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What would your power class be?
Acca (Offensive)  19%  [ 12 ]
Iuu (Defensive)  20%  [ 13 ]
Laicu (Trickery)  38%  [ 24 ]
Paoluc (Misc)  23%  [ 15 ]
Total votes : 64
 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Sep 9th, '16, 15:27    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
Posts: 242
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You have hugged Reht!

Website: http://www.squareaquarium.com
Location: England

The milkmaid tried to stay as still as possible, her heart fluttering and palms sweating in rising fear, she didn't feel quite so brave now as she had when she'd boasted to her friends about not being afraid of anything. The knife was flung and she flinched as it hurtled towards her face.
The crowd of onlookers cheered as the knife sunk cleanly into the apple on top of the maiden's head, pinning it to the wooden post behind her.
Cass gave a toothy grin and dipped into a bow, with a flourish from his hands before quickly bounding over to the post, retrieving his knife and helping the dazed woman back over to her friends.
He gave her rump a playful pat as a parting gift, causing her to redden and snap out of her daze, an uproar of laughter erupted from her friend group.

"Now! My fine, new friends - if you found that impressive, how about we up the ante a little bit!"
The crowd joyously responded with cries of yes and the clinking of coins as new donations found their way to Cass's striped contribution box. He smiled cheekily and hopped over to another particularly buxom woman in the crowd. Her smile dropped as she realised that she was his target, and started to splutter a refusal "I-- er, that is, I'm not really one for p-participa-"
He cut her off with a gentle finger to her lips, "Don't worry my dear, I don't need another volunteer quite yet - just wanted to borrow your lovely scarf" He smiled, pointing at the purple silk, decoratively tied around her neck.
She nodded silently, startled by his proximity, and he delicately loosened her scarf for her - a blush appearing across her freckled cheeks as the blonde haired man gave her a wink and then headed back into the center of the square with her scarf.

He showed his audience his prize with a flourish, before tying it over his eyes. Quick as a flash, he produced three more knives from the folds of his patched pink coat, twirled and threw them in quick succession.
The crowd cheered and Cass allowed himself to reveal a bright blue eye from under his blindfold, observing the crowd's mirth at the three perfect bullseyes he had landed on the targets scattered around the square.

"How about three more volunteers!?"

((Hope this reads ok, it's been a good couple of years since I've tried my creative writing skills >.<;; ))

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▃▅▆ The Inbetween ▆▅▃
A walk-in role-play hangout - please come and join C:

 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Sep 11th, '16, 10:32    


Joined: Feb 26th, '14, 19:42
Posts: 601
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Mood: Wind Fairy Top! <3
[[I seriously love your character. I'm going to create another character to work with for now :mccute:
I'll use blue for this character.

Name - Jess
Age - 20
Birthday - 24th April
Class - Mortal
Clan - N/A
Power (If Immortal) - N/A
Job - Barmaid/Waitress
Appearance - Casual. Short brown hair, blue eyes and thin eyebrows. She wears clothes that mainly show off her curves, including fishnets and corsets. Her wings are transparent in all areas but one, her wings are a dusty yellow. Rumours spread that her wings are not fully white as people believed she committed many acts of adultery.
Personality - Independant, sarcastic, upfront, confident and rowdy. She likes to get into the middle of fights, particularly when the drunks start causing disruption at the bar. Many people find her manipulative and seductive to get her own way, she doesn't have many friends but it doesn't bother her. ]]

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 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Sep 11th, '16, 10:46    


Joined: Feb 26th, '14, 19:42
Posts: 601
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Mood: Wind Fairy Top! <3
A slow sarcastic clap could be heard in the distance. A path was made as a tall female started pushing through the crowd. "Absolutely brilliant, astonishing, never seen that in my life. Wow. Seriously... wow". The crowd started to go silent, allowing only her raspy voice to be heard. "You know what, you must be a magician, or someone really, really, really good with knifes. You know... like a carpenter, or a murderer". The faces of the crowd started to be horrific, several shouts could be heard telling the female to be quiet and let the man continue with his performance. "Let the man perform you say? Let this man perform? Fine, lets see if he's as good as he says". She quickly takes off the sash wrapping around her arms, showing the muscle that was her biceps, the crowd couldn't help but note the masculinity of this female, and how she had the nerve of trash-talking a man with knives. She was so hooked on proving this man was a fake, and if he wasn't a fake, well then what is he? Immortals wouldn't go round flaunting their stuff to spite us 'useless' mortals, not in her area that is.
"Use this as a blindfold, amaze these people with what you can really do. Unless it's all a load of bull, you can say no if you want to". She laughed, waving the sash in his face.

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 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Sep 11th, '16, 12:12    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
Posts: 7506
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Mood: Elusive Crumpet
[[Yay for new characters! I like Cass, he seems to be a lot of fun, can't wait to meet up :)]]

Hearing about Aivio's mother's cherry pies made Melyna's stomach give off a little growl and she laughed and picked up the pace a little. "That sounds delicious, now I'm getting hungry!"
This reminded her that she needed to think about what to serve Aivio once they reached her home. She had a leek and cheese pie that she had baked the day before stored away, but somehow she felt it deserved a cut of meat on the side as well.
"Do you mind if we make a small detour via the market square Aivio? I was just thinking that a cut of meat would make a fine addition for our lunch, and I don't have any at home right now."
Since she had delivered a new skirt for the butcher's wife a few days before, there was still some meat from his trade offer due, so it was an easy decision to treat herself to some. But did Aivio even like meat?
Suddenly unsure, she looked over at the other woman.
"Do you like meat? I know some people prefer not to eat it, if you don't want to, that's fine of course!"

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My personal Quest thread:

And my buying thread!

My crafty hangout thread, where I talk about my sewing and crocheting projects and would love to hear about any kind of projects you do (or just come chat, that's fine too!):
Most urgent wishes currently:

Ehlenia Eyes (Aqua), Eyrion Fan (Claret), Jiniri Hair (Mocha), Lunar Night Banshee Hair (Blue White), Bat Momma Eyes (Ecru)

Check out jacobgrey's awesome interactive Harry Potter Fanfiction thread!

I'm on Flight Rising and Tattered Weave as well- feel free to friend me!

 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Sep 11th, '16, 18:31    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
Posts: 242
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Website: http://www.squareaquarium.com
Location: England

Cass cocked an eyebrow at this new woman's entrance and examined her as she approached - a small smile crept across his features, it had been a while since he'd had a heckler.

He shifted the sash off of his eyes, turning the blindfold into a lopsided bandanna, and listened to her request. Bowing his head slightly he replied,
"I have done many jobs in my time, and honestly, entertaining fine folk such as yourself is one of life's more charming pursuits." He spread his arms indicating the rest of the crowd to be fine folk too, his friendly demeanor relieving some of the tension, and proceeded to untie the silk scarf from around his head, "Although it is a shame to exchange such a lovely blindfold, I'll meet your challenge."
He handed the silk scarf back to its owner, who accepted it meekly, and then strode over to the tall woman. As he took the new sash he leaned in close, his cheek almost touching hers and murmured softly, "Never murdered anyone before, but there is a first time for everything." He pulled back slowly enough for their eyes to meet and to flash a dark smile, before turning brightly to the rest of the crowd, "Right! If everyone could stand a little further back for this one, it'd be nice to get a bit more distance!"

As he walked away he tossed an apple from within his cloak over his shoulder to the girl and then took his position in the center of the square. He took one last look at her, drinking in a firm sense of her body and current position, before tightly tying the new sash over his eyes and preparing to throw.

(( Thank you both c:
I like your new character too Riri - is it ok if I call you Riri? I think her and Cass are going to have some fun interactions xD ))

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▃▅▆ The Inbetween ▆▅▃
A walk-in role-play hangout - please come and join C:

 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Sep 12th, '16, 14:11    


Joined: Feb 26th, '14, 19:42
Posts: 601
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Mood: Wind Fairy Top! <3
[[I'm glad there's more characters getting together. First time playing two at the same time so I'll have to get used to this. :mcheh:
Riri is fine! I'm just popping out for a bit then I'll come back to posting Jess' part. I gasped at the whisper bit but I'm looking forward to it haha]]

Aivio laughed as she heard the growl from Melyna's stomach, she could have sworn their tummy's sung in unison.
"Ditto! I could talk about food for hours! Cherry pies wasn't all she made, she made really good savory stuff, like cottage pie! Oooh the carrots were so crunchy and then the potatoes just dissolved into your mouth". Aivio snapped out of her food dream world, quickly wiping when she saw the amount of dribble that was slowly drifting from the bridge of her mouth.
"No that's completely fine! Warrior need protein! Protein make warrior strong!" Aivio mimicked in a caveman voice, flexing her muscles into the air.
"Anyway, I love the market life at this time, it's when it starts getting busy. Some early buskers come to make money as well, I'm not much of a singer but it sure is a good way to make some pocket change! Do you sing?" Aivio's eyes darted towards Melyna, her eyebrows raising up and down quicker by the second as if she was pressuring her for an answer.

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 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Sep 12th, '16, 23:26    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
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Website: http://www.squareaquarium.com
Location: England
(( I love playing multiple characters, means you can split up the party sometimes and if you have no muse for one character, you can just focus on getting a post written for the other C:

And no worries if you end up not having time to post tonight, s'all good C: ))

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▃▅▆ The Inbetween ▆▅▃
A walk-in role-play hangout - please come and join C:

 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Sep 13th, '16, 14:44    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
Posts: 7506
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Mood: Elusive Crumpet
[[I agree, the whispered part was really intense ^^ Looking forward to where these two are going... Sorry this one turned out a bit short, but I thought I probably shouldn't enter the city before Riri had a chance to post Jess again.]]

Letting out a relieved sigh, Melyna started to laugh at Aivio's impression of a caveman. "You should probably pick up acting, girl! And yes, I do sing sometimes, I rather like it, but I don't usually do it publicly..." She blushed a little at the thought. It was more something she did while she was sitting outside somewhere, stitching or while she was walking through the open landscape with noone near.
"I enjoy the singers on the market a lot though, they give the town such a lively flair!" She was starting to look forward to their detour not only because of the meat now, it would probably be a lot of fun to see the perfomances and all the people walking by together with Aivio. "Do you like to listen to the singers, if you don't do it yourself? Or are you just not that interested in music in general?"
They had almost reached the city gates now and Melyna nodded a greeting to the guard in front of it, like always.

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My personal Quest thread:

And my buying thread!

My crafty hangout thread, where I talk about my sewing and crocheting projects and would love to hear about any kind of projects you do (or just come chat, that's fine too!):
Most urgent wishes currently:

Ehlenia Eyes (Aqua), Eyrion Fan (Claret), Jiniri Hair (Mocha), Lunar Night Banshee Hair (Blue White), Bat Momma Eyes (Ecru)

Check out jacobgrey's awesome interactive Harry Potter Fanfiction thread!

I'm on Flight Rising and Tattered Weave as well- feel free to friend me!

 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Mar 9th, '17, 13:20    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
Posts: 47
Hugs: 2544
Hello dear people,

I would like to join up as well, the characters are all colourful and the roleplay is nice :) I'm gonna wait with submitting my character though, since it seems you already have a flamboyant rogue character. My character wouldn't be the exact same thing(flamboyant outlaw) but i can see why Reht might have trouble with it. I will await his reply to my pm before i submit my character :mccute:

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 Post subject: Re: Hothomia - Open and Accepting (Fantasy/Sci-Fi/SuperNatur
Posted: Mar 17th, '17, 11:49    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
Posts: 47
Hugs: 2544
@Ririanne: I've had a reply from Reht. He's okay with the plan, so here's my dear Louis:
Name - Louis
Age - (who knows?) looks around thirty
Birthday - november 11th
Class - Immortal
Clan - Laicu
Power (If Immortal) - His wings seem to be made of light rather than dust. Louis can either control that light to engulf him, to make him look bigger and chase away monsters, or create a shadowy cloak to hide himself from view.
Job - Louis perceives himself as a Dandy Highwayman. In short, he's a thief, but he only steals from those who can miss the money. To the most he seems to be a performer as he uses is guile and social skills to avert people's eyes from stealing hands
Appearance - He's incredibly tall and skinny, which is only more obvious by the laced thigh-high heeled boots he's wearing. His head and shoulders usually stick out above the crowd. On top of that, his flashy outfit consists of pastel colours with a lot of ruffles and imbedded (fake) gemstones, to make him stand out even more. http://quarter-virus.deviantart.com/art ... -640628554
Personality - To most, he is an openhearted shameless man. He cares about many and radiates tolerance to almost every person. Therefore he expects tolerance in return. Louis can become very resentful and disrespecting when people treat him with close mindedness or ill manners. He has a playful nature, great social skills and is known to woo the women as well as the men. But he is never seen in a relation with either one though
Let me know what you think!

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