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Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Jan 26th, '14, 05:52
by Ziaheart
This book was definitely better on the second run-through. But the fact that I'm also not a native speaker of English might also contribute to it. For one thing, my English got better; and for another, I am more aware of racial struggles that occurred. I do recommend that you read it again. Perhaps after reading something else to cleanse your palate, but definitely come back. You'll notice so much more layers of issues.

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Jan 27th, '14, 00:19
by Strawberry
I also got more aware of racial struggles that occured reading the book, and I improved my English, as well. I haven't really thought of reading the book again (I don't usually read books more than one time), but maybe I should read this one a second time?

Thank you for your thoughts on this! :mchappy:

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Jan 28th, '14, 05:13
by luvloveless
I haven't read that book in a very long time.

Maybe if you watch the movie before you do a re-read it will help sort out the characters a bit. When I was in school after we finished the book we watched the movie. It did help clarify some elements of the plot.

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Jan 28th, '14, 08:23
by Strawberry
That's a good idea! :mchappy:

I had a hard time keeping the characters from each other in my head as I read the book, but watching the movie might help quite a bit.

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Jan 29th, '14, 02:21
by Ziaheart
Heehee... Perhaps it's just me but I'm a huge rereader. I mean, I don't reread a book right after I finished reading it, but I like going back to a book after a while to see how much I remember and if knowing how it ends sheds a new light to how I view certain events and interactions. It's nice to see what kind of information I missed the first time around and see all the foreshadowing for what they are.

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Jan 29th, '14, 18:53
by Strawberry
That's interesting. :mchappy:

Maybe it's kind of the same thing with movies? Watching a movie several times often makes me think of new things that I didn't think of other times watching it. I haven't reread many books, though. I should do that in the summer, or some other time when I have much time to do so. :mclaugh:

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Mar 1st, '16, 11:36
by Nagisa Furukawa
the author published the second one before she died recently if anyone is interested its called Go set a Watchman

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Mar 14th, '16, 18:43
by Sanssouci
My favorite book. I haven't read Go Set a Watchman yet though. I don't usually read books as soon as they come out; I like to wait a little while so that there's fewer people in line for a book at the library.

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Mar 15th, '16, 01:33
by Akili Li
Sanssouci wrote:My favorite book. I haven't read Go Set a Watchman yet though. I don't usually read books as soon as they come out; I like to wait a little while so that there's fewer people in line for a book at the library.
Be aware when you do go to read it that she actually wrote the book *before* "To Kill A Mockingbird", that there is huge controversy over whether it being published is actually elder abuse or not, and that rather than being a sequel it was more of a prequel or even possibly a first draft, despite being chronologically later in setting.
Personally I'm not sure I'm going to read it at all...

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Nov 5th, '16, 01:41
by ArmyAunt
I read To Kill a Mockingbird some 30+ years ago. I really enjoyed it -- more than I thought I would. I'm not sure if I'm going to read Go Set a Watchman.