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Re: Was Inuyasha your first anime?

Posted: Oct 24th, '14, 21:40
by Hotaruchan
Sailor Moon was my first anime I watched completely, and it's still one of my favourites. (That's also one of the reasons why I'm so happy about the Sailor Moon Crystal :mcsquee: )
Probably the first Anime I started watching was Naruto, stopped watching it somewhere relatively in the beginning of Shippuden though... (I even skipped the fillers)

But Inuyasha is the longest manga I ever read. (I can't remember what my first manga was, but it was definitely not Inuyasha)
I did really liked it, and still do :mcsquee: And I watch a few episodes of the anime now and then~

Re: Was Inuyasha your first anime?

Posted: Oct 25th, '14, 00:13
by Azrafil
It was not my first anime but first manga and I loved it so much. Just because of Inuyasha I also started to watch Ranma 1/2

Re: Was Inuyasha your first anime?

Posted: Oct 25th, '14, 03:20
by AsheSkyler
My first anime was either Voltron or Gatchaman or Speed Racer. I have many vague memories of being four and drooling over boys of each series. The first anime I watched without any missed episodes was probably Ronin Warriors or G Gundam. Inuyasha came out at the end of my regular anime watching.Gah, why you make me feel old!?

Re: Was Inuyasha your first anime?

Posted: Oct 25th, '14, 10:15
by Toeto
No, InuYasha wan't my first anime
I think it was Dragonball z when i was way younger (dont even remember anything about it)

Re: Was Inuyasha your first anime?

Posted: Oct 27th, '14, 06:54
by jadepanda-ai
my first anime (I forget the name of one, it was an earlier one on Toonami)
but Pokemon (the original 150) and DBZ
I think the first anime I watched (knowing what anime meant) was Bleach, then Naruto, then Inuyasha

then my first manga (which was before I was introduced to Bleach the anime) was Demon Diaries and Vampire Game

Re: Was Inuyasha your first anime?

Posted: Oct 27th, '14, 13:08
by ShadowBerry
Inuyasha was your first anime?
Cute xD

The first anime I realized was an anime was Sailor Moon.
But I watched a lot of things when I was young I never knew were anime..for example " Ai shite naito" aka Rock 'n' Roll Kids.
Or "Ohayƍ! Supanku" aka Hello Kurt (german: Hallo Kurt idk if it was the same title in english xD)

Re: Was Inuyasha your first anime?

Posted: Oct 28th, '14, 20:41
by LLuvia
My first anime was in fact Dragon balls, I think. Either that or Saylor moon, or something else. It's hard to say, given the fact, my mother showed us a lot of anime, due to the fact we had a japanese channel at home, while I grew up.

Re: Was Inuyasha your first anime?

Posted: Oct 29th, '14, 02:20
by Dustwick
Funny enough my dad liked anime when I was younger XD I think the first anime I ever fell in love with was record of lodos war, but I remember seeing many before that.

I think that inuyasha was one of my first televised anime loves though... before inuyasha I watched sailor moon XD

Re: Was Inuyasha your first anime?

Posted: Oct 31st, '14, 04:56
by Finx
It was either that or Sailor moon...does that make me old XD I'm pretty sure it was Sailor Moon.

Re: Was Inuyasha your first anime?

Posted: Nov 7th, '14, 02:49
by Rose Red
It wasn't techniquely my first but I used to stay up late to watch it and me and my friends would talk about it in class.