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 Post subject: Re: Mental Wellness
Posted: Feb 19th, '20, 13:56    


Joined: Feb 9th, '20, 14:23
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I love that you made this thread, my son is autistic. He's high functioning, but his does this weird jabber when he gets really excited, his speech is delayed, he also has a sensory processing disorder. Meaning that loud sounds bother him, medium groups bother him, like at a restaurant where there are a decent amount of people, he hates the rain and water, (bath time is a struggle but we have a system down), and he won't eat certain foods because of the texture. He's 6, almost 7. I have depression, anxiety and PTSD. I'm starting therapy for it, and after a couple more sessions my therapist will recommend meds to the psychiatrist at their office and then I'll be on meds to help manage the anxiety and depression.

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 Post subject: Re: Mental Wellness
Posted: Feb 25th, '20, 22:05    


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I can see it. There's nothing wrong with being on the autistic spectrum. The internet is a great place for those people, too.
I have depression/anxiety but my doc says "mood disorder" cos my moods are all over the place I guess.

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 Post subject: Re: Mental Wellness
Posted: Apr 13th, '20, 04:37    


Joined: Apr 28th, '12, 07:41
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I'm autistic. I'm also AFAB (Assigned Female At Birth). I was diagnosed with ADD as a kid. Which in the 1990s was still really rare for girls. Finding out that I'm Autistic was a relief. It gave me a reason for why I would have meltdowns over stuff that was seemingly not that big of a deal. It explains why I hate crowds. It explains why I have trouble with sarcasm and humor.

Also, most Autists prefer "Identity-first" (In other words: "Autistic person") language over "Person-first" ("Person with Autism") language. I know y'all aren't doing PFL to be malicious, just wanted to point that out for future reference.

some not-so-nice truths under the spoiler...
"Functioning" labels are ableist. "Asperger's" is also ableist and was literally named after a nazi who would send the "lower-functioning" Autistic children to be killed during WWII.

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 Post subject: Re: Mental Wellness
Posted: Nov 4th, '20, 04:50    


Joined: Feb 11th, '13, 00:20
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I had a therapist say that she thought I might've been on the spectrum, I was supposed to go in to have a cognitive test, had to reschedule 'cause I felt sick the day of the testing and the reschedule fell through because of a migraine... so I never found out for sure :mcheh: :mcsweat:
the therapist I saw was regarding pain-management so I was never officially diagnosed with these but I'm pretty sure it's fair to say I have issues with depression and anxiety...
and as a kid I was diagnosed with A.D.D. (which I guess is just classed under "ADHD" now? Idk)

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 Post subject: Re: Mental Wellness
Posted: Nov 5th, '20, 19:40    

Lady Lissalynn

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My bestie's oldest brother has autism, he's pushing 40 or over 40. I am not completely sure. I'm not sure what kind he has either but he's very much by the book and routine. he doesn't like when his routine gets messed up.

I have depression and anxiety. The anxiety has came about more over the last 5 years but the depression has been there for even longer.

My boyfriend has BPD. He's been better over the last year but more recently it's been hitting him hard. I think it's his job that's affecting him hard right now.

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 Post subject: Re: Mental Wellness
Posted: Nov 12th, '20, 08:38    


Joined: Oct 29th, '20, 11:12
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My nephew has autism but he’s got the kind where he probably won’t be able to leave an independent life even though e can communicate and understand most things. And I deal with depression and social anxiety and awkwardness myself but sometimes I feel like I have adhd or something but I was also diagnosed with severe PTSD

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