last thought outburst could have been. "Before here I lived in a neighboring town, very similar to this one in fact. I used to live with my Mother but after being given my first mission I moved out here as the base is easier to reach from the town center. I'd say I've been here for 5 years now, but after I get my new rank I'd most likely be sent somewhere else... Which is fine, I love to travel!". She finally stood up from the log, propping her shield back onto her leg plate, followed by her sword dropping back into it's scabbard.
"Well that's the shift over, I must say it's been one of the quickest mornings I've ever had to do".

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 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Jul 7th, '16, 15:51    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
Posts: 7506
Hugs: 112810
Mood: Elusive Crumpet
[[I am teribly sorry for neglecting this for so long. I felt quite stressed out by real life and that blocked my creativity. Still, I should have tried to at least get a short answer and an explanation out. Sorry!]]

Her attempt at being reassuring seemed to have not gone so well, seeing how Aivio's face went bright red at the talk of immortality and its implications. Maybe joking about it had not been the best approach. Melyna wondered why the young woman appeared to be this affected by the topic and gave her a curious glance, but when Aivio looked away in an attempt to hide her emotions she decided not to ask about it and give her a moment to calm down instead.
Aivio's sudden declaration about the usefullness of all powers made her smile. Many people would have taken this as the naive optimism of a youngster, but Melyna had needed quite some time in her adult life to reach that same conclusion and it made her happy to hear that Aivio had such a positive outlook already. She wanted to say something and agree with her, but that might bring up the question of her own power again, so she kept silent about it. That was a discussion for another day, maybe.
Hearing Aivio talk about leaving the town again gave her a prick of sadness. It was a familiar feeling, people leaving her life, but it always hurt a little. She shouldn't already feel so attached to the girl, but she genuinely liked her and wanted to know her better, even though she knew that it would make the day she did leave for her next job a lot more painful.
Melyna pushed the thought aside and smiled at Aivio anyway. "5 years is quite a while already. Do you get to visit your mother or is it too far and your schedule too tight? She must be very proud of you going out into the world to do your duty!" She quickly gathered her sewing supplies into the basket she had brought them in and stood up as well. "Well, it was a very pleasant morning for me as well, if I ignore the fact that I could have been attacked by a beast before you were there." Grinning, she picked up her basket and turned towards the town. "May I lead you to my table then, or do you need to report in somewhere now?"

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My personal Quest thread:

And my buying thread!

My crafty hangout thread, where I talk about my sewing and crocheting projects and would love to hear about any kind of projects you do (or just come chat, that's fine too!):
Most urgent wishes currently:

Ehlenia Eyes (Aqua), Eyrion Fan (Claret), Jiniri Hair (Mocha), Lunar Night Banshee Hair (Blue White), Bat Momma Eyes (Ecru)

Check out jacobgrey's awesome interactive Harry Potter Fanfiction thread!

I'm on Flight Rising and Tattered Weave as well- feel free to friend me!

 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Aug 8th, '16, 15:33    


Joined: Aug 2nd, '16, 11:50
Posts: 8
Hugs: 248
[[Hello! I very much like the environment you've created here, I'd love to participate! I have a few questions first before creating my profile though:

1) Is there a limit in how many characters one person may play? I'm not planning an army here, obviously, but I can imagine in the long run around three or four characters I'd enjoy playing (other than the random one offish bystander).

2) How rare are immortals in the world? Would every small village have at least one birth? 1 in 100? 1 in 1000?

3) Is the world densely populated? What's the level of technology?

4) I'm guessing wing morphology varies? What about number and placement? Also, and I guess this is kind of a silly brainfart of mine, but the wings allow flight, correct xD?

5) Would an involuntary sin darken the wings? Like, for instance, taking something that isn't yours by mistake, injuring someone by accident, or even, in the most extreme case, powers going berserk and accidentally killing someone.

Thank you for your time ^^!]]

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 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Aug 19th, '16, 15:13    


Joined: Feb 26th, '14, 19:42
Posts: 601
Hugs: 23322
Mood: Wind Fairy Top! <3
[[ Chrizine:
Oh my goodness I forgot about this, not to worry! This time of year just gets a bit hectic so I don't blame you for the slow pace, as long as you're looking after yourself!

Hello! Thank you, it's nice to have you here.
1) Nope, there's no limit. I'm planning to have myself play a general helper as a shop keeper etc so go nuts with the characters :mccute:

2) I would say they're in the middle of uncommon and rare, 1 in 5000? Some immortals stick together as they age so that when they lose mortal loved ones they have a place to go to etc.

3) Hothomia is considerably small compared to other planets. Roughly the same size of Mars (6.700km compared to Earth that's 12,000km). It's meant to show how quick trade and travel is compared to if it was on a planet our size. The population would be approximately 2.5 billion. Technology is very advanced, however the visuals wouldn't appear that way. The kingdoms are made from stone but villages and outskirts are mainly wooden and stone, and are built around nature. They have progressed enough for space travel and flying cars however they do not have a desire to use them. Most technology is used for agriculture, science and medicine.

4) Wings can be any shape or size however many are in the form of what are known for faeries and pixies, not many have been seen with angel or devil/bat shapes etc and everyone can fly woo!

5) Yes, however depending on the circumstance it might not be noticeable. The first instance would most likely not be visible, if it was a cut of a graze that would also not be noticeable, but if it was an accidental stab wound or death that would show.

Once again sorry for the late reply, I completely forgot about this :mcargh: ]]

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 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Aug 19th, '16, 15:35    


Joined: Feb 26th, '14, 19:42
Posts: 601
Hugs: 23322
Mood: Wind Fairy Top! <3
Aivio examined the change in Melyna's emotion, she was definitely intrigued by this woman and knows that she must have been through much. She had a contagious smile... it was cute. It just appeared that she didn't do this much.
Once again Aivio rubbed her head, she still felt a bit awkward after her sudden outburst, looking up she saw the change in emotion as she mentioned leaving the town. "Oh nonono, it's not like I don't come back or something". She just realised that she may have said that too dramatically, imagining herself as if she was fighting against a massive dragon that could kill her with one bite.
She giggled as she started moving down the path, she needed to control her imagination at times, it's fine when she's not around people but it could give people the wrong motive. She looked at the scenery as she walked, the sun much higher than it was two hours ago. She loved this time of day, the birds were getting livelier and the sound from the village could be heard from the path, the day was finally beginning. She suddenly realised that she didn't finish off her statement, looking at the questioning mark on Melyna's face.
"I mean, they're only small missions so I can easily come back here whenever I want. I get at least 3 weeks leave per year so I use two to visit my Ma and the other to go on vacation, even then I usually bring her with me. She bakes these amazing pies, they have cherries in and sometimes she'll do them whole so you'll bite into it and they'll just pop. I hope she's proud, sometimes I wonder if she gets a little lonely, I know she has the dogs and such but I hope she still goes out, I think I'm going to give her a call today, maybe I can even get her to come up here for a few days".
Aivio smiled at the thought of being able to see her mom, even if it was a short time, at least she thinks she'll be able to. Her mom mentioned saving up to be able to go on holiday this year, maybe she'll use the money to come visit her in the town instead.
"I'm glad you enjoyed my company! I don't need to report until a fellow member has finished their shift, so I have a few hours to spare, please lead the way!"

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 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Sep 6th, '16, 23:48    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
Posts: 242
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Website: http://www.squareaquarium.com
Location: England
(( Hey, I'd love you join if this is still going c: ))
Name - Cass

Age - 40 (appearance: 22)

Birthday - 27th October

Class - Immortal

Clan - Laicu (not really sure on this??)

Power - Tracking Eye
(Once he has spotted some-one/ something he is able to track it no matter where it goes, unless it manages to get more than 1.5 miles away from where he last had direct eye contact with it, then he loses the trail. This ability to track things with his eyes/ feel their location also makes him a crack shot with a bow and arrow or, his preferred weapon, throwing knives.)

Job - Entertainer/ hunter

Appearance -
(He's the one with the pink/ blue outfit - the only doll maker I could find that I liked was this couple maker one, so I decided to just make up a version of his dead brother next to him xP )
Cass is quite flamboyant, he likes to wear bright outfits with lots of embellishments. He has a special fondness for his pink long-coat, a well-worn and clearly loved garment with multiple patches and carefully made repairs holding it together.
He spends much of his time travelling, never settling in one place for too long and as such the sun has dyed his skin a healthy dark tan, making his other lighter features - pale blond hair and bright blue eyes - stand out to an almost dazzling extent.
His wings are a dusty cream, constantly a little dimmed from their full brightness due to his penchant for pulling pranks and causing mischief.
(Also, note his wings are more fairy like than in the linked picture, that particular doll-maker only has angelic wings P: )

Personality -
Cass is a man of contradictions. He is charming and makes friends easily, but travels alone and can leave said friends without even saying goodbye. He's a ladies man who finds fun in teasing and flirting with attractive women, but has never been in love and never lets anyone get too close. He's a prankster, mischievous to the core, and his joyous nature is infectious, but when his mood changes he becomes withdrawn and seeks solitude.
(( Hope this is ok, lemme know if I need to change anything c: ))

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▃▅▆ The Inbetween ▆▅▃
A walk-in role-play hangout - please come and join C:

 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Sep 7th, '16, 23:44    


Joined: Feb 26th, '14, 19:42
Posts: 601
Hugs: 23322
Mood: Wind Fairy Top! <3
[[Hello there! It's still going, just quite slowly since it's these few months have a busy time for everyone haha.

I love your character, he reminds me of Rudy from Log Horizon for some reason haha. I can feel that it'll be funny when he's introduced, you can it do whenever you like it'll work, our characters are walking to the town right now so we could bump into you straight away if you wish. It's a very creative idea for a power too, I'd agree with putting him in Laicu.

Look forward to progressing the story with you! :mccute: ]]

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 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Sep 8th, '16, 01:11    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
Posts: 242
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Website: http://www.squareaquarium.com
Location: England
(( Haha, thanks C:
I've not watched any log horizon, but my bf who has agrees xD

Yeah, I was thinking of having him in the town center putting on a performance to introduce him into the story - I'll write up the intro tomorrow and then I'll just wait for you guys to get into the town c: ))

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▃▅▆ The Inbetween ▆▅▃
A walk-in role-play hangout - please come and join C:

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