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Re: Do you need to vent?

Posted: Nov 1st, '23, 06:33
by Rehgai
My dog has been resource guarding and I am nervous he is getting old.

Re: Do you need to vent?

Posted: Nov 8th, '23, 02:44
by AutobotDen
So, Dad was admitted to the hospital up in Omaha today, because of an infection in one of the bones of his left foot. He will likely be losing more toes because of complications from a combination of diabetes and him continuing to smoke cigarettes. I went with him and Mom because I know the Omaha area better than Mom and am more comfortable driving in the city (I lived in Omaha and then Kansas City for a little over two years, so city traffic doesn't really faze me all that much anymore).

Dad talked to the Sibling, and the Sibling went OFF on him for not only not quitting like he keeps saying he will (he's been saying that since I was single digits), but also for not fucking being proactive with following the doctor's instructions and being proactive in taking care of his health. It takes a LOT to get the sibling to cry, and he was crying while talking to dad.

I told mom that I can't with this anymore. back when I was still with my long-term partner, and was sure they were The One, I told Dad I wanted him to be able to walk me down the aisle, and even then he said he wasn't sure he could.

Dad's been a smoker for 51 years. His not putting in effort to actually quit smoking lead to this.

Re: Do you need to vent?

Posted: Dec 1st, '23, 11:28
by Outline
Rehgai wrote: Nov 1st, '23, 06:33 My dog has been resource guarding and I am nervous he is getting old.
My little rat terrier mix has resource guarding issues because she was in a pack of bigger dogs and couldn't eat unless she snatched little bits to hide all over the place. Even though she's the only dog in the house she still does it. It can be a little problematic because my toddler isn't quite trustful of her at this very moment. I wish I could help them be friends.

Re: Do you need to vent?

Posted: Dec 2nd, '23, 04:51
by Outline
Plaguemouse wrote: Aug 19th, '16, 20:42 This woman at my local art comittee makes me want to pull my hair out.
This might be necro posting, and if it is I'm so sorry. I just wanted to let you know that there's an artist in my area who makes basically one thing only and the extra old conservative people in our town eat it up. She's never made an original thought and she steals concepts ALL the time. One time she memorialized a police officer by making him into a fleur de lis and not only was it SO disrespectful it was SO badly rendered. That's all she really makes. She threw a HUGE fit because the building she rents space in had to paint over a mural she claimed until it came out on the news that she didn't paint the mural at all.

She's a big stress on this community.

Re: Do you need to vent?

Posted: Dec 4th, '23, 14:39
by chuunibyou
TW: Suicide

The college I went to, that pretty much saved me from suicidal ideation, has expanded a lot in the last three years and gone entirely downhill. It was a refuge for me and for the students who were there with me, but now it's hell. I don't know how to deal with this loss. :mccry: One of the boys who attended it with me lost his little brother, who went to the college in its current form, and passed away from suicide. The alumni are banding together to try and help the students currently there, to form a student body and hopefully have their voices heard, but the university administration is being tyrannical.

Re: Do you need to vent?

Posted: Dec 9th, '23, 01:37
by AutobotDen
So, Dad's hospitalized again. From the sound of things, he'll be there at least over the weekend, possibly longer. This hospital is a lot better than the one we went to last month. They're way more proactive and there's more people on the team that's treating him. Mom admitted to me that she was glad he wasn't home, and I agreed with her, because honestly, it's a lot more peaceful at home when he's not around. When he's home, he's constantly hollering for me to come get him fresh water because the ice in his cup melted, or to dump his ashtray in the toilet and flush it (which he could do himself but he won't), or anything else that he may want/need. Which had me going up and down the stairs constantly, which is hell on my knees. I have my own health issues going on, I can't be going up and down the stairs all the damn time.

Re: Do you need to vent?

Posted: Dec 24th, '23, 15:00
by chuunibyou
I hate how, when I socialise with a group of people in which a few of them drink, we go to a place that serves drinks and there are inevitable smokers. I hate passive smoking.

Re: Do you need to vent?

Posted: Jan 5th, '24, 02:42
by AutobotDen
Mom tried telling me how to spend my food stamps money. It is NOT feasible for me to go to the store every week. I literally have about half the budget she does for groceries each month.

ETA: Oh today's been fun. my insurance is still fucked up in regards to my migraine shot. And on top of that, I found out the price of it went up to almost $1K

Re: Do you need to vent?

Posted: Jan 13th, '24, 07:56
by chuunibyou
I'm depressed again. I just want to see hope or a way out. There is one person who has held my fate in her hands multiple times, and I just hope she does right by me, and gives me what was promised to me and is rightfully mine.

Re: Do you need to vent?

Posted: Jan 14th, '24, 10:06
by Sunlight
I'm sorry to read that, chuunibyou. For what it's worth, I hope what was promised to you isn't death but rather something that'll make things better for you so that you can work your way towards your better.

Virtual hugs from another diagnosed and medicating for depression. If you want it, of course.