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Re: Quests completed. Still trading if people need mats

Posted: Jul 10th, '17, 15:58
by memoriam
It doesn't meddle in the history though, so that's cool. It's just casually mentioned here and there. It's mostly needed for the historical context of the stories :qcute:

Maybe I should, yeah.

Aw, that sucks a lot ;/ Though I meant it's interesting that you don't need a thesis to get a BA XD
My thesis was the shortest on our year thou, 40 pages of everything is the minimum, otherwise they don't accept it :qhehe: I had 40 something overall... :qoops: I think the maximum for BA thesis is 80 pages, then it goes up for MA, and then doctorate is a book XD But it also differs in other aspect. on BA thesis you basically just work with other people's texts and works, you can't do anything else. On MA thesis you need to do some of your own scientific research or soemthing like that, but you also use other resources as well. Then doctorate is something you write fully on your own (I think, not sure).
computer science sounds very useful nowadays. If you feel up to it, then you can try someday :qsml:

Re: Quests completed. Still trading if people need mats

Posted: Aug 6th, '17, 20:27
by Fire
Do you have any Books of Light or Minotaur Horns that you could spare? I'd be willing to trade for other materials or fp!

Re: Quests completed. Still trading if people need mats

Posted: Aug 16th, '17, 18:03
by Bunnei
Hello, I am in need of 26 Mandragora, i can buy or trade for them, do you have any? :mccute:

Re: Quests completed. On hold until more quests

Posted: Sep 10th, '17, 11:44
by Tora_Fujimoto
Hi, do you have 6 fire orbs? If not, I'm willing to buy however many you have. Thank you!

Re: Quests completed. On hold until more quests

Posted: Sep 10th, '17, 19:49
by light_sucks
This thread is on hold until more quests come out. Sorry.

Re: Quests completed. On hold until more quests

Posted: Sep 10th, '17, 22:09
by Tora_Fujimoto
Oh alright. c: Could of read that in the title. My bad xD

Re: Quests completed. On hold until more quests

Posted: Sep 11th, '17, 19:55
by light_sucks
No biggie. lol.