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new donations system up!
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Total votes : 68
 Post subject: More incentive to donate? [Update]
Posted: Aug 21st, '17, 04:21    

Carrot Cake

Joined: Aug 2nd, '15, 00:55
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Good news everyone!
Firn has created a new donation system for us based on all of our suggestions! Thank you so much :qh: :qh:

The announcement in question: https://kofk.de/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=61080
The page to show all donations: https://kofk.de/index.php?p=perks

You may use this post or the announcement thread (if not lock) to thank Firn or with more suggestions :qlov:
Spoiler: Previous Post
So I really can't afford to donate as much but whenever I had something to spare I never feel like there's enough incentive to donate such small amount.

I understand the whole queen's gift if you donate enough for 20fc. But that's about 50$ for me I can never ever donate that much in a month!

So here are some examples that would help me and perhaps others to donate that I have taken off of other sites (if you wish to know specific sites I can PM them to you Firn in private).

Please users and admins don't throw hate at me just because you think Im being greedy, I barely can manage above my bills; I have to choose very wisely on what to spend my extra money on and also Im just trying to help the site find more ways to get people to donate based on what I see is successful on other sites.

1st way: Maybe instead of donating enough for 20fc in one month... it is more cumulative to earn the queen's gift.
So people will get a queen's gift for the 20fc they donate for instead of in a month. This way whenever people like me have any spare money we would donate it cause we know eventually we would have a chance at a queen's gift :mcsquee: even if it takes someone 20 months... In my case you would be getting that extra 10-20$ I have to spare that otherwise I wouldn't really donate to the site.

Example: I donate about 4 fc worth every month and after 5 months I can get that month's queen's gift (the 5th's month queen's gift).

2nd way: Lesser donations amount incentives. I.e. Different ranking/ Ranking system
This includes maybe having a queen's gift for someone who donated enough for 5fc, 15fc etc. Just for people who once again can't get to the 20fcs ranking. These could be anything... room items, special knuffel. up to you honestly... just a ranking system. Doesnt even need to be called queen's gift... could be called princess' gift or king's gift or alchemist gift! Wuffel gift! They dont even need to be gold in color :qlov: This would be very exciting. This might seem like a lot of gifts for someone donating but I think its a really good way to get people to donate more (3 gifts vs currently 1 gift)

edit: this one also gives more incentive for people to donate after they donated 50$ originally for the queen's gift. If they can't afford to donate another 50$ they can still do the lesser amount and get extras of the king's and/or princess gift. Otherwise they might have just saved up till next month to donate just 50$ again.

Example: Someone donates enough for 20 fc and gets an queen's gift, king's gift and princess gift. Someone else donates 10 and gets a king's gift and princess gift. and 5fc is princess gift!

3rd way: Higher donations = "extra" fc
Pretty simple to explain. If you donate enough for 4fc you get one fc for "free". Donate enough for 20fc and get idk 4 free. you can come up with this! Also they have to donate that certain amount so this won't be cumulative...

Example: I donate one time enough for 4fc and get a 5th free. Someone else donates 4 times for 1fc but they won't get the 5th free.

4th way: Sales!!!!
Another simple one and I think the easiest to do. Have sales where its like 50% off or 25%. This would make people wanna donate for sure so they can stock up on fc in the future. So they are likely to spend more- and also would help people on budgets!

So to understand why this would be helpful: If an user normally wouldn't donate 5$ but sees a sale and knows they can get double the fc for that 5$. So they donate. You make an extra 5$ you wouldn't have made otherwise!
Now a normal donating user might feel even more need to donate more than usual because they know they can get more fc than usual if they go higher than what they normally donate. Of course some people will have a set amount they can always donate and they wont go above that but they would appreciate the extra fc too!

Don't make sales regularly just do it whenever you think its a good time! and you can set the discount how much you want it...

These are just some suggestions I have... and each and everyone of them would make me more than happy to donate. But for the current system I have no reason to donate. I understand you can use the fc to get TT sets you like but I can live without not getting the TT sets I really want...

To admins: I don't mean exactly these way- you probably need to modify these in some way and maybe even come out with different ways to fit your userbase! Just trying to help bring up this topic.

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 Post subject: Re: More incentive to donate?
Posted: Aug 21st, '17, 04:45    


Joined: Jan 8th, '10, 03:37
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Let me start by saying that I'm definitely not the spokesperson for donations or anything,
and I definitely don't know everything that goes into financing or economics or KofK, even.
However! As a buyer, I figure it might help to have more input on this. <:

I think I could see myself backing options 3 and 4.

3. The "Buy 4 get 1 Free" thing is a pretty common way to get people to spend money,
and the free FC is small enough that it might not affect inflation too badly?
Like, a person getting 5 FC for $10 (right? yikes, math) instead of 4 won't have too large of an impact.
Or it might. I'm not great with economics, like I said. ;;

4. I like the idea of sales! Definitely not all the time, but every now and then,
even something as small as 5% off could encourage someone to buy.
And if they're like me, they'll probably get trapped and spend more because they think they're getting a good deal. ;)
My concern with this is that it could be manipulated and someone would get
an absurd amount of FC for cheaper than usual and inflation would go up.

Okay, so I suck at explaining.
But here are my reasons for not supporting 1.

1. I don't mind the idea of cumulative donations for the queen's gift,
but it would throw off the schedule for Firn, I feel.
There are new items each month, right? And that's on Firn's schedule.
If you donate enough in that time, great, you get it. If you don't, you don't.
However, if someone's donating $50 over three months, and another person donates that same $50 in a day,
how do they organize who gets what item? When do they change?
This could work with the ranking system you mentioned, but then I wonder
if the rarity of certain items (the lower ranked ones) would go down.
I've donated probably around $200 dollars to this site, if I had to guess,
so would it just keep building up? I donate $50, get an item, then donate another $50, get the next?
I hope I'm not sounding rude. nu n ;;; Just trying to sort out how it would work!

EDIT: You know what, I might not have understood what you were getting at originally with this suggestion.
Like, it would still be monthly items, but the month that you hit $50, you get that item?
I can back that.

Originally, I wasn't in support of option 2, either, but the more I think about it the more I like it!
I could see it being like .. separate from the queen's gift?
That keeps the queen's gift rarity up, but also gives others something more?
Might be interesting to see what they could come up with.

A few things.
As someone who has donated $50 per month at times for the queen's gift,
I feel really satisfied to receive it after investing so much.
I don't make a lot of money either but KofK is really important to me,
as it is for so many of us!, and receiving something exclusive like that for donating
$50 is incredibly encouraging.
That's a personal feeling, of course, and it might vary for everyone.

Lastly, I want to say that the FC alone are a decent incentive.
With FCs you have the potential to:
a) Buy Treasure Trove items, which are limited edition, so to speak, as they leave after a fixed time.
b) Sell it for FPs, which people also really want!

Often the TT sets are incentive enough for me to buy FCs. <:
Though I know you said they might not be for you, which I totally understand.
It's different for everyone. o vo

But yeah. Like I said, I hope this wasn't rude or anything!
And I'm definitely not the best person to represent any sort of support or counterargument. D;
But .. I feel like it'll help to have a lot of povs on this if we were to implement something new with the donation system.
Definitely helps to get everyone's input. <:

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       Post subject: Re: More incentive to donate?
      Posted: Aug 21st, '17, 05:04    

      Carrot Cake

      Joined: Aug 2nd, '15, 00:55
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      Nope you were not rude at all Fran! It was well spoken :) and very kind! Yes your edits are correct- for 1st way you get the month you hit 50$ item.

      And yea 2nd way will keep up the rarity of the queen's gift! You would still need to donate 50$ and this way if someone wanted to donate more than 50$ BUT NOT 50$ more=would still have an incentive to do so to get maybe another king's or princess's gifts!

      I understand how you feel about FC being incentive but this site has so many commons and event items and digging items that they end up not as important to me. I understand you can buy amazing limited sets but I also have so much options without donating to make amazing avatars! I also understand people donate out of love I would too if I had more incentive-. I don't get any value of donating 5$ a month other than for fc. Which like I said I can very easily live without! And I could always save that money up and maybe treat myself for something else that month..

      Im not very good with my words either so I usually make people angry at me :qd: :qcry: :qcry:

      Edit: Forgot to thank you for your input :mcargh: :qoops: Thank you! Always good to have different point of views

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       Post subject: Re: More incentive to donate?
      Posted: Aug 21st, '17, 05:19    


      Joined: Jan 8th, '10, 03:37
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      After talking it out in my response and hearing your explanations,
      you've swung me to your side of things, haha.

      I really do think that for a lot of people, the FC alone is pretty solid incentive.
      But you're right that there are a lot of other things the site offers.
      On the one hand, this is perfect because it gives people who can't spend FC
      plenty of things to wear and do. They don't have to feel left out without FCs.
      On the other hand, like you said, it may turn you away from donating when you can put that money somewhere else.
      In that case, I think the sales and bonus-FC ideas are pretty useful.
      If nothing else, there might be more donators during those periods. o vo

      I definitely don't mind something that helps people donate more,
      because ultimately we want to keep the site running!
      But ...
      I also don't want to put too much more work on Firn or Starkad's shoulders.
      Anything that requires extra coding or extra item designs might be more difficult.
      Hopefully, if we can implement something, it won't be too stressful or time consuming!

      Also, you're totally fine.
      You got your ideas across well, I just suck at reading. ;;;
      But no problem! I hope other people get in here too. <:

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           Post subject: Re: More incentive to donate?
          Posted: Aug 21st, '17, 09:12    


          Joined: Apr 14th, '07, 00:58
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          On the idea of sales I can tell you that we tried that out and it did not work out well for us at all, but just ended with us getting less donations.
          We had this in 2011 where you would get more Fairy Coins for your money:
          Indeed people donated a lot more in that month, but then they donated much less for the coming months as they had stocked up on cheap Fairy Coins. We are already not making enough money for this site, so I won't do anything like this again. It was worth a try, but it just didn't work in our benefit.

          The same would go for the "higher donation more fairy coin" suggestion. It runs down to the same principle where people get more FC for less money and we end up getting less money in total.

          Cumulative to earn the queens gift is also something that would not work in a favour, because of Paypal fees. PayPal takes a mixture of a fixed fee for each single donation and in addition to this a % fee. While the % fee is always the same, no matter whether you donate 10$ in a month or in 4 months, the fixed fee gets taken for each single donation, so it makes a big difference to us whether someone donates $10 at once or 4 x $2.50. Therefore we like the encourage people to donate bigger sums at once and having each 2.50$ donation cumulate to get a queen's gift would probably not encourage this.

          However, I am not seeing any harm in the idea of rewarding smaller donations with an extra item, apart from me having to come up with more items each month. So this is something I could imagine for this site.

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           Post subject: Re: More incentive to donate?
          Posted: Aug 21st, '17, 09:17    


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          How about making the "smaller donation prize" basically Queen's gift except silver? Then you wouldn't have to come up with a new item but just recolour the one you were going to do for Queen's gift, and silver gets some love.

          If you introduced bronze as a new colour you could do a tier of 5 FC 10 FC 20 FC gifts.

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          Zia's uncoloured mule

           Post subject: Re: More incentive to donate?
          Posted: Aug 21st, '17, 19:03    

          Carrot Cake

          Joined: Aug 2nd, '15, 00:55
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          Firn wrote:.....
          Ah I see I didn't know this place ever had a sale Im too new :mcargh: Thanks for clarifying that!

          I also didnt know about the paypal fees- maybe you could make this a feature to the people who donate to you using mail?

          Thank you :qsmr: and sorry for making more work! Like I said before it doesn't even have to be a queen's gift :) could be any npc's gift or maybe room items! Doesn't have to be gold and could be other colors (like sunlight mentioned).

          Personally I would not use silver or bronze as their colors since I don't think a lot of people would like those colors... Maybe white? Or black? Or a more universal and popular color like gold is!

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           Post subject: Re: More incentive to donate?
          Posted: Aug 21st, '17, 21:06    


          Joined: Feb 14th, '11, 01:50
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          How about the colors being Gold - Rose Gold - Silver? I feel like Rose Gold is very popular already, and I agree Silver could get more love. This wouldn't involve introducing a new color Bronze, that I fear may not be very popular like many colors from the brownish palette.

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           Post subject: Re: More incentive to donate?
          Posted: Aug 24th, '17, 05:24    


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          Yeah, I don't think they'd be popular either. I thought it'd fit the theme, though. With metal and smaller prizes. Like first second third place medals. I feel like it'd make sense, at the very least.

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          Zia's uncoloured mule

           Post subject: Re: More incentive to donate?
          Posted: Aug 24th, '17, 09:00    


          Joined: Mar 18th, '10, 21:58
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          Just throwing in a sugestion, I think it would be cool and encourage people to donate if everytime the site recives a certain amount of donations we would get a new item in the Troth Tent. And have a graphic displaying how much money it still needs until the new item is released (doesn't need to say how much money in numbers, it can be just a color graphic).

          The target would be up to you Frin so you would be able to put it as high or low as you want, or maybe even vary it depending on the item you want released next. And it wouldn't mean making new items every month like with the rewarding smaller donations idea. The donations could cumulate from month to month until the target is done.

          I think people would be more encouraged to donate expecially when they will see the bar almost filling, if anything for anticipating of a new item.

          And please consider reintroducing a donating method by phone text message if you find any good offers please!

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