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Re: Talking To Things

Posted: Oct 17th, '20, 02:57
by KaT124
Well, people find me weird when I just stare off into space... Mind wondering like a cloud. I remember vaguely hearing a classmate get freaked out because I was just staring in her direction without meaning to.

As for talking? Oh, yeah. Talk to animals because they're super awesome listeners, tell appliances that beep "I hear ya, I hear ya! I'm on my way!" and I picked up my mom's habit of telling myself "Dang it, KaT124! Why'd you go and do a thing like that?"

Re: Talking To Things

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 05:20
by ArmyAunt
I talk to animals, inanimate objects, myself, and occasionally other people.

Mostly what I say to bugs is, "Die, sucker!"

Re: Talking To Things

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 06:11
by Beautiful Disaster
I talk to everything, living or not XD I'm forever apologizing to chairs or scolding appliances or thanking an object. I talk to plants because that's proven to help them thrive, and because it's fun to imagine what they might say if they could talk in return. And animals, I fully believe they can understand us, at least to a certain point. They might not get things like jobs or time, but they understand feelings and a certain amount of words. Like, when I talk causially to my dogs, I know they have at least a general understanding of what I'm saying. I used to have full on conversations with crows while I waited for the bus. Just based on my observations over the years, I'm positive animals listen and even reply sometimes.

Re: Talking To Things

Posted: Oct 29th, '20, 03:35
by dataslifeforms
I talk to animals all the time. I don't really talk to things much though.

Re: Talking To Things

Posted: Oct 29th, '20, 05:40
by kitestrings
i talk to everything, animals, inanimate objects, myself. i don't think about it, and i don't think it's weird. humans are talky creatures, we like to speak to things whether they can speak back or not.

Re: Talking To Things

Posted: Oct 29th, '20, 18:26
by Mirika
Oh yeah, I'll talk to anything to be honest. What gets me most weird looks is that I talk to myself though. Still don't see what's wrong with that, it's basically just saying your thoughts out loud, or do people not talk to themselves in their head either?

I have to admit that when it comes to objects, it's usually me being mad with an object.

Re: Talking To Things

Posted: Oct 30th, '20, 23:30
by CrystalOwl
I talk to my dogs because they seem to understand. And they act different when im sad so i like to believe they understand a bit of something anyway.

Re: Talking To Things

Posted: Nov 4th, '20, 03:20
by jadepanda-ai
I talk to my guinea pigs, once my mom thought I had someone over and was really confused and came in to ask who I was talking to and it was just piggies lol