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Re: Buying for ART! Unlimited funs! Now more Characters!

Posted: Aug 5th, '18, 02:29
by Rosamond
Yeah, that is too bad.

Well if no one responds you and your husband could celebrate with eating some sea salt ice cream. More for you both. :mccute:

Re: Buying for ART! Unlimited funs! Now more Characters!

Posted: Aug 5th, '18, 04:12
by AlkseeyaKC
I just checked it, Not one person voted on it. XD Not even my hubby. XD

It's OK. Chris and I will have our own party.

Re: Buying for ART! Unlimited funs! Now more Characters!

Posted: Aug 5th, '18, 05:23
by Rosamond
Oh man. XD;

Yeah! Have fun with it. :mcgrin:

Re: Buying for ART! Unlimited funs! Now more Characters!

Posted: Aug 12th, '18, 09:49
by StardustSea
Hello! May I draw a bust shot of Zedof? He seems like a fun character to draw!
Though I can also do Jake, Chiyo, Thrasher or Nihyo if you want!
Sorry if I'm awkward by the way, I've never really done something like this before, hahah.
Here's some of my work so you can judge if you want something from me or not!: 1 2 3 4

Re: Buying for ART! Unlimited funs! Now more Characters!

Posted: Aug 12th, '18, 16:07
by AlkseeyaKC
Hello Stardust Sea! Go ahead and draw Zedof! Have fun with him! :mchappy:

How much food do you want for the art? Or are you leaving that up to me?

Re: Buying for ART! Unlimited funs! Now more Characters!

Posted: Aug 13th, '18, 01:55
by StardustSea
Alright! I'll get started right away.
I'll leave the price up to you, I'm not very familiar with FP yet.

EDIT: I said bust shot, but it ended up being more of a medium shot, down to his torso at least, hopefully that's okay too!

EDIT #2: Many hours later, I am done! Here it is!: Click!
I hope you like it! :qh:
Is it okay if I post it in my own art thread on here, by the way?

Re: Buying for ART! Unlimited funs! Now more Characters!

Posted: Aug 13th, '18, 17:52
by AlkseeyaKC
Gah! I didn't realize you edited your posts! XD OMG I love it!! Zedof so cute! X3

I'll send a trade soon!
Will you consider drawing Jake next? and yes you can post the art where you want. =3

I also updated the main post with new arts!

Also added the Kigndom Hearts reffs! I'll still be looking for my OCs the most.

Re: Buying for ART! Unlimited funs! Now more Characters!

Posted: Aug 13th, '18, 18:06
by StardustSea
Thank you so much, I'm glad you like it! I'll get started on Jake tomorrow, I'm sure he'll be fun too!
I'm gonna think about what pose to give him in the meantime, hahahah. :mclaugh:

Re: Buying for ART! Unlimited funs! Now more Characters!

Posted: Aug 13th, '18, 19:05
by AlkseeyaKC
Sweeet!! I can't wait to see what you do!

Re: Buying for ART! Unlimited funs! Now more Characters!

Posted: Aug 14th, '18, 19:14
by StardustSea
I'm done!: Click!
I hope you like it!