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Re: :: Cat Chat :: (OPEN / online)

Posted: Nov 16th, '13, 16:52
by Bear Witch
Ooh, what sort of internship is it if you don't mind my asking? :mcshock:
I'm doing fine, thank you. Glad it's the weekend! :mctongue:
Any plans for yours?

Re: :: Cat Chat :: (OPEN / online)

Posted: Nov 16th, '13, 17:32
by necroshear
I work in an elderly home for my internship
I'm studying a bachelor to become a nurse c:

I had my weekend yesterday xP
I had to work today, and I'll have to work tomorrow c:

and sorry for disappearing like that, I went to play a game xp

Re: :: Cat Chat :: (OPEN / online)

Posted: Nov 16th, '13, 17:49
by Bear Witch
Nursing seems like a great thing to do but I'm very squeamish, I faint even when I see cuts or bad scrapes. :qhehe: I even fainted getting a piercing.

Ah I see! I used to work every weekend so my 'weekend' used to be in the middle of the week. It was nice though, places weren't as busy.

It's okay, I wander off quite a bit too! :mclaugh: Which game were you playing?

Re: :: Cat Chat :: (OPEN / online)

Posted: Nov 16th, '13, 17:54
by necroshear
Yeah i really like nursing. My internship is going great as well
I got good comments like, how devoted I am and such haha,
makes me feel good :p

Talking about piercings, I want to get a tongue piercing
don't ask why though, because i don't have a legit reason xD
in general i'm against piercings in my body, but I really want a tongue piercing
it's an exception I guess xP plus I think tongue piercings are pretty. c:

True, I don't mind having weekends in the middle of the week
although none of my friends are available then, except for a few c':

I was playing Smite
a very nice game in my opinion haha c;
and most likely gonna play League of Legends now with mercu and Totenveloren1 c:

Re: :: Cat Chat :: (OPEN / online)

Posted: Nov 16th, '13, 18:01
by Bear Witch
That's great that you're doing so well! :mcglee:

I've only had my lip pierced (twice). I don't have anything else... I may get my ears pierced but I'm not sure about it. :qhehe: I'd be too scared to pierce my tongue. xD

I've never heard of them. Are they computer based games? :mcshock:

Re: :: Cat Chat :: (OPEN / online)

Posted: Nov 16th, '13, 19:04
by necroshear
Yeah, I'm happy with my internship c:
great colleagues as well ;D

my tongue and ears are the only things I want get pierced :p
and I'm a bit scared for it, but not that much c:

Yeah they are c:
they are both moba games c: where you basically have to destroy the enemy camp, getting gold from killing minions to buy better items, etc c:

Re: :: Cat Chat :: (OPEN / online)

Posted: Nov 16th, '13, 19:08
by Bear Witch
I hope to go back to school soon so I can get a better job. :qhehe:

The only thing I didn't like about my lip ring was when I accidentally rubbed my face or hit it on something, or it getting caught on a blanket. :mcomg: That was scary... I thought it would rip out.

Oh, sounds pretty fun. xD I haven't played any new games lately, just the same old ones. I'm getting a 3DS soon though, I'm going to try a Pokemon game.

Re: :: Cat Chat :: (OPEN / online)

Posted: Nov 16th, '13, 19:32
by necroshear
what is your current job then?
and what do you want to study?

Yeahhh that does seem pretty scary :U
it's probably the only reason I don't want any piercing on the outside of my body xD I'd get scared all the time that I would get caught on something, and hurt myself.
Hence why I think a tongue piercing is a pretty good choice xD

yeah they are fun games c:
Ohhhhhh I'm so envious haha :mccute: I really want to play the new pokemon games, because they seem so awesome, but at the same time I don't want to spend any money on a 3DS.
I'll just do with my gameboy advance and pokemon pearl xD

Re: :: Cat Chat :: (OPEN / online)

Posted: Nov 16th, '13, 20:24
by Bear Witch
I work in a retail store doing visual. It's not bad but I don't make very much... I'm not sure what I want to study. :mcsad:

Yes! xD I guess that's true, I'm scared I'd get food in it or something. I'm too paranoid.

I've never really played any Pokemon games before so I'm a bit excited about getting Y. :mcglee: I still have my advance too, it's white. And I have my DSlite that I rarely play. My favorite game on my advance quit working. :mccry:

Re: :: Cat Chat :: (OPEN / online)

Posted: Nov 16th, '13, 22:36
by necroshear
Oh I see.
Not making much always sucks, so I hope you can figure out what you want to study, so you can do that, and hopefully make more money c:

I guess i'll have a hard time talking properly, and eating properly the first few days xD
but after that, I don't think it'll be that much of a bother xD

which game was your favourite on your advance?
My favourite game was Golden Sun :mccute: