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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 12th, '17, 23:15    


Joined: May 8th, '14, 13:36
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Website: http://kira-chansnewblog.weebly.com/
Location: On a rooftop somewhere
Phoenix was met by Nelya the not even a minute after she stepped outside. She smiled at the other's curiosity and decided to satisfy it for her. "Well, it's meatloaf," she said. "With rice and mashed potatoes. Go on and eat before it gets cold, okay?" She gave the other girl a smile as she saw Felix and Minny go inside for dinner. Barnes seemed to be the only one missing.

"Let's go inside?" she asked, before leading the other girl inside. She went into the kitchen and brought out three plates for each person, keeping the plate with the broth smiley face on the rice for Minny. "Isn't Barnes coming?" she questioned in general, hoping someone would tell her where the man was.

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It's not over yet.
There's a lot to look forward to.
Keep going.
You can do this :)
Leonard Snart wrote:There are only four rules you have to remember: Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan.
1st fairy - June 3rd, 12:06 AM IST

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 13th, '17, 10:50    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
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"And that's how we took care of the Velverbeast!" He sank back into his chair, smiling at the memories which he had just shared with his crew. It was only then when he noticed Felix and Minny.
"Oh hello there, i hadn't noticed you yet. I'm sorry i didn't notice you earlier, I might have been a little caught up with my own story" He then continued in a more serious tone "Felix, how are you getting along with those papers? We will be making port in a few days and we are going to need the documents. Besides, there will have to be a list of requirements on my desk the day before we make port. Can you arrange that?" After that, he turned to Minny "tell your old man that you both did a great job. The landing gear works perfectly again."

He looked up as the chef and Nelya came back into the Galley. His response to Phoenix's question was short and clear "sorry dear, haven't seen him yet. But maybe his assistant will know more about that" as he turns to Minny again, silently waiting for her reply

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 13th, '17, 17:03    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
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Minny chatted along amicably with Felix on their way to the messdeck, enthusiastically describing her favorite dishes and the cute additions Phoenix often made to her food.
She enjoyed the quartermaster's company, he reminded her of some of the older trainees at Aldrin's workshop and she felt quite at home bouncing off of his boisterous nature.


Laslo settled into a chair as Louis went into full flow on the tales of his exploits - the young captain was mostly happy to just listen and watch the impressed and incredulous reactions of the crew members surrounding them, although he occasionally interjected with good natured comments on the adventures that had taken place on the 'Bringer.
"...Yes, and the tavern maid's husband wasn't quite so taken with you!"
"...Come now, I don't remember the beast being that huge..."
"...I couldn't get the smell out of my jacket for weeks.."

As the stories trailed off, Laslo's attention drifted towards the hefty tray of cake cooling on the side. He had a slight addiction to chocolate and the temptation was strong to go and grab himself a large slice before the serving of dinner, but he didn't want to appear rude or childish in front of his crew, so he regretfully dragged his gaze instead to the newest crew members entering through the door. His eye's caught Felix's as the lively man was getting Minny's attention and he gave the pair a cheerful wave.

The lively engineer joyfully strode into the dining room, scanning the crowd for Phoenix,
she hadn't seen the cook all day and wanted to shout a quick hello before food. Feeling a light dig in her back she jumped and followed Felix's motions to staring straight into the brown eyes of the captain. She made a small surprised squeak and returned the captain's wave awkwardly.
She hadn't spent much time with Laslo - he usually spoke directly to Barnes about engine matters and his more serious disposition and position of authority made her shy away from approaching him herself.

Saving a spot for Barnes, Minny sat down next to Felix. She beamed at Phoenix at her food was set in front of her, her eyes immediately catching the rice's smile.
"Ah, thank you Pheeny! I love it!"
She clutched her fingers together in a quick prayer of thanks before ploughing into her food, her enthusiasm for the food causing her to miss Phoenix's initial question.

The captain's stomach rumbled in appreciation as Phoenix set the plates down in front of him, the steam coiling in front of his face and sending tantalizing scents into his nostrils, but he waited respectfully as the more religious members of the crew said their prayers before tucking into his food.
The meatloaf was deliciously smokey and the buttered mash complemented it perfectly, the flavours melting together blissfully on his tongue. He made a mental note to compliment Phoenix's cooking again once the meal was over.

Being specifically addressed by the vice captain caused the red-head to pause in her onslaught of the food and turn her face upwards to him. Mouth still full of potato, Minny answered him as eloquently as possible.
"Ah, he'sh shmokin' on deck again." Next to the vice captain she noticed Laslo looking at her amused, her face reddening as she realised she wasn't exactly promoting polite table etiquette and quickly swallowed down her food before continuing. "Sorry - Eh, he should be down he in a bit, he won't mind that we've started without him though."

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▃▅▆ The Inbetween ▆▅▃
A walk-in role-play hangout - please come and join C:

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 13th, '17, 18:21    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
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You have hugged Chrizine!

Mood: Elusive Crumpet
A happy smile spread on Nelya's face upon hearing that there was meatloaf for dinner. It was one of her favourite dishes, her mother had always made an excellent one. But she trusted the ship's cook to rival her mother in this. So far, Phoenix had given masterful renditions of all the classic dishes she made, often by giving them a slight exotic twist, but not always. She definitely looked forward to tasting this one, especially as they got closer to the kitchen and the wonderful smells made her mouth water. "It smells awesome! I definitely won't let it get cold!"
True to her word, she dug right into the food as soon as everyone was seated and people had finished their prayers. She never really understood why people wanted to let their food grow cold while thanking some unseen authority for giving them a hot meal. It seemed somewhat contradictory to her, but then again she hadn't been raised in a particularly religious way. She much preferred just thanking the cook after the meal, when it wasn't getting cold anymore and one could compliment the taste. Which was just what she planned on doing, since the meatloaf tasted as good as she had expected. Maybe she should extend the thanking to the captain for hiring such a great cook, seeing how he was present today. So maybe she shouldn't save that for after the meal, who knew how long he would stay. A little interruption while eating wouldn't make much of a difference to the heat of the dish.
"Captain, it is nice to have you with us for dinner today. That way I can thank you for hiring Phoenix - you either got exceptionally lucky or you have great judgement in choosing your cook!" She smiled and turned to Phoenix herself before continuing: "You outdid yourself again, chef! I love my mom's meatloaf, but I will still have to admit that yours is even better."

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 14th, '17, 21:50    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
Posts: 47
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Louis had been able to keep a serious face up while he adressed Felix on the matter, but couldn't keep it up as the young man stuffed a pile of papers under his nose. The gesture was unexpected, yet showed persistence. Besides, he managed to get Barnes (of all people) to sign. He looked the young man straight in the eye for a bit longer, then his face lightened up with a huge grin. "Marvelous work quartermaster! I had a good feeling when i hired you, and you didn't fail to deliver!" He accompanied the words with a hug around Felix and a warm smile.

Then his attention shifted to the food. He closed his eyes for a while as he folded his hands and muttered some prayers, followed by "allright, let's eat" he rather thought for himself than that he said it for the crew. Then, he started eating. It was a casual way of eating, and his fork swayed dangerously, like he wanted to launch his dinner across the room. It never left his fork though. The manner was playful, yet he didn't lose his attention for the crew and his captain.

Minny's reply had caused him to make a nonchalant tut-tut face, as she adressed him with full mouth. She seemed to pick up the hint, and continued to talk with an empty mouth, to Louis' relief. He didn't really like the engine master's smoking habit, but he was glad that Barnes took it outside and away from the others. He didn't bother anyone with it so Louis let the man. Besides, how would Barnes be if he didn't get his smokes? Louis shuddered at the thought alone.

He paused his dinner as Nelya began to talk. He hadn't heard much of the girl yet, and welcomed her openness. He nodded in agreement as she spoke her compliments to the chef and said in a conspiring tone "Well dear, never underestimate the importance of a good chef on long journeys." he paused to raise his glass to the chef and continued: "The captain and i searched long for this one..." He winked cheekishly at the captain and took a sip.

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 15th, '17, 17:34    


Joined: May 8th, '14, 13:36
Posts: 1761
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Mood: I'm trying.
Website: http://kira-chansnewblog.weebly.com/
Location: On a rooftop somewhere
Phoenix hid a smile behind her hand on hearing Minny's response to the vice captain. She beamed at everyone, happy that they liked what she'd made. "I'm glad you all like it," she said, and ruffled Minny's hair. "I'll just keep Barnes' food inside then, so he can eat it whenever he comes without it getting cold." With that, she went into the kitchen and put a cover over Barnes' food. She then took the chocolate cake from the counter and began frosting it. She then had a thought and went out to the dining area.

"Hey Minny?" she called out to her friend. "You wanna bring your dinner over and help me put the frosting on the cake? I'll let you put as much as you want." She added the last part with the smile, thinking Minny would love the idea of extra frosting.

(0) (0)
It's not over yet.
There's a lot to look forward to.
Keep going.
You can do this :)
Leonard Snart wrote:There are only four rules you have to remember: Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan.
1st fairy - June 3rd, 12:06 AM IST

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 23rd, '17, 01:37    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
Posts: 242
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Website: http://www.squareaquarium.com
Location: England
Laslo slowly chewed his food, watching his crew's antics with mirth. He nodded with agreement at the compliments to Phoenix's cooking, catching Loui's wink with a laugh.
"What can I say, we both clearly have good taste."

He bit back a gleeful smile at the mention of the cake, shooting a quick glance to Felix to make sure that the quartermaster hadn't caught his flickering expression. Lord knows what the man would try to get away with if he realised that bribing with chocolate was very much a viable option with the captain.
Pushing his plates away, Laslo sighed contentedly, signifying that even though he'd only eaten half of his plates, he was done with the main course. He'd never been a big eater.
He eye'd Felix's immaculately cleaned plates, "So it seems you're as methodical with your food as you are with your work." He stated, half-joking, half-impressed by the man's eating habits.

Minny smeared a finger over her plate, gathering up the last of the tasty broth on the end of her digit and suckling on it with relish.
She grinned as Phoenix ruffled her hair, perking up to attention and removing her finger with a light popping noise as the task of frosting was mentioned.
"You bet!"
She vaulted out of her seat, empty plates in hand, and bounded over to the kitchen where Phoenix was waiting. Her plates clattered loudly as she dumped them next to the sink, bright blue eyes zoning in on the cake immediately.
She happily gave the cook a quick hug,"Oh wow Pheeny! This looks so great! Are you sure you don't mind me frosting it?" She nibbled nervously on the corner of her lip, "I don't wanna mess it up."


Up on deck, Barnes blew out a long plume of thick purple smoke into the night air. Despite his grumblings, he had followed Minny's advice and scrubbed his skin to a fresh pink using one of the barrels of recycled engine water. Not exactly the hot baths he had been used to back home, but it did the trick. His thoughts drifted to memories of a short plump woman scrubbing his back and joking around with him in a large tub, a dreamy smile spreading across his features as he puffed out another stream of vapor, watching it coil up to the stars.
Barne's gaze settled on the moon, it was full and quite dazzling, despite a smudge of black cloud obscuring part of its face.
It had been a full moon that night too.
Thoughts of warm hazel eyes and wandering hands were replaced by the memories of fire and pain. Grunting with distaste, Barnes shook his head and pulled his cap down, no longer wanting to look at the sky. He leaned heavily over the ship's balustrade and took a long drag of his cigarette, allowing the purple weed to turn the edges of his brain softer.

"I wonder if Laslo can be convinced to stay in port for more than a few days this time..." He wondered aloud, forcibly focusing his thoughts on more present matters. "It'd be good to give this old gal' a proper tune up." He patted the ship affectionately and gave his cig one last drag, scrunching his nose slightly as got the bitter taste of the butt coming through the usually smooth taste of hemtuft.
He blew the smoke out through his nose, in what would have been quite a dramatic display, had anyone been watching and contemplated whether to light up one more or to call it a night an head down for dinner. There were only a couple of crew members left finishing up jobs on deck, and he knew Phoenix started to get twitchy if she thought any crew member was even thinking of skipping their daily nutrients.
Making up his mind, Barnes flicked his spent cigarette over the side of the ship and pushed himself up off of the railing - a flurry of dark movement catching his eye as he did so. The short man squinted upwards.

What he had first thought to be a cloud covering the moon was now much bigger, much closer and very much un-cloud-like. The writhing black mass stank of malevolence and was approaching the ship fast - Barnes couldn't quite make out what kind of foul creature it was, but he didn't much care to as he caught the shrill sounds of pained screeching on the wind.
Stumbling backwards, Barnes let out an alarmed bark and bolted towards the alarm point built into the base of the ship's mast.

((The alarm will be sounded at the beginning of my next post, feel free to finish eating/ kitchen activities before reacting to it c: ))

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▃▅▆ The Inbetween ▆▅▃
A walk-in role-play hangout - please come and join C:

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 23rd, '17, 10:53    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
Posts: 47
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Louis is one of the last to finish his plate. The smears of his plate still visible. He draws a few lines in the smears with his forks before he puts it down. As Minny picks up the plate a few words are visible: https://img.clipartfest.com/e2322cc91cc ... 4-449.jpeg

He smiles as she takes the plates to the kitchen and relaxes in anticipation of the wonderful cake that will be coming through the door anytime soon. "Don't forget to put down some extr-" his words are cut off by a thumping sound and a scream from the main deck. With a short swear, he bolts himself over the table. He sat with his back against the wall with people on either side, so this was the fastest way to get across. Without a word he races to the door and up the stairs to the main deck. Strangely enough, Louis's his actions were completely silent apart from the swear and a slight tap of his heels on the floor after he landed from across the table.

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 23rd, '17, 18:08    


Joined: May 8th, '14, 13:36
Posts: 1761
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Mood: I'm trying.
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Location: On a rooftop somewhere
Phoenix walked backed into the kitchen and began to cut the cake into two layers as Minny dumped the plates with a loud clatter that made her wince. "Careful with the plates, Min," she said in an agonized whisper, before getting wrapped in a hug that she couldn't help returning with one hand, the other busy finishing off the cutting of the cake. "Oh, don't be silly," she said kindly to the younger girl. "I'm sure you'll do just fine. Besides, even if you do mess it up, you know I'll be able to fix it." She winked and passed the bowl of rich chocolate frosting over to her friend.

"Remember, no sampling until the cake's done," she warned, half-joking and half-stern. "You can have the left-over frosting if there is any. Okay?"

Just then, she heard the ship's alarm and her expression immediately changed to a serious one as she looked up in the direction of the source of the sound. She quickly put a lid on top of the frosting and ran out to the dining area where the captain and Felix were. She went over and stood a little behind Felix, waiting for her orders as well, knowing well that she was no good in a fight except to defend herself long enough to escape. In truth, she wanted nothing more than to remain in the kitchen and finish frosting the cake and keep it in an appropriate place, but she waited patiently for what the captain had to say.

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It's not over yet.
There's a lot to look forward to.
Keep going.
You can do this :)
Leonard Snart wrote:There are only four rules you have to remember: Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan.
1st fairy - June 3rd, 12:06 AM IST

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 25th, '17, 11:04    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
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Louis made a short stop at the armoury to pick up some weapons before heading further up the stairs. The alarm sounds when he gets to the main deck, rapier in hand. His gut had proven him right, something IS wrong. He turns to the alarm point and sees Barnes near it. A quick jump is made to cross the distance between Barnes and himself. As he stands there, towering over the man, only one word is spoken. "Report"

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