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 Post subject: Re: Dirty Little Secrets...
Posted: Feb 8th, '21, 14:53    


Joined: May 8th, '14, 13:36
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Website: http://kira-chansnewblog.weebly.com/
Location: On a rooftop somewhere
CycloneKira wrote:Family therapy? Really? That's a fucking joke. Family therapy works for people who actually want to listen to each other and understand each other. You guys just want to shove your opinions down my throat.
I believe this even more now.

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It's not over yet.
There's a lot to look forward to.
Keep going.
You can do this :)
Leonard Snart wrote:There are only four rules you have to remember: Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan.
1st fairy - June 3rd, 12:06 AM IST

 Post subject: Re: Dirty Little Secrets...
Posted: Feb 18th, '21, 04:07    


Joined: Apr 28th, '12, 07:41
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I swear to all things holy and unholy, if you retire, I am gonna make you help out around the house. Mom and I cannot be the only grown-ass adults doing things to keep the house livable. You are almost 65 years old. You have no fucking excuse for being a lazy-ass adult. I do not care if it's a generational thing. You are going to be helping mom out from now on if you retire, because I won't be here forever. In fact, I may not even be here by year's end, if things go to plan.

If you try to call me lazy, I will absolutely destroy your argument. I take care of the animals, I do my own damn laundry, I do my own grocery shopping, I take care of the trash in my bathroom, I take care of the trash in the basement (which you should be doing as well, asshole), I clean my bathroom, I keep myself fed, I take care of my own health, I get your goddamned cigarettes, I take the dog to the groomer's, I run errands for mom and you, I cook for y'all on occasion, and I don't even get paid to do any of the stuff I do for you.

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 Post subject: Re: Dirty Little Secrets...
Posted: Mar 28th, '21, 02:45    


Joined: Mar 18th, '11, 18:00
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Mood: I can hear the wires pullin'
For the love of god everytime i hear one of my family members talk about how covid is a scam, masks are a scam, the vaccine is a scam, or how the medical system is profiting off people’s fears, I wanna bash their heads with a crowbar. I started working for a hospital pharmacy before covid and continued straight through so i know what the “before covid” looked like compared to now. Its fucking bullshit that my asshole family can just talk about how they don’t believe in this yet i have to make paralytic drips for vented patients upstairs. The first patient we lost was the first covid death in our county and the entire hospital felt like shit but its not like we could take a break, no we had half a dozen other people who were all doing almost as bad so we just needed to keep going. We had one glimpse of sanity over the summer just to have it smashed to bits by college kids coming back and not knowing how to social distance and infecting the community and the holidays. We were up to 38 vented patients at one point in a hospital that only had 120 beds total. I remember having to make a narc drip and had to walk it upstairs to the nurse and the patient it was going to and we made and exception for a family member to come in in ppe because the patient was going to die. As i delivered it the family member was just holding their hand and here i am with the med that’s just gonna keep him under until he dies. Some days death just felt normal to us. We are a small hospital and have a small morgue for 3 people. There was a weekend that we lost 5 people one after another. 4 had covid. The nurses were devastated. I had been in our covid unit refilling the medication machine when a patient started to code and had to hop out of the way so the nurses can get meds. I’ve seen nurses just roll a crash cart in front of a room because they had a feeling someone was going to crash and nothing they were doing seemed to help turn things around. We’ve had patients under and vented for over a month. We had a mother and adult child both get vented for covid and the mom died while her child was still vented and under so he couldn’t even say goodbye. Don’t tell me this is all a hoax.

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Real talk for a moment: Can we Go back to that month that Pokemon Go was released. Everyone was so happy and the only people down my throat were old men at work who complained about a cell phone app kids were playing. Can we have that? Please.
I have a hangout now but its rather lonely. Wanna come in and read a story?
We're All a Little Bit Insane Inside...
I'm an artwhore: x-broken-wish-x Silly Chu

 Post subject: Re: Dirty Little Secrets...
Posted: Jun 25th, '21, 03:26    


Joined: Apr 28th, '12, 07:41
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Guess what, bitch, you threatened to put a conservatorship in place on me? Your ass is going to a fucking nursing home. And after that, I'll be so fucking far away from you that you won't ever be able to hurt me ever again.

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 Post subject: Re: Dirty Little Secrets...
Posted: Jul 5th, '21, 14:47    


Joined: Jun 29th, '08, 08:11
Posts: 101
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It's not a bad secret, but I think I'm in love. Like, I can't tell what real love is supposed to feel like, and I am afraid of scaring him off, but I think this is love because the high of the initial crush has worn off for a month or two, yet I still want to be with him. I don't know what real love is. Maybe there's no single level. Maybe it has a variety of depths. I love most people in a platonic way, but with him, it's so... different. Like, I love him like I love everyone else, but I want him more. I want to hold him, I want to be with him, I want to kiss him... And while I haven't said the word "love" around him, we've confessed that we both like each other. And it makes me so dang happy. Is it love? Again, I don't know. But it is a strong emotion and it's been going on for a long time.

I'm so happy. Even if it's not perfect. And it's not "perfect" in every way. We live far from each other, we haven't decided if we're in a relationship, and there are some personality conflicts, but honestly? I am willing to be patient, no one gets along all the time, and I'd gladly move to him. I want to be with him, and I decided months ago that I'm moving in a few years, whether it's to him or somewhere else. I just don't want to live in the same place that I currently do. I'm not moving because of him. I'm moving because I don't want to feel stuck in the same town as my family. I don't like playing family politics with them, and I'm only waiting for my little sister to turn 18. Maybe not even that long. She's my favorite person ever, and she's very supportive. She might encourage me to go sooner. But even if she wants me to stay, it'll be okay. I'll figure it out.

But yeah, I think I'm in love. Even if I'm not, I feel very happy and content and joyous. And I really want to be with him.

(Please don't respond, as I am not looking for advice. I just wanted to write it out)

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 Post subject: Re: Dirty Little Secrets...
Posted: Jul 15th, '21, 14:21    


Joined: Jun 29th, '08, 08:11
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He's awesome, and I love him. He did something very sweet that's very hard to describe. I asked him for a music playlist, and he went through a lot of trouble setting it up, as a lot of the music is not easy to find (as it is not written in English), and he wanted it in a certain order. It worked after maybe an hour of him trying to get things to fall into place, and that was so sweet of him to do! I could tell he only did it because I asked. And now I am treasuring the playlist he sent me. I also figured out how to get it on my phone. I'm happy. I can carry his music wherever I go!

He worried about me when I had a procedure done yesterday, and stayed up all night (his time) waiting for me to let him know I was okay. That was so insanely sweet!!! I am so lucky to be with someone who cares about me like this! Like, I have two exes, and neither of them cared like he does. He has trouble expressing himself to anyone, me included, but I want to get so close that he is willing to try. Even if it doesn't come out the way he intends when he tries. I just wanna be there for him. I really care for him, and I want him to be happy. It's hard being so far, but I can't wait to visit him when I finally get the chance. I want to hold him...

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 Post subject: Re: Dirty Little Secrets...
Posted: Oct 16th, '21, 18:57    


Joined: Nov 17th, '19, 11:20
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You know humans nowadays in digital age
I don’t look that perfect under those filters

Oh oh and another thing, I’m sure ppl in my workplace already clearly noticed, I don’t know how to type chinese, even write most of them, while my job included taking fast notes and entering stuff

Also, actually, I’m more and more in constant fear of losing him in daily life, the forever type. Since

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____Fight for the Plague!!!Image

the knuffel wish list of mine.
and hey, check out lcey's hangout~

 Post subject: Re: Dirty Little Secrets...
Posted: Oct 17th, '21, 07:25    


Joined: Apr 28th, '12, 07:41
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I'm just so fucking tired of being angry and not able to let shit go that happened almost 20 years ago.

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 Post subject: Re: Dirty Little Secrets...
Posted: Oct 27th, '21, 13:43    


Joined: Jan 2nd, '14, 11:03
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So there was that guy I'm talking to, I know we don't live nearby but still, we're from the same country, we like the same thing, we're both around the same age and both looking for someone to date. He kept being nice to me saying I was smart and funny and wonderful, and all those things got me thinking maybe he loved me.... and I was loving him to...
Then he said out of the blue that he had been trying to meet someone on a dating site.
Why all the nice things then? Why saying I'm wonderful if he doesn't even consider dating me?? That got me thinking it was something about how I look...
So really, all guys are just the same, huh? Even if they claim they're romantic and love people for their wits, in the end they're just gonna date who looks good

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 Post subject: Re: Dirty Little Secrets...
Posted: Oct 29th, '21, 03:11    


Joined: Apr 28th, '12, 07:41
Posts: 1701
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Mood: Wear a mask, Save Lives!
*flips the bird at the weather* Fuck you, Mother Nature. Take your rainy, shitty-ass weather elsewhere and lemme have sunny fall days for awhile!

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