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Re: Optimism

Posted: Jul 17th, '18, 14:08
by Ghost
This thread is so cute

1 ` The weather was so nice and gloomy today

2 ` I saw a cat walk past the window while I was having some afternoon tea

3 ` The smallest things kept on giving me nostalgic feelings but about the future ? (is there a word for that?)

Re: Optimism

Posted: Jul 18th, '18, 10:27
by Fran
Isn't it?
It's also just uplifting to post these things even when they're tiny little moments.

As far as your #3 question, I'm thinking maybe ...
A longing for good things to come? Maybe optimism?
Nostalgia's usually a longing for the past, so in that sense, it seems like a hopeful glimpse forward.


1. Saw my girlfriend and cuddled my girlfriend and kissed my girlfriend and --
2. Got to see a coworker I've missed since switching departments.
3. I got to pet kitties this morning!

Re: Optimism

Posted: Jul 18th, '18, 11:16
by Ghost
It was a very strange feeling, I was thinking about potential little things in the future as if it has already been determined, like it's already happened.

1 ` my cat was following me around this morning :qh:

2 ` I watched some youtube videos by my favourite youtubers for the first time in (at least) a couple weeks

3 ` I'm really looking forward to making and eating dinner

Re: Optimism

Posted: Jul 24th, '18, 04:55
by SaltPoisson
The pop-up pirate game surprised me today. I thought I'd figured out where the trigger is. Apparently there were two triggers.

The spider I captured last night survived the capture long enough for me to release it.

One of my mint plants seems to be doing well enough.

Re: Optimism

Posted: Nov 13th, '18, 23:30
by Batcheva
1: My 60 pound dog climbed into my lap this morning wanting hugs.

2: I will soon be upgrading my phone.

3: I will be having leftovers of the most delicious pork roast with sweet potatoes I have ever tasted in my life!

Re: Optimism

Posted: Nov 14th, '18, 08:11
by Akili Li
1. Laundry warm from the dryer

2. a stranger helped me carry boxes of books into the library, for no reason other than kindness

3. my father's dog discovered today that he likes to eat (winter) squash skins and if you have some and turn to look at him, his tail wags so hard his butt moves back and forth on the floor because he's a Good Boy who will Sit and he deserves squash skin... even if you hadn't asked him to sit. He'll sit already! Anything! Squash skin, please!... it was such fun to watch him go from this wary, skeptically-sniffing stance to complete, overflowing eagerness.