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Re: Sudden Burst of Knuffel Levels?

Posted: Apr 29th, '16, 03:41
by Sunlight
My 사랑 just leveled up three times after digging.

And while on the individual pages have updated the username changes, it seems the badges still display old usernames.

Re: Sudden Burst of Knuffel Levels?

Posted: May 2nd, '16, 10:45
by Ziaheart
I think my Reza is also glitched. I haven't leveled her in a while but her experience point seems way higher than it should be.

I made a separate post because I wanted to make sure this was seen.

Re: Sudden Burst of Knuffel Levels?

Posted: May 4th, '16, 04:17
by Sunlight
Sunlight wrote: My 사랑 just leveled up three times after digging.

And while on the individual pages have updated the username changes, it seems the badges still display old usernames.
She leveled up four times just now. I think I'll stop touching her.

I'm also taking her link off from my posts since I don't want other users touching her, either... see if she still keeps getting exp despite me not touching her for a few days.

Re: Sudden Burst of Knuffel Levels?

Posted: May 5th, '16, 00:28
by TinaX
Hey, just don't scare if it happens to any of your babies ... it's an known issue/bug.

I already stopped posting bout that some times ago, cause it almost always happens when i adopt 1 or 2 new ones.

As long as it isn't fixed, just see it as a lil bonus boost. :qsml:

You (and i) haven't done anything wrong, so untill the lil bug is found, everything should be fine :qsml:

Re: Sudden Burst of Knuffel Levels?

Posted: May 5th, '16, 03:48
by Sunlight
Thank you, but I don't want to take advantage of a bug.

Re: Sudden Burst of Knuffel Levels?

Posted: May 6th, '16, 10:00
by Sunlight
After not touching it not leading to weird increases in exp, I decided to touch it again and take a close look at its levels. Feeding and playing gives her normal exp levels. However, digging, well...

I started at 31232 exp and then dug 6 times. I found material 5 out of 6 times and was given 20, 18,19,20 and 20 exp, plus 1 for the time she failed to dig up anything. This should bring her exp to 31330 exp by my calculations but she is now at 31470 exp. It seems Candy Island is the culprit here.

Re: Sudden Burst of Knuffel Levels?

Posted: May 6th, '16, 15:49
by Errisa
That's a good theory but my knuffels that got levels crazy than others I dont dig with (they dont even have apples/cupcakes).

edit: btw talking about her:

I had problems with her forever. I even rebought her and same thing. I kinda leave her to level on her own...

Re: Sudden Burst of Knuffel Levels?

Posted: May 6th, '16, 23:04
by TinaX
I also don't think it has to do with candy island, cause mine even level up when i don't dig with them that day.
Oh and for some reason one of my *boosted* babies suddenly stopped, but on the other hand i already had 2 or 3 that kept levelling up like crazy till they reached 100...still kinda weird

Re: Sudden Burst of Knuffel Levels?

Posted: May 7th, '16, 00:27
by Sunlight
*headdesk* back to the drawing board, then.

Re: Sudden Burst of Knuffel Levels?

Posted: May 7th, '16, 02:12
by TinaX
btw: there are also theories with Lava lamps, Daycare and even the codes, but none of them could be confirmed by now i still would suggest to call Scully & Mulder :qw: :qw: