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Re: Hair Dye

Posted: Aug 18th, '20, 21:39
by Moi

I don't know how hard it would be to do it.
My cousin is a hair stylist and my mom said she could probably do it.
But I don't know her that well and she lives a little while away.

I was thinking of having my mom do a frosting kit...I think that's what it is.
She does it for my aunt all the time.

Re: Hair Dye

Posted: Aug 19th, '20, 08:46
by Akili Li
... now I'm picturing your mom putting actual frosting in your hair so that you look like a giant cupcake.

Not at all the same effect.

Moi, you look pretty delicious in my imagination, though. But... um... barrette "sprinkles" are a little over the top? But I like how your mom used pocky sticks to do little cat whiskers in your frosting-hair, and gumdrop eyes and the corners of triangle pocket cookies for ears. The cupcake cat look is weirdly fun as a hair-do.

*shakes head to remove images*

Re: Hair Dye

Posted: Aug 19th, '20, 20:56
by Moi

My hair sounds cute and delicious 8u

Re: Hair Dye

Posted: Oct 17th, '20, 02:45
by YourMajesty
I've never dyed my hair but my daughters have dyed theirs. All kinds of amazing colors. One of these days, I'll let them get mine.

Re: Hair Dye

Posted: Oct 17th, '20, 03:02
by KaT124
I don't, though my mom recommends I do so. It would be the same brunette hair I have now, but dying my hair would change the hair's texture which for my silky fine hair that makes using hair accessories difficult? Maybe I'd be able to actually wear hair clips without them slipping out seconds later.

My mom on the other hand dyes hers regularly. Always in shades of red, which she looks natural in so no one knows she isn't a redhead.

Re: Hair Dye

Posted: Oct 17th, '20, 03:19
by dataslifeforms
My hair is naturally dark brown, but I dye it all the time. Bleaching first, of course, except when I dyed it black. I've had various shades of pink, purple, and blue. It's currently blue.

Re: Hair Dye

Posted: Oct 17th, '20, 06:49
by johnnytrash
tried hair dye and it just didnt stick to my hair for some reason :mcsweat:

Re: Hair Dye

Posted: Oct 17th, '20, 07:58
by TrickyLA
I've dyed part of my hair before and it's a whole ordeal because my hair is dark so I have to bleach my hair to get the colors I want to show up! I'd really like to get a gradient look, pale blues and such, someday though. c:

Re: Hair Dye

Posted: Oct 17th, '20, 14:33
by nikaz
I usually bleach the under side of my hair and then dye that a fun color, so if I wear it loose the color doesn't even show. Indigo is my favourite with the blue/purple undertones :mclove:

Re: Hair Dye

Posted: Oct 18th, '20, 06:17
by Beautiful Disaster
I dyes my hair once, when I was a teenager. I was going through my emo phase so I dyed it black. The dye didn't take all the way, so you could still see the slimmer of red underneath, and I realized I really just like the natural color of my hair.