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 Post subject: Re: Your Funeral
Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 05:01    


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I haven't really thought about my funeral much. I did tell my husband that if I go first to not spend a lot of money on my casket. I want him to get the cheapest box he can find and spend more money on the headstone. I want people who happen to walk by my grave to see that headstone and know that I loved and was loved.

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 Post subject: Re: Your Funeral
Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 05:42    


Joined: Feb 1st, '14, 20:22
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Ah... Yeah... Usually when I think about that, I'm in a self-hate mood so I picture no one caring enough to come. Though I know better, and I'd have at least some people because I have a damn good family and group of friends who'd want to be there for it. I'm also hoping someone would be there for my mom if I manage to die before her, simply because my death would kill her. Other than that? I can't really envision how it'd go.

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 Post subject: Re: Your Funeral
Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 05:58    


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Turn me into a tree, celebrate life not death.

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 Post subject: Re: Your Funeral
Posted: Oct 28th, '20, 06:03    

Beautiful Disaster

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I think about that sometimes, just sort of musing. I don't know what it is, maybe the Irish in me, but I don't want people to be too sad about my death. A long time ago I read about how Irish funerals focus more on celebrating the life of the person, and gaining catharsis through honoring them, and that's what I want. When I die (hopefully a very long time from now) I expect people to be sad, of course, but I'd want them to celebrate my life. Make it a party, one final send off. This may sound strange, considering the name of the song, but I want Green Day's Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) played at my funeral. The name aside, having listened to the lyrics so often, I feel like it would be apropriate.

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May those who love us love us And those who don't love us May God turn their hearts, And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we'll know them by their limping.

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 Post subject: Re: Your Funeral
Posted: Oct 31st, '20, 05:30    


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i don't know what my funeral would look like, because i don't really have any like... living requests for how i want people to mourn me i guess. they can do it however they want, because i trust them.
i don't want people to be like wracked with grief when i die, but i don't want to be forgotten either. that just sounds sad. i think it'll be fine.
i don't, however, want to be embalmed. just plant me in the earth. don't even need a casket really, but if that makes it easier.

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 Post subject: Re: Your Funeral
Posted: Oct 31st, '20, 12:10    


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Since my funeral is not for me, but for the loved ones, I never really think about it. I sometimes joke about wanting silly songs to be played, but that's it. That is why I would leave it all to them, I have no desires. I won't live to see it anyway. Heck, what I don't know, I don't care about anyway, so I can't really say I need people to mourn me either...

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 Post subject: Re: Your Funeral
Posted: Nov 2nd, '20, 05:42    


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My family would be the only ppl to Mourn me and that's okay. I told them I want them to cremate me and plant a tree over me. Preferably a cherry tree. So there can be new life after me. And they can come and tlk to me...the tree lol and it won't feel as bad. I also just like the idea that cherry trees spring into blooming pink flowers every year.

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 Post subject: Re: Your Funeral
Posted: Nov 3rd, '20, 10:11    


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They're gonna burn me and bury me on a forest graveyard, where my future husband will also be buried. I want them to mourn there, because you have to get it out somehow, but I want the last song or whatever to be extremely happy, so everyone can leave with a better feeling, knowing that I hold nothing against them, because, uh... I'm dead.

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 Post subject: Re: Your Funeral
Posted: Nov 3rd, '20, 23:20    


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oh, this is a nice topic. ideally I would like to be cremated and made into a fertilizer for a tree sapling (hi @Suugar-Fiend and @Carnehil :qh: ) and have a rad party for my funeral/wake.

but really, whatever works for my family. i won't care, i'll be dead. i want them to have the least possible hassle with the funeral, so they can go back to their lives and not be financially burdened by my death. i understand the importance of mourning, psychologically, but i would be happy if my family was more thankful to have met me rather than sad to have lost me

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 Post subject: Re: Your Funeral
Posted: Nov 12th, '20, 08:43    


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I want to be put into one of those tree pods and feed plants with my body, and I don’t need any fancy funeral. Just people who loved me to celebrate and not be sad

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