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Re: Your Funeral

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 05:01
by ArmyAunt
I haven't really thought about my funeral much. I did tell my husband that if I go first to not spend a lot of money on my casket. I want him to get the cheapest box he can find and spend more money on the headstone. I want people who happen to walk by my grave to see that headstone and know that I loved and was loved.

Re: Your Funeral

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 05:42
by KaT124
Ah... Yeah... Usually when I think about that, I'm in a self-hate mood so I picture no one caring enough to come. Though I know better, and I'd have at least some people because I have a damn good family and group of friends who'd want to be there for it. I'm also hoping someone would be there for my mom if I manage to die before her, simply because my death would kill her. Other than that? I can't really envision how it'd go.

Re: Your Funeral

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 05:58
by Carnehil
Turn me into a tree, celebrate life not death.

Re: Your Funeral

Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 06:03
by Beautiful Disaster
I think about that sometimes, just sort of musing. I don't know what it is, maybe the Irish in me, but I don't want people to be too sad about my death. A long time ago I read about how Irish funerals focus more on celebrating the life of the person, and gaining catharsis through honoring them, and that's what I want. When I die (hopefully a very long time from now) I expect people to be sad, of course, but I'd want them to celebrate my life. Make it a party, one final send off. This may sound strange, considering the name of the song, but I want Green Day's Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) played at my funeral. The name aside, having listened to the lyrics so often, I feel like it would be apropriate.

Re: Your Funeral

Posted: Oct 31st, '20, 05:30
by kitestrings
i don't know what my funeral would look like, because i don't really have any like... living requests for how i want people to mourn me i guess. they can do it however they want, because i trust them.
i don't want people to be like wracked with grief when i die, but i don't want to be forgotten either. that just sounds sad. i think it'll be fine.
i don't, however, want to be embalmed. just plant me in the earth. don't even need a casket really, but if that makes it easier.

Re: Your Funeral

Posted: Oct 31st, '20, 12:10
by Mirika
Since my funeral is not for me, but for the loved ones, I never really think about it. I sometimes joke about wanting silly songs to be played, but that's it. That is why I would leave it all to them, I have no desires. I won't live to see it anyway. Heck, what I don't know, I don't care about anyway, so I can't really say I need people to mourn me either...

Re: Your Funeral

Posted: Nov 2nd, '20, 05:42
by Suugar-Fiend
My family would be the only ppl to Mourn me and that's okay. I told them I want them to cremate me and plant a tree over me. Preferably a cherry tree. So there can be new life after me. And they can come and tlk to me...the tree lol and it won't feel as bad. I also just like the idea that cherry trees spring into blooming pink flowers every year.

Re: Your Funeral

Posted: Nov 3rd, '20, 10:11
by Luluannabell
They're gonna burn me and bury me on a forest graveyard, where my future husband will also be buried. I want them to mourn there, because you have to get it out somehow, but I want the last song or whatever to be extremely happy, so everyone can leave with a better feeling, knowing that I hold nothing against them, because, uh... I'm dead.

Re: Your Funeral

Posted: Nov 3rd, '20, 23:20
by witch77
oh, this is a nice topic. ideally I would like to be cremated and made into a fertilizer for a tree sapling (hi @Suugar-Fiend and @Carnehil :qh: ) and have a rad party for my funeral/wake.

but really, whatever works for my family. i won't care, i'll be dead. i want them to have the least possible hassle with the funeral, so they can go back to their lives and not be financially burdened by my death. i understand the importance of mourning, psychologically, but i would be happy if my family was more thankful to have met me rather than sad to have lost me

Re: Your Funeral

Posted: Nov 12th, '20, 08:43
by CrystalOwl
I want to be put into one of those tree pods and feed plants with my body, and I don’t need any fancy funeral. Just people who loved me to celebrate and not be sad