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Re: Kingdom Hearts Fans!

Posted: Oct 13th, '18, 06:37
by Tiamatsan
Oh man! Is anyone excited for Kingdom Hearts III????

Re: Kingdom Hearts Fans!

Posted: Oct 13th, '18, 17:25
by AlkseeyaKC
I want it NOW!! :mcargh:

Re: Kingdom Hearts Fans!

Posted: Nov 6th, '18, 13:41
by Hiyono
I am so excited for KH3. I'm getting a friend of mine to pick up the Japanese copy for me as well (the controls are reversed in the Japanese one and I'm more comfortable with them). I'm currently replaying the entire series through the HD remasters in preparation for the release.

Re: Kingdom Hearts Fans!

Posted: Nov 6th, '18, 16:10
by AlkseeyaKC
lol I have also already played through all the games! Ready for some KH3!

I didn't know the Japanese controls where reversed! :mcshock:

Re: Kingdom Hearts Fans!

Posted: Nov 20th, '18, 02:58
by Buttons
I love Kingdom Hearts. I got the first game one year for Christmas and I was hooked ever since. If I didn't receive it as a gift I probably would never have bought it myself, but it's one of my all time favourites. I recently bought the collection on the PS store that has 1, 2, Birth By Sleep and Chain of Memories I think. I was reliving my childhood playing 1 and 2 again and I'm so ready for 3. When I was younger I always struggled with the first one, I could never defeat Clayton in Tarzan's world. Though when I went back to it when I was older I was finally able to beat the game and I've never felt a greater sense of achievement. At the moment I'm still working my way through the extra boss battles. The one downside with the series for me though is the games were all released on different things, so I feel like I've missed out a lot on the lore that's unique to the game. When I got the bundle I probably should have played them in an order that would make sense story-wise, but I opted to go for what I knew and relive 1 & 2 :qhehe: If I can tear myself away from my other games, I might attempt to do them all in story order before I get 3. Also I never got into Final Fantasy when I was younger, so a lot of the characters that come from that franchise I never actually knew until I was older and played through some of those games. I do think it's pretty cool how so many franchises kind of come together in KH.

My favourite character is definitely Donald, although he isn't a KH character. I also really liked Leon and Roxas though. I also think the little heartless shadows are the cutest enemy in any game ever :qh: My least favourite character was definitely Riku. When I replayed the first game I ended up winning the race that let you name the raft to new worlds, so I named it Riku Sucks. As for my favourite world it would probably be a toss up between Halloween Town and Hollow Bastion.

Re: Kingdom Hearts Fans!

Posted: Nov 20th, '18, 04:55
by AlkseeyaKC
Hey oh Buttons!!! That's so awesome someone gifted you the games. I definitely say playing through them all before KH3 is a must. lol I named the raft the same just to be mean to early Riku. XD

I didn't like Riku till I played Dew Drop Distance and he became my #1 fav. XD

What Final Fantasy have you played? Did you play them because of KH?

Re: Kingdom Hearts Fans!

Posted: Nov 20th, '18, 13:15
by Buttons
Yeah the first one was in my Santa sack, and by the time the second one was released I knew that was one I needed to have in my collection :qh: I definitely think early Riku deserved it, he was always trying to outdo Sora and I'm not about that life :qsweat:

I've played 7, 10 and 15. 13 (maybe?) was advertised in my box for KH 2 and I always really wanted to play that but I never got around to it, so I always kind of knew what the franchise was but had no games. I ended up trading my copy of No Man's Sky in for the X and X2 games, although I've only actually played X. I wasn't really a huge fan of Tidus though, I found him pretty annoying as a main character. Then I got 15 and that was when I fell in love, I ended up getting the platinum trophy for it and sunk well over 100 hours into it. I haven't played all the DLC yet though, I've actually only played episode Gladio. After that I was feeling pretty hyped about the series and I got 7 and loved that too. I think they're doing a remake/remaster of 7 though which will be similar to 15 in gameplay. I wouldn't mind trying out the other ones too though. I think it's either 8 or 9 that has Leon as a main? Also, I kind of want to replay 10 now that I've played and enjoyed the other two to see if that maybe changes my opinion on the game

Re: Kingdom Hearts Fans!

Posted: Nov 21st, '18, 15:32
by AlkseeyaKC
I'm hoping to get KH3 for Christmas. If not I'll just buy it. XD
I really must play it.

FFX was my number one fav. I put over 600 hours into that game. :mcheh:
I loved everything about it besides Seymour and O'aka (the merchant guy you pay off his debt).

I've not played 15. It didn't look interesting to me but I've seen so many people who like it that I should pick it up someday.

I'm excited for the FF7 Remake. I hope it goes well and they remake some of the other earlier FF.

I've been playing FF9 lately and it's really good.

The one with Squall/Leon is FF8. :mchappy:

Re: Kingdom Hearts Fans!

Posted: Jan 18th, '19, 18:39
by AlkseeyaKC
17 days until the game comes out!!! So excited! :mcargh:

I have it pre-ordered. It was a gift from my hubby, :qh:

Re: Kingdom Hearts Fans!

Posted: Mar 8th, '19, 21:20
by Anime
I love Kingdom Hearts. I'm going to buy it soon!