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Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Mar 7th, '24, 02:54
by Demonskid
DK needs them o3o

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Mar 7th, '24, 02:59
by Hotarla
tbh, i might benefit from schedules. problem is, i might make them then never follow them. lol

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Mar 7th, '24, 03:23
by Demonskid
That's my problem.. =w=
I need to stick to the schedules more... x'D

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Mar 7th, '24, 03:40
by Hotarla
just now, i was staring at my FR pages and trying to remember what i was trying/going to do. 8u i was like "oh i need to do thissss" and then i go to the page.......and then forget what i was going to do. i'm just staring, confused. xD;;

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Mar 7th, '24, 18:56
by Demonskid
I hate it when that happens >A< -pets hotarla-

I do that with my playstation, with going to the kitchen..

The other day I had a hot pocket in the microwave.. went out to get it, forgot what I went out there to get and decided to mess with my fish tank instead.... then I remembered my hot pocket.. x'D my hands were all wet with fishtank water.

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Mar 8th, '24, 00:08
by Hotarla
yeah like whoosh, i just forget and i'm lost and just staring into the distance. like.......what was i doing? what was i going to do? XD;;

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Mar 8th, '24, 01:40
by Demonskid
With my ADD my brain quickly finds something else to do, so I'm not standing there questioning myself for long.

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Mar 8th, '24, 01:50
by Hotarla
Which reminds me now, gotta do some coli bc there’s new event pets. Ugh.

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Mar 8th, '24, 01:59
by Demonskid
o3o new pets?
I was on earlier and didn't see anything...

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Mar 8th, '24, 02:50
by Hotarla
yeah new familiars. the buggos. im pretty sure they're new? unless they were new last year and i just never noticed lol. it does say in the announcement that the new bug fams are new. xD