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Re: Getting a Hang of Things

Posted: Nov 4th, '18, 19:46
by Akili Li
once per day (defined by server-time).

So every day you can submit your score for food points.

Other times you can submit it but it will only count for food points the first time each day.

Re: Getting a Hang of Things

Posted: Nov 5th, '18, 23:51
by Shea Heart
I get it. Thanks Akili.
I have a few more questions but i forgot.
I should have written them down
I do remember some though.
  1. What are hugs for?
  2. What will happen if we reset the hugs?
  3. in the dream avatar creator, example you saved a dream avatar named #1. Later on you went back to the creator, loaded #1 and decided to edit it. but when you save the new #1 dream avatar and get the image url, the image still shows the old #1 avatar. Is there anyway we can save the image of the new edited dream avatar? i hope you get this question

Re: Getting a Hang of Things

Posted: Nov 6th, '18, 09:18
by Akili Li
Hugs are flavor only. They don't really serve any particular purpose.

If you reset your hugs, your personal count goes down to 0 (it erases hugs others have given you; if you have hugged others, those stay unless/until the other person resets theirs).

Did you overwrite the old DAC saved as #1? If you did, I suspect it is a caching/cookie error that is making it generate the old image for you when you get the image url. Try clearing cache/cookies after you overwrite the old #1 and then going back into it and seeing if it gives you the new image or not.

If it still doesn't give you the updated, edited form, then you've actually found a bug and should report it in the Support area. :)

Re: Getting a Hang of Things

Posted: Nov 6th, '18, 15:15
by theonewhoseeks
Hello and Welcome!!

:bat: :candy: :bat: :candy: :bat: :candy: :bat:

Re: Getting a Hang of Things

Posted: Nov 6th, '18, 19:05
by Karyane
Hi there and welcome! Have fun!

Re: Getting a Hang of Things

Posted: Nov 6th, '18, 23:51
by Shea Heart
  • -
    @ Akili Li
    i see. so it's the same as the "like" button.
    I'll try to do that and see if it changes. thanks! ♥
    I'll post again if I have anymore question. :mcheh:

    @ theonewhoseeks, Karyane
    thank you!! ♥♥

Re: Getting a Hang of Things

Posted: Nov 7th, '18, 07:02
by Akili Li
Yeah, pretty much a 'like' button for a person, since we do have the little heart option for a 'like' button for a post.

Definitely post any time you have questions! Here or anywhere else you happen to see someone being active. You'll see soon enough but when the event ends the activity will slow further so sometimes it's just easier to ask a question wherever someone is, rather than hope they check back in time for you.

Re: Getting a Hang of Things

Posted: Nov 7th, '18, 18:15
by Shea Heart
Thanks! c:
well, I'm glad I joined during an event.
Is this the busiest it could get though?

Re: Getting a Hang of Things

Posted: Nov 7th, '18, 18:48
by Akili Li
No.... I was able to keep up pretty well during this event, and I've seen it busy enough that I could NOT keep up, but had to go through and read the backlog after things had calmed.

But, yeah, it is definitely busier (forum-wise!) during an event, because people have an incentive to post that isn't always there. There are usually still that many people, but most of them go back to lurking. (Market activity level usually remains around the same no matter if there's an event or not, for instance).

Re: Getting a Hang of Things

Posted: Dec 17th, '18, 05:01
by MissNikki
Are you still enjoying yourself here, Shea Heart? :mccute: