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 Post subject: Re: Knuffel Poems and snippets
Posted: May 17th, '17, 22:54    

Akili Li

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Alright, I've left Umiel and his apprentice alone too long! What new things have they been up to?

I come back with a request for a Special Dress, and Umiel wants in return:

6x Cottonwood Leaf
4x Silver Ring
1x Sweet Pea
11x Tulip
210 FP

I can see the leaves, they'll stretch out into fabric, decorated with curling sweet peas and silver rings and tulips, but.... nothing for Umiel? Nothing for the apprentice?

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 Post subject: Re: Knuffel Poems and snippets
Posted: May 17th, '17, 22:56    

Akili Li

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Aha! Eye Drops!
Surely Eye Drops will be such a paltry request that there will be new hints forthcoming?

Umiel austerely hands me the new shopping list:
9x Bananarama Paper Bags
1x Dragon Eye
5x Heart Balloon
7x Ivy Leaf
360 FP

See? I knew it! A dragon eye to show your eyes how they are supposed to work. Then all these other things are.... in aid of what?
Lots of paper bags, perhaps to contain the messy results of failed experiments by the apprentice?
Heart balloons, to lift the apprentice's heart so that the courage to try again is attained?
But these ivy leaves.
Maybe Umiel is going to plant a garden and wants to see how ivy would look against varying surfaces.

Don't do it, Umiel! Ivy takes over everything and breaks apart your structures!

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 Post subject: Re: Knuffel Poems and snippets
Posted: May 17th, '17, 23:15    

Akili Li

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I can't resist coming back to see what the decision was.

This time the request is for a Picnic Basket. Umiel doesn't even look surprised, just hands over this list.
8x Bubbles
1x Crystallized Air
1x Family Jewels Paper Bag
4x Gold Coins
15x Paper Airplanes
1x Twig
6x Valerian Leaf
230 FP

Huh. Well, the bag is clearly to create the basket base. Perhaps the crystallized air to line and harden it? And bubbles to have preserved spaces, paper airplanes become a lining...
so the hints of what are happening can be found in gold coins, a twig, and valerian leaves.
Well. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Umiel asked for coins just because anyone would get tired of being used to get ANY and EVERY little thing people could just go to a store for, and wanted payment.
But what is anyone going to do with a twig and valerian leaves? Perhaps the ivy experiment was enough to decide against ivy?
And the gardening experiment is now about creating a new plant?
So you begin with a twig to make it tall and slender and willowy, and add valerian leaves to teach it how to branch and leaf out, and begin to spell into existence a very special tree...

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 Post subject: Re: Knuffel Poems and snippets
Posted: May 17th, '17, 23:18    

Akili Li

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The Sh'room Sock really is revealing, though.

Umiel asks for
2x Book of Herbs
1x Book of Magic
1x Clown Shoe
27x Pencil
8x Treasure Map
300 FP

And you KNOW most of those are entirely unrelated to a Sh'room Sock. In fact, I bet Umiel just reached into a drawer and pulled one out and everything on that list is for other stuff.
Books of Herbs and Magic -for the apprentice, one to write notes in and one to keep as a pristine copy to refer to. A clown shoe becomes a spell to add a note of levity to learning so mistakes are funny instead of lethal.
Pencils by the gallon because anyone learning new things goes through a LOT.
And treasure maps because if you're going to practice spells, you may as well do neat things like learn dowsing by going on treasure hunts!

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 Post subject: Re: Knuffel Poems and snippets
Posted: May 17th, '17, 23:38    

Akili Li

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Oh oh.
A genuine need for the Alchemist:

Hamster Medicine!

Umiel is not worried, though. The list for this is:
1x Angel Feather
15x Apple Core
10x Green Balloon
1x Morning Dew
8x Water Ring
5x Wererat Tail
370 FP

I figure the angel feather for protective/curative properties, stir it in. The apple cores to make the medicine appeal to the hamster. Balloons to carry off the illness, morning dew for its refreshing properties, water rings to flush out the illness, and wererat tails to transform back into heath.
Umiel is taking this request SERIOUSLY.

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 Post subject: Re: Knuffel Poems and snippets
Posted: May 17th, '17, 23:52    

Akili Li

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This next one is pretty frivolous, though.
Chocolates? Really?

Umiel is enigmatic, and makes no comments beyond the list:
25x Family Jewels Paper Bag
10x Flower Petals
8x Peony
340 FP

You can read a lot in that, though. It seems simple, but it's not!
One of the bags might be for carrying chocolates, but the other two dozen have another purpose. Some to carry flowers, some to carry flower petals -and what do you suppose are the chances of those peony flowers becoming more flower petals soon enough, eh? There's an event going on. Someone must be having a celebration, and the flowers and petals in these bags will be duplicated by the Alchemist's powers until each one is full to bursting, ready to be thrown out in great joyful handfuls! Someone, other than us, is using Umiel's services the way they ought be used.

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 Post subject: Re: Knuffel Poems and snippets
Posted: May 18th, '17, 00:02    

Akili Li

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Now, Glitter Glue might seem a simple request.

But it's not.

Umiel is wise and knows this, and asks for
11x Daffodil
1x Light Ring
5x Lily
2x Pink Rose
8x Water Ring
350 FP

See, the thing is, you could use mica to make glitter but the stone is in limited supply. Better to simulate it with a shattered light ring and reflect those glinting lights off many waves of shattered water rings. The glue bit is provided by boiled down organic matter, but because it's Gigi it has to be Gigi friendly, and that means flowers instead of bones. And that isn't easy so you need a lot, and different kinds!
But it's still an interruption with a lot of work, so Umiel charges a bunch of food points on top.

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 Post subject: Re: Knuffel Poems and snippets
Posted: May 18th, '17, 00:40    

Akili Li

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Then Growth 2 : Ethanol, and Umiel asks for

4x Green Balloon
25x Maple Leaf
10x Marshmallow
270 FP

This is a funny one. Marshmallows grow in heat, green balloons go up, but maple leaves? Maybe to make the potion more "green" and compatible with that sort of thing?

I think, though, that Umiel has noticed how much I am learning from the requests, and is deliberately limiting everything to asking for what is actually needed. Sneaky Alchemist.

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 Post subject: Re: Knuffel Poems and snippets
Posted: May 18th, '17, 00:49    

Akili Li

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But nothing lasts forever, not even Alchemist vigilance!

Next we come to the Magic Mirror....

Umiel wants
10x Belladonna Flower
20x Blue Balloon
3x Green Candle
1x Light Ring
10x Moth Orchid
25x Spider Web
350 FP

First we have the belladonna flowers, because there's this small issue of recurring freckle-removing-cream orders, and a cream touting to remove them needs belladonna flowers. Once the cream has been made, it has to be delivered to everyone who ordered some, and blue balloons will make a great way to get it out! Tie the little jug to the string of the balloon, whisper the name of the recipient, and off it goes!
The candles will light the hours of research to discover how to make a mirror.
The moth orchids turn out to be a bribe to a spirit that will inhabit the mirror, and the spider webs are what make up the actual mirror. Silver sheen of web strands reflect back what the spirit desires to be shown.

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 Post subject: Re: Knuffel Poems and snippets
Posted: May 18th, '17, 00:51    

Akili Li

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The Crystal Comb quest sees Umiel be almost exclusively professional again.

1x Fork
3x Iris Flower
4x Trout
9x Weed
350 FP

The fork's tines become the base for this fantastic comb; trout-scales lend their translucent shimmer. The iris flower shows the fork how to bloom outwards in a profusion of petal-tines, and the weeds are how the comb encourages the hair to grow.

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