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Re: Looking for someone to RP with.

Posted: Oct 15th, '17, 10:54
by Eruvandir
(Sadly, it didn't get into the top entries for the avatar contest, hahaha xD)

[current 1] [current 2] [current 3]

I'll add the old ones once I find them.

[old 1] [old 2] [old 3] [old 4] [old 5] [old 6] [old 7] [old 8]

Re: Looking for someone to RP with.

Posted: Oct 15th, '17, 23:43
by Mikael Hart
Oh, nice! Looks like you dabble in all sorts of genres!

I haven't RPed in ages (no time, no motivation), but I have done a Hogwarts one before as well: ( x )

Re: Looking for someone to RP with.

Posted: Oct 16th, '17, 09:28
by Eruvandir
You're gooooood @_@

I couldn't find the other role plays ... one where we were dragon riders, the other in a female-only pirate ship ... and something about superpowers.

Wanna RP?

Re: Looking for someone to RP with.

Posted: Oct 16th, '17, 22:37
by Mikael Hart
Aha, thanks. I'd like to get back to the level of those samples, but I'm so frickin' rusty.

Those sound pretty fun!

I'd love to, but I have no time. Whenever I add one hobby to my list, another gets dropped off. *facehands*

Like, because of the Halloween event on FR, I haven't been able to play my DS. One thing I've wanted to do was start a Knuffel RP on here, but I want to draw my wild knuffels first. After that happens though, I'll hopefully start RPing again. Would you be interested in that?

Edit: Ugh, talking about RPs makes me want to RP again. I'd like to set up some sort of group fantasy RP though. If you're interested, please give me a bit to think about it.

Re: Looking for someone to RP with.

Posted: Oct 17th, '17, 08:08
by Eruvandir
Take all the time you need, hahaha~

I'm not sure I can work in groups though since I'm usually awake at the time most of KofK is asleep X.x

Re: Looking for someone to RP with.

Posted: Oct 17th, '17, 10:31
by Mikael Hart
That's very true. I just enjoy group RPs because I feel like there are more people to interact with. *facehands*

I got pretty excited after talking to you and started cleaning up my hangout. (Nothing to do with RPing per se, one thing just led to another.)

Re: Looking for someone to RP with.

Posted: Oct 17th, '17, 10:39
by Eruvandir
I know how that feels.

Group RPs are fun .... but when I came back online and had to read through pages ... -shiver-
That's why one of my groups did a rule where you're only allowed two posts per day xD

Go clean that hangout! Hahaha~

Re: Looking for someone to RP with.

Posted: Oct 17th, '17, 10:57
by Mikael Hart
That's not a bad rule to have.

I'm thinking about a modern-fantasy RP; not quite magic school-esque, but maybe something with supernatural training and adventure. I have an unnamed race/species that I've been looking to build on; there's not much to them yet, except that they have two alternate forms in addition to their default. (One form is a transformation akin to Power Rangers/Magical Girls for physical battles, and the other is a higher level magical transformation.)

If I had an RP based on that story, it would be similar to the beginning of Naruto, where a team of four new recruits are taken under the training of a more experienced team leader in order to gain control of their transformations and abilities.

*lies down* I think I cleaned it well enough. getting kinda lazy. XD

Re: Looking for someone to RP with.

Posted: Oct 17th, '17, 11:02
by Eruvandir
That would be very interesting o.o

Maybe you could make a 'searching for group rp people' thread? O.o

Re: Looking for someone to RP with.

Posted: Oct 17th, '17, 11:23
by Mikael Hart
Yeah, I'll think about it.

I often come up with ideas very quickly, but have a bad habit of burning out during execution. *Facehands*