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Re: Need 10 x Angel Tear

Posted: May 26th, '17, 20:07
by light_sucks
I can't deal with spiders at alll.

Husband included killing spiders in his wedding vows to me. lol.

I feel like a wooden cage for hamsters and rats would be bad because they would just chew them up? They sound cute. Does he have any already made?

And they can't talk back! Much better! lol.

I like a lot of Indian culture. Holi is fascinating.

Re: Need 10 x Angel Tear

Posted: May 26th, '17, 21:53
by Haze
I find hamsters kinda boring - they don't do anything and are afraid of everything.
Edit; Wherever do hamsters even live in the wild? ;o

Re: Need 10 x Angel Tear

Posted: May 26th, '17, 22:12
by light_sucks
Well they're a prey animal. lol. That's why they're scared.

I think they're adorable.

They live wild in Syria. They eat crops and Syrians are amazed we keep them as pets. lol.

Re: Need 10 x Angel Tear

Posted: May 26th, '17, 22:30
by Haze
Haha we got lots of surprising pet choices.

Re: Need 10 x Angel Tear

Posted: May 26th, '17, 22:40
by light_sucks
That's very true. lol.
We like weird animals.

Re: Need 10 x Angel Tear

Posted: May 27th, '17, 14:15
by Haze
Like reptiles, feels like they don't do much and are just very indifferent as pets but some really love them ;o

Re: Need 10 x Angel Tear

Posted: May 27th, '17, 16:15
by memoriam
light_sucks wrote:I can't deal with spiders at alll.

Husband included killing spiders in his wedding vows to me. lol.
AWwww, how cute :mcsquee: :qh:

The hamsters were too small to chew the cage up, our rat though, that's a different story :qlol: But she stopped after a while. Bf should've secured the wood with some polish or something like that, so it wouldn't be as easy to destroy it, but he kind of didn't think of that then. But I will remind him of that solution when he'll be building a new one for whatever we're gonna have :qt:
No, hasn't built anything new, simply because we can't even plan a pet right now.

A lot about India is fascinating :qcute:

I thought different species of hamsters can't be found in different places in the world x.x

I've heard some reptiles can get pretty attached. Maybe not as dogs/cats but apparently they do. ... I kinda think it's about loving that person who gives out free food for nothing XD

Re: Need 10 x Angel Tear

Posted: May 27th, '17, 18:15
by Haze
Imagine a cuddly snake wanting to hug you the entire time ;o

Re: Need 10 x Angel Tear

Posted: May 27th, '17, 19:52
by memoriam
Funny you should mention snakes, I have that guy at work who breeds them. He says they are very loving and they love to cuddle actually.

But I don't believe him, he's a nuts-o :qstr:

Re: Need 10 x Angel Tear

Posted: May 27th, '17, 20:27
by Haze
I have seen very beautiful snakes before but I got the chills each time they touched me. :mcshock: