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 Post subject: Re: A few thoughts on the perk items
Posted: Feb 1st, '18, 15:13    


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Knuffel as donation perk seem like a bad idea to me. With items it's easier to let it go, because there aren't many people who want to collect exactly every and each item on the site. However more people are hung up on collecting all of the knuffs, whether they like them or not. And with the unique knuffel feature and the custom knuffel being open, many knuffel collectors (and there are quite a few) might get frustrated to a bad point, like leaving the site, because they'll feel it's pointless to stay.
I think custom and unique knuffel ought to suffice, for now at least. Maybe in the future knuffel as donation perk would be an option, but right now people are pretty upset about the unique knuffel feature. I think adding a knuff as donation perk would increase the bad atmosphere.

I'm not sure detail is the problem with the perks :mcargh: Back when the gifts were gold, I still liked and disliked some. Now it's the same, only now we have more color choices. I still really wanted some of the new non-gold gifts after the new system was introduced. So far I've been hoping it would just need some time for the users to get used to the new system.
Maybe it is indeed the color that adds to the feeling of "this is something that belongs to the queen, it's royal, I want it".
Or maybe it's the lack of "fancy" (lol). Right now the perks are not gold and indeed they look like any other item on the site. Previously, seeing a nice item in gold I'd always wonder if it maybe has been a gift of the queen, now there is nothing that differs the perks aside from the name tag. Still, that seems like a minor problem, if it is even the problem.
Another option is, perhaps people liked to see the old items tweaked into something new. Like, we know it already, but it's even nicer, more unique. Following that, Firn, have you considered slightly changing a TT item and listing it among the donation perks? It doesn't have to be in gold necessarily, but maybe if it was slightly altered and in some nice color, perhaps people would donate more likely? See, with a completely new item it's a hit or miss. But if you take an item that you know was popular and add something to it, maybe that would help.
Or just make one or two of the perks in gold and see if that helps?

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Dec 21st/22nd 2016, R.I.P. Tila. We'll miss you, you cuddly little stinker <3
Dec 7th 2019, R.I.P. Candy. I'm sorry, my sweet little rumball...
Jan 8th 2020, R.I.P. Cotton. Farewell my golden adventurer </3
May 15th 2021, R.I.P. Kreska. I love you, angel...
Feb 3rd 2022, R.I.P. Kropka. Goodbye, my *starshine*
Nov 27th 2022, R.I.P. Strzałka. You will be missed, lazy ball.
Jan 5th 2023, R.I.P. Iskra. Spark until the end.
Jan 26th 2024, R.I.P. Mocha. You can fool around now, baby <3
Feb 22nd 2024, R.I.P. Latte. Now you are truly a free spirit...

 Post subject: Re: A few thoughts on the perk items
Posted: Feb 1st, '18, 19:47    


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I am poor and cannot donate atm so all of this is just fun suggestions that you in no way need to take seriously XD (I do try to donate when I can but bleh).

Firn, if you are having trouble coming up with sets for items, we could host a contest for users to create ideas? Based on votes or whatever like the avatar contest? Could turn winners into various types of items available for various types of things like TT items or donation items. But something folks have to donate to get?

At the very least I like the idea of the items of the month for donation being in the theme of a color, makes it more incentive to get them together so they can be used together, I think? Just a thought.

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 Post subject: Re: A few thoughts on the perk items
Posted: Feb 1st, '18, 19:58    


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Yeah, they could be separate items that can't really be considered a set, but they could share the same main color maybe? And the main color could change every month?

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Dec 21st/22nd 2016, R.I.P. Tila. We'll miss you, you cuddly little stinker <3
Dec 7th 2019, R.I.P. Candy. I'm sorry, my sweet little rumball...
Jan 8th 2020, R.I.P. Cotton. Farewell my golden adventurer </3
May 15th 2021, R.I.P. Kreska. I love you, angel...
Feb 3rd 2022, R.I.P. Kropka. Goodbye, my *starshine*
Nov 27th 2022, R.I.P. Strzałka. You will be missed, lazy ball.
Jan 5th 2023, R.I.P. Iskra. Spark until the end.
Jan 26th 2024, R.I.P. Mocha. You can fool around now, baby <3
Feb 22nd 2024, R.I.P. Latte. Now you are truly a free spirit...

 Post subject: Re: A few thoughts on the perk items
Posted: Feb 1st, '18, 20:06    


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That's what I was thinking. That way there's a theme at least? If not an actual set. Or actual themes could work too. Fantasy stuff, spacey stuff, armor pieces etc?

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 Post subject: Re: A few thoughts on the perk items
Posted: Feb 1st, '18, 20:07    


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Firn wrote:I guess I could make the 20FC perk like I always made the queen's gift, if that's what people want?
Yes please! Gold is one of my favorite colors on the site, and I very much liked that the queen's gifts were often fancier versions of past items

There are several donation perk items I really loved (like the eyes :mclove: the duckling wings and headwings are also so so cute) but overall I have to say that quite a few of them didn't interest me at all. Especially the lower tier ones. So I've been holding off on donating in hopes of something I liked better the next month. Because 20fc or 15fc is a lot, I'm very reluctant to donate that much, and debate with myself a lot (I almost did for the eyes :qh: and kinda regret I didn't). Whereas 5fc is no big deal IF I liked the items. But so far that kinda hasn't been the case :/ So I'm constantly gambling on the next month.

I do think it's nice that there is more color variety in the donation perks, rather than just lot's of gold. But at the same time I really liked the gold and would like it if at least sometimes there was a gotq that looked like the old ones. And I agree that some of the perks did miss that special something that sets them apart from any other bananarama item.

I understand though that it can be a very subjective thing and different users like different things. And I don't doubt you pour your heart into everything you create for the site, Firn :qh: I hope you figure something out

If you ever feel kinda burnt out, I'd be happy to provide some sketches and ideas, fancy and regal is kinda my jam

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 Post subject: Re: A few thoughts on the perk items
Posted: Feb 1st, '18, 23:57    


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Just some (very personnal) observations following what I've read here so far :

I liked the GotQ more when it was one original item and not a recolour, it felt more "VIP" (although 2 of my absolute fav items are the golden yukata and the golden long mu hair x)).

I love the gold colour so much :mclove: but I don't mind the other colours they're so pretty as well and it's true that I wouldn't wear golden all the times so... But gold also kinda add a VIP vibe to it (maybe because it's been tied with the "gotq" for a long time).

I don't care much for ears, horns, tails, or small accessories, I rarely use them so I admit that even though I like the idea of donation perks I don't feel very attracted to the items. And since I don't really have money I prefer to keep the small bits I could give for the big thing I'll like later.

I don't think a proper set with the four items is important, cause if you're only getting one or 2 of them it doesn't really make any sense. I mean that may be nice for the ones who gets everything but will it make me want to have the 4 because it's a set ? I don't think so, I'd probably be more attracted to one fancy thing.

Overall, I think I'd feel more concerned if there was just one (gold?) original item like it was at 1st (how many of us are still dreaming when they see that halo or that mantra! pretty sure I'm not the only one x)), but for cheaper maybe cause I reallly can't afford it otherwise.

(And I agree with pretty much everything of what Pernelle said :D]

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 Post subject: Re: A few thoughts on the perk items
Posted: Feb 2nd, '18, 00:39    


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I'll throw in my two cents for once, I think the problem of the perks lately is that they get kinda lost in the avatar when you use them.
The GoTQ, especially the latest one, can be a main piece in an avatar, the perks don't have that quality as much. (except maybe the eyes and the mocha and aqua hair).
Not sure if it's going to help but thought I'd throw it here in case it does.

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 Post subject: Re: A few thoughts on the perk items
Posted: Feb 2nd, '18, 07:27    


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Thank you everyone for taking the time to give your thoughts! :qh:
Fair warning. phew! :mcsquee: This is gonna be an insane post

I understand Firn I can only imagine how hard it would be to come up with new ideas on your own. But like Eva said you could do another contest for item ideas? or maybe open a thread specifically so people can post reference photos and the like for donation perk items.....apart from the usual suggestion thread.
I kinda wish Vindrae was up for designing KofK items again :mcheh: . I love how she always creates creepy and beautiful items at the same time. I daydream of perk items drawn in her style XD.
But anyway wonder off there I know some has suggested that it doesn't necessarily have to be a set but it could be a set of items that have similar color schemes to give the illusion that they are?

Okay that sounds like a plan! Can't wait to see what they look like. I don't want to overwhelm you as having the "bigger" perks changed is already a lot of work. But I don't think we should neglect the small perks either. They're important. But we can worry about them if changing the bigger perks helps. Like some people have mentioned one of the aspects of GOTQ items is that they were STATEMENT PIECES, something that would stand out in an avatar and be the main focus. I agree that the new perks are missing this sort of sentiment.

Yeah your right, the items were shit in gaia.....and thinking with a greedy corporate kind of mind I guess that was the point. If the "free" items were shit then it pushed you to spend money to buy the more "expensive" looking avatar items. I'm not saying that you should do it like that or lower the quality of the free items or anything (as thats ridiculous) but the principle is the important thing? What I mean is that people want to spend lots of money on avatar items that look expensive. And that's kind of what I hope the GOTQ regain, that look of being an expensive item. And you are right I think since the "free" items are so good that it raises our expectations of "pay" items. And when they look too similar to "free" items, it doesn't give user that I GOTTA HAVE IT. Moment. Which we desperately kind of need.

Oh I see! Bummer! It really would have added an extra sort of uniqueness to the GOTQ items. Imagine the only animated items are GOTQ everyone would want them. Even now ppl even collect the nonfuctional room items just because they're animated.

I agree and disagree with some people about the knuffel. I think it is important to keep users happy, but not at the expense of the site going down. THE SITE NEEDS MONEY, NO ONE would be happy if the site doesn't exist. We can't afford (literally) to sugarcoat ideas anymore as I see it. We need things that will bring donations, even if it makes some users unhappy. So if adding a knuffel to the high tier donation perk can help I think you should. It's a "desperate times call for some desperate measures" kind of thing. I just saw the last 3 months of donations and it's scary. They were at an all time low O.O
I do however have some suggestions on how this unique knuffel for the high tiers should work. (it could be reg. older knuffels as well)
You could take all the people who have made the "higher tiers" donation and put them in a raffle at the end of the month. Once the month ends you draw up a random number and the user attached to that number wins. You could even do up to 3 knuffel copies-3 winners (for different user, and depending on which one you want to do older knuffel or Unique and also depending on how many ppl donate). This way not everyone who donates gets that knuffel but there is still that chance. That way we have 2 raffles the food one and the "FC" one, sort to say.

:qstar: Another way you could do it is by a "drop" system. Each time you donate you have a chance that that unique knuffel will "drop" for you along with your items. Obviously the higher the donation the higher the probability that the knuffel will "drop" for you. I have seen that when things have a "probability" it is almost addicting to keep trying. It is kind of proven by how we get new wild knuffel items. I know for a fact users have expressed this sentiment before, myself included. Here is where we can add an element of temptation . It's one of the reasons slot machines are so addicting bcs you want to keep trying bcs you feel like youll win soon.
I know this might also generate a lot of "surplus" GOTQ items.....but that might be a good thing. As people who can't donate have a chance to get GOTQ items left over from people trying to get the knuffel. It's a win win....in that sense. :qstar:
<---I like this idea the best. However this "probability" idea could work with just about anything else as well. In case you want to add it as like another item, or past TT/MT items.
I know some users will be unhappy about it. But the cold truth is that the site needs the money and it's not getting it. So if this helps then we should try. I could compromise and suggest this be labeled as a "TRIAL" thing, to appease people that it could be taken away if it doesn't help. But I think the unique knuffels are the newest temptation and people want them. So they could really help with donations.

{edit}---Some extra thoughts on why "smaller perks" are important too

One of the reasons why i think the "smaller" perks are important as well is bcs people seem to save their money for the higher tier in case something better comes along. But the site needs the money every month and that strategy doesn't help the site (it's logical when money isn't abundant so it's no ones fault). But thats why smaller items are important to look desirable/ "fancy" so that people want to spend on those too. Even if it's just a little bit. So we don't only rely on the higher tier items to win people over. Bcs if some don't like the big item despite everything, they may still fall in love with a smaller perk and donate a little. Instead of not donating at all.
I guess what I am asking for the future, maybe not in the next 3 months or so however long you need for you to see if changing the last tier helps and not to get overwhelmed. depends on you. Is for all the tier items to look like a high tier item.

{edit} {edit}---Perk item's designed after unique knuffels?

I think people would go nuts for a perk system that sometime included Unique knuffels inspired avatar items. The thought hit me like a brick and it's something i would personally go crazy over. Specially considering everyone loved our first Unique Knuffel's look. (unicorn...can't go wrong lol. specially with social media and unicorn everything :mctongue: )

I know right! I regret not donating that month for the wedding dress so pretty. I think a lot of people are leaning into making the last item gold. But I still think that might not be enough. Like I said before I do believe it has to a "statement" piece. Something that would stand out in an avatar apart from all the items.
Let me know what you think of the probability idea for the knuffel I said above.


Thank you for your thoughts.
I think "gold" has been a stable of the GOTQ for so long that it's almost become it's identity. To be frank a majority of why i love gold is bcs it was used for the GOTQ. made me feel like my avatar was expensive looking :mcheh: .It's silly but I'm being honest lol. Hope I'm not the only one who gets this thought. I agree with your theory on color.

I guess with the knuffel system, even if we agree to do it right NOW it would realistically still takes starkad months to put it into place (prob). At least it's what ive seen firn say as i'm sure she had planned/drawn a new contest ages ago and starkad just hasn't had the time. So i guess either way people will have time to cool off?

Thanks for your thoughts on the "fancy" aspect of the items. It's something so hard to explain. Like I have the picture of what a fancy item looks like in my head but it's hard to put it into words.
I like your idea of tweaking the old items and making them into something "new". Like my Valk headwings....just take an old item, change it a bit...or a lot... lol and then BAM make em gold and It looks like one of the easiest fixes for now. Maybe for months when Firn feels worn out in creating new GOTQ items.

I think your contest Idea is a good option. Also that items should have similar color paletes. It give the illusion of them being in a set. But I would love them to have a running theme.
It could even be a theme that I know never run out of fashion. Like angel, devil. Idk about you but I will never have enough items that make my avatar look like an angel. Maybe it's just me but angel items are some of my favorite in all avatar sites ive ever been. That.....or items that make me look like a Rose queen.

I agree with pretty much everything you said lol. You sweet angel anything you can sketch and show would be awesome. Specially if fancy and regal is your thing.
Your comment is also kind of the reason why i think small perks should be "fancier". So that people don't do that "hold out till next month". I'm not saying it's a bad thing in life in general or that it makes you a bad person. It's practical, and i do it too. We cant have people always gambling on a next month tho, its why were at the point we are.
Ive been "gambling" all these months as well and when i saw tht things weren't getting better is when i thought i needed to say something lol.


I could not agree with the small accessory comment more. I do find myself using those so much less then my other items. Which i guess contributes to the holding out thing. The consensus so far really make me think people love gold because it's what the GOTQ have always been like. Not necessarily bcs they love the color but bcs its what we associate gold with. it's so weird lol.

GOSH I WANT THOSE HALOS SO BADLY, along with the "thank you" headwings. Like i said before anything angelic feels timeless for me, like no matter how many angel items i have id always collect more.

Thanks for your thought it was something I had in mind but forgot.....or didn't explain right with all my "fancys" throwing around XD. I miss the fact that GOTQ items could be the main focus of an avatar.....it made you feel special when you wore it. I know it's kind of silly but it's true for me. The current perks blend in too much with the current items and it's lost that special feeling for me.
As well as the look.

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 Post subject: Re: A few thoughts on the perk items
Posted: Feb 2nd, '18, 17:51    


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Well, I did somehow forget about starkad needing a ton of time :mcheh: Although I still don't think that's such a good idea to implement knuffel as donation perks.
Although I must say, you almost convince me with the "drop" option, that sounds interesting, be it older gens or unique knuffel :mctongue: But with unique knuffel drop, do you mean past unique knuffel or new ones? New seems like a ton more work for Firn.

Perk items designed after unique knuffel items - YES, please Firn, it's a wonderful idea! If people can't get the unique knuffel, they could at least try to pay some money for the items inspired by the lovelies and additionally get a few coins! :mcglee:

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Dec 21st/22nd 2016, R.I.P. Tila. We'll miss you, you cuddly little stinker <3
Dec 7th 2019, R.I.P. Candy. I'm sorry, my sweet little rumball...
Jan 8th 2020, R.I.P. Cotton. Farewell my golden adventurer </3
May 15th 2021, R.I.P. Kreska. I love you, angel...
Feb 3rd 2022, R.I.P. Kropka. Goodbye, my *starshine*
Nov 27th 2022, R.I.P. Strzałka. You will be missed, lazy ball.
Jan 5th 2023, R.I.P. Iskra. Spark until the end.
Jan 26th 2024, R.I.P. Mocha. You can fool around now, baby <3
Feb 22nd 2024, R.I.P. Latte. Now you are truly a free spirit...

 Post subject: Re: A few thoughts on the perk items
Posted: Feb 2nd, '18, 20:06    


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I just realized I'm willing to spend 10fc just to get my hands on the 2008 Avatar Medal. Having this in mind, what about releasing old tt or mt for a double or triple amount of fc? (im not best in marketing or so, just an idea) like post twice a month a survey for people to choose between 3 old mts and release them at the half of the month available only for two weeks?

It will be easier for Firn to release old mts or make them donation perks instead of creating new sets and treasure troves so early

For new users its good because they can get their hands on new old items
For old users, collectors its good because they can also get their hands on items they are missing from their collection.

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