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Re: Casual conversation

Posted: Apr 20th, '22, 16:20
by PastelWitch
I used to travel a lot before I became a boring adult with "responsibilities"

Re: Casual conversation

Posted: Apr 20th, '22, 19:34
by Amura
Lucky you.
Before being a boring adult with "responsibilities" I had no money to spend xD

Re: Casual conversation

Posted: Apr 21st, '22, 17:16
by PastelWitch
Aha that's a mood too - I was 'lucky' in that my dad lives in the USA so I technically got to travel a lot when I went to visit him.

Mostly it's just family holidays, but I've been very lucky with opportunities through my school too.

Now I definitely have no money AND responsibilities LMAO

The closest thing to a holiday I've got coming up is a trip to a town only like 2 hours away lol

Re: Casual conversation

Posted: Apr 21st, '22, 19:38
by Akili Li
Ah, well, I'm an irresponsible adult. I spend money I don't really have to spend, to go see family. >.<
Whatever, there's nothing wrong with lentil soup. It's nutritious and filling and it's super cheap and a month of lentil soup pays for a visit, so it's a good trade.
I just started another part-time job. (Well. Training is done, I start after this trip ends.)
That helps!

Re: Casual conversation

Posted: Apr 21st, '22, 19:43
by Amura
I personally like lentil soup. Very much.
But I'm hoping you can do something else. I dunno, rice or pasta. For variety xD

I've been raised in the belief you can't spend in leisure unless you have savings to keep going, and it's an inertia too strong to fight against it.
It's good, I guess.
But I'm not adventurous when I'm tight on money.

Another job? How many do you have already?

Re: Casual conversation

Posted: Apr 21st, '22, 19:53
by Akili Li
This makes.... 5? Yeah, five.
Since one of the others ended.

Re: Casual conversation

Posted: Apr 21st, '22, 20:56
by Amura
Wow, girl, you need a planner only to keep track of that many jobs! :mcshock:

Re: Casual conversation

Posted: Apr 21st, '22, 22:05
by Akili Li
... yes, a daily planner would be really smart, wouldn't it? I've been managing the day-to-day immediate things but some of the periodic stuff is slipping through the cracks.
I'll start one.
This will help!
Thanks, Amura!

Re: Casual conversation

Posted: Apr 22nd, '22, 16:33
by Amura
I need one and I only have one job :mcheh:
I could not survive if I had more than one and no planner!

Re: Casual conversation

Posted: Apr 22nd, '22, 17:28
by PastelWitch
5 jobs? That sounds crazy to me, I hope you've got enough time to take care of yourself

A planner is a good idea; I can never remember to write in it/check it so although I try they end up useless because of my poor memory.