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 Post subject: Re: The Ethereal Saloon
Posted: Oct 30th, '20, 05:01    


Joined: Jul 17th, '12, 05:06
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You have hugged Nankuii!

Mood: que sera sera
Location: Home
it won't be any time soon LOL!! i searched a little here and there, but not enough to make up my mind. it depends on the place and time, but i'm totally up for having an old cat. i always feel bad when i hear they're not picked as nearly often as kittens :c

oh... okay, thanks for your input. i actually think i won't be getting it afterall haha

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 Post subject: Re: The Ethereal Saloon
Posted: Nov 2nd, '20, 08:39    


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Hi guys so I disappeared for a month lol
but don't you worry, Germany is back in partial lockdown and my school has decided to close so I have a whole month of nothing to do now :mcheh:

I stopped playing AC months ago. It's so easy to stop.
I feel like it's more of a vibey game anyway. You go in when you want to watch digital waves, catch digital fish and stare at digital leaves swaying in the wind.

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 Post subject: Re: The Ethereal Saloon
Posted: Nov 2nd, '20, 11:06    


Joined: Feb 11th, '13, 00:20
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I could see getting an older cat at some point too, but I really-really want a kitten whenever I get one :mcsquee:
just the ability to see how they grow and change with time, learn their quirks and stuff.

kk, I've been playing again lol
got a new villager who apparently moved to my island from a friends island at random. but the weird thing is... he moved from her island months ago... and he doesn't remember moving. he straight up asked me if I "ever wake up in a new place surrounded by boxes filled with your stuff. No? Just me then... Thought someone was playing a practical joke on me." but that seems to imply that he blacked out or something between her island and mine :mcomg:

welcome back :mccute:
I sorta know the feeling, where I'm at keeps doing this "things are getting slightly better (but not really) so we're gonna open things up a bit more." right back to a "oh no, look at the cases rising!! closing up again! but not all the way~!"
it's really dumb... like... with how bad the cases keep getting, why keep going the circle of "numbers slight drop = open = numbers rise = closed" like... just let stuff go down-down...
I've been being careful not to go out at all, since covid and pre-existing lung stuff... I don't feel like those two things would be good together :mcomg: :mcdead:

I can see some people playing it as a vibey sorta thing.
I sorta latched on because it's like a life simulator where you can do things in the game you might be unable to do in real life. it's a real help when health or chronic pain acts up. just a nice "hey, can't do this right now in the real, but I can go to my island and swim about or hang with some neighbors or ect"
that's why I sometimes say "Animal Crossing is Life" lol both as sort of a joke but also a little serious :mcheh: :mcheh:

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 Post subject: Re: The Ethereal Saloon
Posted: Nov 2nd, '20, 11:23    


Joined: Nov 13th, '11, 16:15
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God, I hate it. Why can't people just wear their stupid masks. I did lessons in a mask, you get used to wearing it. But no, pull it off after you got out of the shop like you couldn't breathe the whole time :mcmeh: Wouldn't even need to close everything down if people just like... wore masks. Why is this so hard?
Yeah, I've tried not to go out. My bf and I had a date night last week. Got a table outside with no one around us. First date in a while, and the last date for at least a month.

Yeah, I guess I get that, but I don't have chronic pain so I'm not sure. idk, at some point it felt like a chore to do these things like collect all the fish for the month etc. That's why I stopped. I might check in again at some point, but yknow, right now that feels like work.

I speedran the halloween event this morning lol do you get anything special if you restart? Like in '15 the halo I think

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 Post subject: Re: The Ethereal Saloon
Posted: Nov 3rd, '20, 01:46    


Joined: Oct 26th, '20, 07:49
Posts: 62
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how about the fact customers complain about wearing masks while they shop (what 15mins 2hr at most usually?) how about the employees that LITERALLY wear it their entire 6-7hr shift or more

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 Post subject: Re: The Ethereal Saloon
Posted: Nov 3rd, '20, 07:41    


Joined: Feb 11th, '13, 00:20
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I keep bringing up how they've worn masks, like, in Japan. FOR YEARS. to help prevent getting others sick even if they just have a cold or something, just to be courteous of others...

I still haven't done the halloween event :mcomg:
I keep planning to, but then my brain is like "yeah, but there's Genshin. and that event in Sky... oh, and you were writing a short story for some of your characters and drawing. also, Mousse and Waffles are being cute. and spoopy movies..." :mcheh: :mcheh: :mcsweat:
so much time in a day, and yet it goes by so fast :mcsweat: :mcheh:

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 Post subject: Re: The Ethereal Saloon
Posted: Nov 3rd, '20, 09:14    


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How about the medical professionals that are stacking two masks for their eight hour shift? Like, sure, it's mildly annoying and sometimes my glasses fog up, but we're talking about people's lives. Who cares if you're annoyed?? I'm not asking you to wear a mask for your own sake, I don't care what diseases you want to catch on your own, I care about everyone you'll infect, you narcissist.

Haha well the halloween event could disappear any moment. :I I'm doing my second run lol

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 Post subject: Re: The Ethereal Saloon
Posted: Nov 4th, '20, 01:36    


Joined: Feb 11th, '13, 00:20
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that too! that's a good argument with when people say wearing masks can kill you or give you major lung issues!
I also think it's weird when people say they can't wear masks for health reasons, but then they go out in public with the virus going on. Idk about other places, but where I'm at has things set up if you can't wear a mask due to underlying conditions so you don't have to go be around people possibly carrying the virus.

I'm finally working on the event :mcomg:
hope I'm able to finish it before it poofs

man... posting in forums for all these forum based items is hard...

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 Post subject: Re: The Ethereal Saloon
Posted: Nov 4th, '20, 10:20    


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I mean, masks just can't kill you unless you use a plastic bag lmao
I'm pretty sure the reason breathing might feel harder is because your lungs need to work harder. Like, your muscles may need to contract more. If you wear your mask more, you build those muscles, and it's not such a big problem anymore.
There are also people saying they have health issues in Germany. I'm just... Like, unless your lungs are completely diseased and dead, or you don't have ears, wearing a mask should not be a problem for you. There are so many videos of people screaming they have a health issue, they can't wear masks...... How are you screaming like that if you have trouble breathing?

Haha yeah, the forum posting is a lot. I finished both runs, just posted a lot in the knuffel and avatar and life issues and discussions and and and.....

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 Post subject: Re: The Ethereal Saloon
Posted: Nov 4th, '20, 11:01    


Joined: Feb 11th, '13, 00:20
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oh man, I know :mcangry:
I have lung issues. breathing with a mask is fine, a little stifling after awhile, but it's fine. the most issues I'll have with a mask is the glasses fog.

oh, I didn't think to do that knuffel forum, I stuck with the "discussion" forum I think? seemed sort of like a "answer these questions" sort of forums :mcheh:

man... I just want it to be thursday... the anime I'm following updates thursdays :mcsad:

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