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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Oct 29th, '14, 12:07    


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Location: Back home .... With a need to sleep :3
Helena chewed her lower lip a bit as she was suddenly asked about her interest. She looked around for a bit, but she couldn't really just storm out right? It would be too rude somehow. "I like being outside," she said and looked at her food, and continued eating for a bit before speaking again. "I like animals a lot, though I naver had a pet." She had ha a stray cat, she had played with when she had been little.

she finished up her dinner and sat there quietly, not really sure what she should do at this point. She looked over at Kyle. Maybe she should talk some more to him. There was something she was thinking about, but she wasn't sure if she wanted to asked or voice her suspicion. In the end, after a little thought she decided to ask.

"Why are you so interested in my opinion on the book?" Was he that big a fan? It seemed a little weird he wasn't more hyped about then. He didn't seem overly attached to the serie itself. He seemed far more intereeted in her reaction.

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Oct 30th, '14, 01:14    


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Ah, bad question. Kyle made a mental note to not ask about her hobbies, but he was glad she didn't just leave. He was a bit surprised when she answered, though it took a while for her to get there. He'd never really thought about having a pet before, maybe if the time was right he'd bring it up again. Might be nice, having an animal running around. He had never been able to read animals thoughts, they're minds were just to different from a humanoids, but he could still sense their presence. It had never really occurred to him to keep a pet, his family mostly just had horses and the like.

As he finished his dinner, lost in thought about animals and pets, Helena suddenly spoke. Seemed she'd finished must faster then he had, probably because he hadn't really been focused on eating. He'd almost dropped his spoon, but managed not to. He wasn't really sure how to answer that question. He didn't want to lie, but normally he didn't give himself away this fast! He wasn't sure if he'd been to enthusiastic about asking, or Helena was just sharper then most. Maybe the fact they didn't know each other well meant she didn't have as many preconceived notions of him. He laced his hands together, elbows on the table, and leaned on his crossed hands. Kyle pondered how to say this. "I guess," He paused. "I'm interested... as... the author." He said, fading off quite a bit there at the end. He couldn't help but feel awkward, looking away a bit. Telling people straight out always felt strange.

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Oct 30th, '14, 01:36    


Joined: Jan 12th, '11, 17:10
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Location: Back home .... With a need to sleep :3
Helena gaped. jf she had been eating anything she would have spit it out, so she was GRATEFUL that she had been done. Now, though, she wished she had something to do, that could distraft her from talking. "You ... wrote the books?" She asked, though he had just answered it. She then got off the chair and stood up. "If you'll excuse me." She said in a al too polite tone for her usual way of talking, and turned to walk out.

she couldn't stay anymore. This was too much. She knew she was blushing by now. How wasshe going to get over this? Dammit, she had acted so happy about the books and she had talked about them. And he was the author? She was embarrassed and she had no idea how to face Kyle right at that moment. She decided to hide in the bedroom until it was time for bed.

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Nov 3rd, '14, 10:45    


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Kyle wasn't looking at Helena, so he didn't noticed her facial expression but he did hear her question what he'd just said. "I... did." He repeated, still hiding his face in his hands. At that point she excused herself, her tone so overly polite he could tell she was uncomfortable. Well, he'd never had someone have that reaction. He'd had people ridicule him, actually that was mostly the reaction he got considering who ended up finding out, but other then that it was mostly a very mild reaction. Kyle wasn't really sure what to do. Helena having long left the room and retreated to their bedroom he sighed, laying his head on the table and running his hand through his hair.

Having no idea what he'd done wrong, but knowing he'd done something he couldn't help but sigh again. He almost regretted telling the truth, but while he never told people of his own will he was an author, he decided a long time ago to tell anyone who asked, especially if it was that direct. It was just something he'd made up his mind to do. Sitting up and pushing hair hair back and leaning back in his chair, he pondered what to do. Considering they had been sleeping in the same room, at least, that had been the tentative plan last time it had really been discussed, he wasn't sure what to do at this point. The next thing to do would be to go to sleep... maybe he should check? Kyle decided to ponder this for a while, since Helena had seemed rather worried about her vision before, he didn't want to just assume and stay in study but, well, she didn't seem very happy with him right now.

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Hana-chan | Saokymo

 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Nov 3rd, '14, 12:40    


Joined: Jan 12th, '11, 17:10
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Location: Back home .... With a need to sleep :3
As the time for bed approached Helena repeatedly looked over at the door. Did Kyle, come today? She didn't know what to do now. She didn't want to go to sleep without him here, though, but she had no idea how to respond or even react with him being this close to her. She had changed into some of the sleeping gowns, that was maybe a little too daring. Still, it seemed she had no nightgown that wasn't meant for seducing. And besides she had a plan

she bit her lower lip. She was so young, and even with these clothes she had no idea how to seduce people, or even if she wanted to seduce Kyle. She still didn't like the arrangements their parents had made. She looked at the door again, and then decided to go out. She found Harold and pulled at his shirt to get his attention. "Um, could you tell me where Kyle is?" She asked. Once she had her direction she hurried down to where Kyle was. She wanted to get back at Kyle for tricking her like that. He could have told her right away that he was the author.

She stopped at his studie and stand there. She knew he knew she was there. If he had been paying attention to her. She opened the door slowly and peeked in. "Um, hello?" She said in a sweet innocent tone. She stepped in and let Kyle have a proper look at her. She had set her hair proper for this scheme. She look very, very young. Almost like a kid, and the nightgown that hid nothing except her chest area. She bit in every bit of embarrassment and instead of covering herself took a childish pose, like a kid trying to ask some thing from her parents.

"It's just ... I mean." She said and slowly made her way over to Kyle. "it's late now. Why are you here?" She tilted her head to the side, staying in the childish role she had decided on. "You promised that you'd sleep with me until the visions wouldn't come." It sound just like a kid asking her parents to sleep with her, because she was scared of a nightmare.

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Jul 19th, '15, 08:15    


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Kyle eventually decided to go the study for a bit to finish up the scene he had been writing before going back to the bedroom. Not only would that allow Helena some time to hopefully stop being so angry at him but it would also give him some time to clear his head. It seemed like ever step forward he had with her he somehow managed to take another step back. Maybe he should have payed more attention on how to interact with others, but then again, unless he'd decided not to read their mind it would be a bit hard to put into practice.

When Helena opened the office door quite a bit more time then he had expected had passed, he'd had such a clear idea of what he'd wanted to happen in the book he'd wanted to write it down before he forgot, and ended up writing way more then he had originally intended. Jumping a bit at the sound of her voice he looked up, a bit confused by her tone and even more confused (not to mention a bit shocked) by her state of dress. Next time they went to town he was going to buy her some new nightgowns. In fact, he'd do that tomorrow. First thing. Running his hand through his hair he made an almost visible effort to stare at her face. She may have been young, but that didn't mean she wasn't easy on the eyes. Maybe a bit to much so.

She was obviously teasing him, with her abnormal child-like attitude and hidden embarrassment, there was nothing else it could be. He had to admit, this was not an option he had expected her to take. Kyle almost felt bad for finding her attractive in this moment, with the way she was acting. Not that he wouldn't have pushed that thought from his mind anyway. No need to dwell on that while the relationship was so... new. He wasn't sure he could respond as per normal to an interaction like this, he was already distracted, and with their last interaction... well, he could try. "Sorry," He said, attempting and generally succeeding at putting on his trademark smile. Reaching forward he lifted one of her twin-braids up and lightly kissed the end, looking up into her eyes with another lady-killing smile. "Were you lonely?"

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Hana-chan | Saokymo

 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Jul 19th, '15, 13:49    


Joined: Jan 12th, '11, 17:10
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Helena was almost thrown off by his reaction to her advances. Oh, so that was how he wanted to play? She gave him a smile and a childish giggle, before humming. "Mmhm, so, you have to come now." She said and pulled his arms a little. "I'm sleepy." She said and hesitated a bit, before she moved up and sat in his lap. "You'll carry me." She said and hid her face in his neck, as she couldn't stop herself from blushing a little at being so close to him.

It was all so weird. She closed her eyes for a bit to try and took a few deep breaths. It was okay. "Please?" She whispered. Then she felt something. She tensed up as she saw it ... "No." She whispered. It was blurry at first, but she saw it again the same vision as before a man coming into the house and stabbing Kyle. "No!" She pushed away from Kyle and landed hard on the ground and left out a noise of pain, tears falling down her face.

She looked up at Kyle. "It won't go away." She whimpered. Kyle would be killed in his family home. The hunter would find it. "Your family. You have to warn them." She said and looked half panicked. "When have you planed to for staying at your parents again?" She asked. It would most likely happen then. "There are hunters, they'll .... They will find the house. Most likely they know where it is."

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Jul 21st, '15, 00:33    


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Kyle smiled a bit at her shock. Seems she hadn't expected him to turn it back around on her. Seems Helena wanted to keep it up a little longer, though he himself was a little surprised when she sat in his lap. While he had contemplated carrying her up, he hadn't expected her to initiate it. He almost chuckled when she tried to hide her face, but she seemed to stiffen suddenly which left the laughter dead in his throat. Something was wrong. Kyle had nodded in response to her 'please', beginning to stand up with her in his arms, which is the main reason he wasn't able to catch her when she screamed and thrust him away.

Helena had hit the ground rather hard, something that even made Kyle twitch, and he quickly kneeled down beside her, gently reaching out and touching her face, wiping tears from her eyes and making sure they hadn't started to glaze over. While they had, it was because of a vision, not due to shock from the fall. Seems the vision had returned, the one of him dying. "I was going to head over in three days, at the end of the week." He responded, lighting lifting her off the ground, one arm beneath her knees and the other behind her back. "I'll have Harold send a message. If they already know where it is then they'll be no point in hiding it, so I imagine they'll either head to one of our other family homes or put up the defenses." He pauses a bit. "Or both."

He shifted her lightly, making sure he had a good grip this time. Kyle wasn't going to drop her no matter how hard she pushed. "Are you alright? That fall sounded painful." He looked rather concerned, and a bit guilty over the whole thing. Not that he could have done anything about it, but it still made him feel bad. Hopefully it was just painful, nothing bruised or broken. "Does it still hurt?" He asked, tilting his head a bit as he headed out of the study. Harold was nearby, after all, Helena's screaming hadn't been quiet, so he'd ask him to send the message when he passed by. Harold would ensure it was delivered quickly, after all, something like Vampire Hunters was nothing to scoff at.

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Hana-chan | Saokymo

 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Jul 21st, '15, 11:50    


Joined: Jan 12th, '11, 17:10
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Location: Back home .... With a need to sleep :3
Helena was crying lightly as she was lifted, and buried her face in Kyle's shirt for comfort. It was mostly the shock of the vision that had her crying, but her butt did hurt. She shook her head as a no, when she was asked if it hurt still, even if it did. She didn't want him to be more concerned than he was.

"Can we just go to sleep now?" She whimpered, as she finally got control over her crying and just rest against his shoulder. "You'll stay tonight, right?" She didn't want to sleep alone, and Kyle had comforted her with his presence. It hurt her mind had given Kyle the same calming power as her brother, but she knew the nightmares would come, if she didn't have him there.

She really felt young now.a scared little kid, asking the old vampires to protect her from nightmares? What a joke she was. "I ... I mean, if you want ... I mean ... We know when the assassination attempt will happen now, so you don't heave to share a bed with me." She said, suddenly very aware that she had lost her excuse to ask him to stay.

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Jul 30th, '15, 10:35    


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Kyle could feel Helena's tears soaking into his shirt, he made a mental note to change it before getting into bed. He paused to speak with Harold before continuing to the stairs, "Please send a message to my family detailing the following. Hunters have found location, number unknown. Activating suggested. Removal suggested. Research suggested. Will contact with more information." Harold nodded. Kyle was assuming that there was a chance his message might be read by someone other then the desired recipient so being vague was in their best interest. This way only his family would understand, and anyone else wouldn't learn anything new, other then that they knew of the attack.

At Helena's question Kyle glanced at her, nodding as he headed for the stairs. He smiled at her. Before he could answer her second question she suddenly seemed awkward, stumbling over her words. Kyle almost chuckled, but knew it would give the wrong impression. "Of course. After all, I'm sure we'll both sleep better in the bed then we would if either slept in the study. My chair may be comfortable, but it's not exactly intended to be slept in." He smiled again, reassuringly.

Slowly heading up the stairs, a bit more carefully then he likely needed to, he reached the room. Opening the door awkwardly he headed over to the bed and gently set Helena down, smiling again and heading to the dresser. He pulled out another shirt, setting it on the dresser before him and beginning to unbutton his shirt after kicking off his shoes. He pulled it out from where it was tucked inside his pants and removed it once he'd finished with the button, picking up the other shirt after setting it on the other side of the dresser and beginning to put on the new shirt.

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