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 Post subject: Re: Rubie's Knuffel - Hiring Clickers [refer to second post]
Posted: Aug 10th, '18, 20:29    


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Forgive my slow clicks...
Hubby is home and has pneumonia.
Plus my back has been killing me.
Need a dew days of rest which I can't get atm.

There are ppl that come to take care of Mother for about 15 min. each visit.... Nurse, Occupational Thearpy, Physical Thearpy & Bath. Each twice a week.

Got bad report on my kidneys today.

Hope you are doing alright.
Congrats on another lvl up.

- Hugs :qh:

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 Post subject: Re: Rubie's Knuffel - Hiring Clickers [refer to second post]
Posted: Aug 13th, '18, 18:38    


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Oh no, I hope he is better! and you to with your back.

Oh, okay. I was meaning more of like a companion kind of caretaker, like cooking, cleaning, take them shopping, etc. But I'm guessing those kind of caretakers might be expensive to hire.

I'm sorry to hear. Hopefully there is something you can do about your kidneys.

I had an expensive weekend. Bought a sectional for my house. Technically my mom and I will pay her back once I start my next job.

Also two more lovelies maxed =]

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 Post subject: Re: Rubie's Knuffel - Hiring Clickers [refer to second post]
Posted: Aug 16th, '18, 14:26    


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Yes, Those are expensive.

Oh Nice! What design and style did you get?
I love those ones that have a sorr of lounger on one end.

We thought of getting one of those, when we moved into our new home. Ended up ordering a red leather lazy-boy reclining sofa and two leather lazy-boy recliners.

When did you say you will get to move in and start your new job?

Forgive my lack of clicks lately. Has been a lot going on.

Hubby is doing much better.
He surprised me and took me to the Spa for my Birthday.

Need to get the garbage out. Tata for now.
- Hugs

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Dreams & Quests ~ Greetings ~ Weekly FC Raffle ~ SpAm ~ Game ~ Library ~ Buttery Crumpet

 Post subject: Re: Rubie's Knuffel - Hiring Clickers [refer to second post]
Posted: Aug 19th, '18, 00:50    


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Sorry, it's been a...weird...week for me. Had an incident at home, a coworker (who's been at this job for 18 years) got another job where, you know, the higher ups will appreciate her. (That's a whole different story) SO that means even more works is going to be pushed on me because guess what, I haven't been there for two years and I do a ton of shit for them. AND THEY won't give me a RAISE BECAUSE GUESS WHAT, MORE RESPONSIBILITIES DON'T MEAN MORE MONEY! YET IF IT HAS SOMETHING TO DO WITH LOANS THEY WILL BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO GIVE YOU MORE MONEY (cuz my coworker who started 3 days before me got a raise doing one thing, but I do like 4 other jobs more than her, yet I got no raise) BECAUSE ALL I DO AS I AM NOW IS JUST STAND A TALK! LMAO GUY I probably get 30 or so minutes of just "Well, I got nothing to do" before more work gets piled up (and when I do get on here at work is only because I'm in the basement this month and I can fiddle around when the machine is doing it's thing, but when that is done, I have to get back to work) Seriously, I have had 3 jobs before this and I know my retail one didn't give a shit about their employees, I have never been in a small business before where they don't value their employees at all. The girl who is quitting, talked to both higher ups, and told her how unhappy she has been with the way it's been ran the past few months. YES MONTHS, it has turned to shit in months. I told her that it's literally night and day from my first year to my second year. OH, and the higher-ups, they don't care. One told her that's how it is. IT ISN'T. the place she interviewed and got a job at actually sought her out. Good for her, she deserves way better.

OKAY and rant over.

I got one with the chaise with it. it's a la-z-boy, and it's nice. I was mostly forced to go neutral in color, but eh, I like it, and it has a power console in it (aka with usb and actual plug-ins) since it will take up the whole of one wall and most of another.

I close on the 31st, and hopefully start moving stuff in the week after, just a little at a time. I'm still debating on if I want to get a new bedroom set or not right away (my bed I have now will go in the guest room regardless i I get a new one) and really, a tv stand. Also a washer and dryer, lawnmower, and I Think that's is for the bare necessities. I plan on getting stuff once I start my new job.

New job start will be sometime in April. I'm going to Japan in March with my mom for my delayed graduation present from university.

You're fine. I haven't really been on clicking the past week. Been to busy and unmotivated when I get home.

That's good! Glad to hear!
OH THAT sounds like fun! you really deserved that with everything that has been going on.

EDIT: In my rant, I forgot to post these cuties.

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 Post subject: Re: Rubie's Knuffel - Hiring Clickers [refer to second post]
Posted: Aug 21st, '18, 04:18    


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Gracious you poor Dear.
Sure hope this week works out better for you.

Hanging on here... hurting bad atm.
My back and hip, am laying in the heating pad.
They increased one of my nerve-ending meds. (Gabapentin - 1200mg Daily)
It seems to be making me very tired, weak and sleepy.
A week from this Thurs. they are going to do another injection in my back
Am ready Now!!!

Hubby is back at work, left out late Sat. night. Miss him already!

Mama is doing about the same. It saddens me, something awful!

Signing off for now...
-Hugs from me & Luci Lui :qh:

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Dreams & Quests ~ Greetings ~ Weekly FC Raffle ~ SpAm ~ Game ~ Library ~ Buttery Crumpet

 Post subject: Re: Rubie's Knuffel - Hiring Clickers [refer to second post]
Posted: Aug 24th, '18, 15:27    


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Butter, I just realized I never posted your clicks halfway through the month! I will do it when I get home from work, and also set up a reminder to make sure I get the final count before the end of the month.

JUST FYI I will probably do the last day for paid feeding when the server is on the 31st (so the 30th at 7 PM CST) otherwise I know I'll forget to do it.

Reply to the rest later, I have been switching between packing and extreme knitting the past week...priorities are messed up clearly. lol

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 Post subject: Re: Rubie's Knuffel - Hiring Clickers [refer to second post]
Posted: Aug 25th, '18, 21:29    


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More level ups. A lot since I was being lazy!

EDIT! ALSO CLICKS! OH MY GOSH! I FORGOT! I AM DEFINITELY SETTING A REMINDER! Also I forgot I Won't be home at the time I stated I was going to do the final click count, but it will be the still after kofk date is on the 31st. I just got somewhere to be at 7 pm, so it'll be maye 8:30-9 when I save it.

Plays and Feds

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 Post subject: Re: Rubie's Knuffel - Hiring Clickers [refer to second post]
Posted: Aug 29th, '18, 19:32    


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Forgive my being late to reply.
Will reply/edit this post when I can think clearer.

Don't worry of it, whenever you do the clicks is alright.

My procedure at the Surgery place may be postponed.

Putting in spoiler, for privacy and respect.
Awful situation inside...
A man hit a cedar tree in my front lawn, just bedore 1pm yesterday, and was killed.
It has me very upset. My heart aches for his family!!
I called 911 3 seconds after it hit.
Mama and I heard the squeeling tires.. heard it hit the tree and then the tree land on top of the SUV....it was awfyl sounds.
After calling 911 I went toward the wreck as close as I could and kept screaming toward the vehicle, over the car Alarm, that I had an ambulance on the way & not to move. Iwas in complete shock & panic.
Several County Police, two ambulance, several City Police, Several State Police, Countless Fire/Rescue Volunteers showed up.... Plus many more U did not know. They closed the road/highway. It was horrific.
At first we did not know how many were inside. Once they learned it was one person, a man... the Coroner & Coroner Assistant were called.
So sad.

The man was gone when he hit the tree... I just didn't know it, when it first happened.. as I could not see anyone inside because vehicle was on it's side ... the tree had broken in two, and tree/limbs were on top of his SUV.
I saw a ladys purse and to my absolute horror a baby seat come out... we thought more may be in the woods, at first, fortunately the baby nor woman were in the vehicle...but I did not know that for some time. Rubie it was so awful.

It all hit me bad, as I am very tender hearted. Didn't know My Dear Sweet Husband had called my Daughter, to take me to my Doctor. My Doctor gave me a shot to knock me out. Just woke this morning.

Sitting outside, as I don't smoke in my home.
Just ... sitting here, looking at the outline of where the vehicle was, drawn on my lawn... the stump.. the lines drawn across the lawn and road... it takes me right back to yesterday. Almost numb, in a way.
Always use to look out my front glass door, use to love doing that. I watch my bird feeders while I smoke.
Now doing any of that, will be a reminder of the Mans life that was lost, just a few feet from where I am sitting right now.
His Poor Family had to wake up today without a Son, a Grandfather, a Father....

My neighbor and Friend came by... telling me there was nothing more I could have done. He is a rescue volunteer in our area. Know he is right, but it is so sad, and I feel so bad for his Family too.
While I was typing here, got a phone call that a friends Daddy, knew him.
Have to take Mama to Doctor, an hour away. My back is hurting me so bad, .. thank goodness for cruse-control.

Take Care & Be Safe!!!
- Hugs

EDIT Again:
My Back Procedure is back on, at 11am Thursday Morning. Always scares me going under anesthesia, especially when I am so stressed.

Thursday am-
Woke up about 5am, talking to Hubby on cell. Got garbage out.. think I will click a few of your Knuffles & mine, then lay back down to rest before I have to get up and leave about 9:45am. TaTa fir now.

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Dreams & Quests ~ Greetings ~ Weekly FC Raffle ~ SpAm ~ Game ~ Library ~ Buttery Crumpet

 Post subject: Re: Rubie's Knuffel - Hiring Clickers [refer to second post]
Posted: Aug 31st, '18, 03:10    


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I am so sorry to hear that, Butter, I can't even begin to fathom how you must feel. I would not have been as calm as you sounded if that ever were to happen to me. It is always worse when it is something unexpected.

Hopefully your procedure has done well. Regardless of what the situation is, I will never be comfortable with doctors and hospitals.

Also did the final walk through of my house tonight, will get possession of it tomorrow =] and start taking stuff over and letting my dog explore his new house. don't know when I will get my bigger furniture over (aka my bedroom furniture and tv since the sectional is still on it's way since that's all I have), but woo, got some spot to fix up with paint though. so it'll be a work in progress.

also click finals =]
.....nevermind, imgur is not uploading them?? I'll try again later, but I'll post the number.

41,326 fed clicks
44,063 play clicks
45,000 rounded clicks from last month
Totalling: 130,389 FP

Since you were the only clicking, and you did so much, I can split the payment as: FC (I think a fair value would be 60K FP, but we can haggle the price =]) or pure FP

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 Post subject: Re: Rubie's Knuffel
Posted: Aug 31st, '18, 16:00    


Joined: Aug 3rd, '16, 13:41
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Location: USA - Southern
Morning Rubie :qh:

Message rather lengthy, putting in spoiler.
Wasn't really calm at all, was a total nervious wreck.
Tis why they had to sedate me for the night. Plus they were worried I was going to have another heart attack or another stroke.

The day it happened, happened to be our Wedding Anniversary

Nerves are still bad... but am trying to cope.
Read a lot of books on "Coping" with stress and such, when I was in my 20s, and those techniques have helped me in this situation I think.

I learned that this 49 year old man, had been a firefighter & volunteer firefighter for nearly 35 years. He was also in the Navy.
Quote from his Obituary, about him.
"EMT, Fire & Rescue Specialist, and Captain,HVAC Technician"
He will be receiving a Full Firefighters Funeral.
It has been all over the News/Tv.
The obituary says, In lieu of flowers the family requests donations be made to the Medical Account for his son battling Lyme Disease.
Makes me so so, Sad.
The car seat I saw was small, so the little boy must be young. So awful that he has lost his Daddy!
The heartbreak of it all!
Ironically, He Man was in my High School, one year older than me.
Suppose that is why his name seemed so familiar to me. Kept thinking I was going crazy when I would tell someone that his name seemed familiar to me.

His Dear Mother And Father have now lost two of their Sons to wrecks. ... so awfully sad.

Still just numb...

My back procedure went well. Still hurting and sore, but am hopeful it will give me some measure of pain relief. It was just the first, in a series of three shots. Last time they did the series of three, the third time was burning my nerve in two. For some people the third procedure is a shot. Not certain yet what they will do. Usually the burning of the nerve last for a year, before the nerve grows back. But when they burn the nerve, it is extremely painful for a long while.
Will just wait and see how this goes. While I am hurting now, I am still sort of numb inside, as far as the nerve in my back is concerned.
Trying to hope, and think positive about the results..but also realistic, as I have been through this off/on for years.

I was shocked at the total numbers. I was thinking I had clicked more last month, than I did this month. Know we arent counting last month, but was just meaning it felt like I hadn't done enough clicks for you, as I was feeling guilty that I have been so busy lately and not clicked very much. But, Guess I clicked more than I thought. :mccute:

Will not haggle with you, whatever you decide to do is fine.
Just glad I was able to help you with growing your Knuffles, and I have so enjoyed meeting and talking with you.
Congratulations on your new HOME!!!
That is so exciting!!!
At least you have a bed there. Maybe it will not take too long on your other furniture.
You've got time and space to decide just how you want things to be.
Finally having something that is All Yours, is a wonderful feeling!!! So Happy For You!!!
Keep me posted on how it all goes.

-Hugs to you :qh:

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