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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Dec 23rd, '15, 02:05    


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Helena quickly tensed up again as Martin spoke from the other side of the door, he wasn't surprised she didn't want him in here either, and her next comment sent a jolt through his spine. His finger twined through her hair, which now lay very close to his head. "For you, I would." Kyle said quietly, that cold, dangerous anger obviously hovering beneath the surface. He was honestly grateful she didn't actually ask, as he might not have been able to hold himself back, he almost couldn't right now.

Martin entered, and stopped. Kyle might be holding back was he was still getting the gist of Martin's thoughts. Discomfort? For a moment, he didn't understand, and then it hit him. Apparently, Helena had picked up on it to, because her body language very abruptly changed. While he appreciated her assistance, her purring in his ear, her closeness, it was almost a bit to much. Normally, he would have controlled his desire for her, simply pushed it to the back of his mind, but this time... well, he let a bit of it through.

"Are you trying to make me lose control?" He whispered, a bit of a growl in his voice, a bit to close to her ear, amusement and... something else in his tone. His own grip on her changed, the hand around her waist shifted, resting on her lower back, over her tailbone. He pulled her a bit closer, the hand in her hair shifting to allow his fingers to trace down her neck. While his hold had loosened, his grip now was much more... intense then it had been before. Much more sensual. Kyle, who's head was still resting in Helena's neck, turned to look in Martin's direction. He didn't lift his head.

"Can't you see we're busy?" He growled, his tone holding quite a chill. Kyle didn't need to say much else, his gaze alone explained his desire. Leave. This was no longer a threat, it was a warning. One did not interrupt a vampire with it's prey. Martin, likely still shock up from their previous encounter, and obviously unnerved by seeing his usually stoic, uptight brother in such a state, stammered. "Ah, yes right. Um." He coughed awkwardly. "I'll- uh, tell them you're... uh, busy." His pace as he left the room was almost laughable, though Kyle took more morbid amusement in it. The door quickly shut behind them, and Martin's presence lingered for barely a moment before heading off in the direction of the rest of his family.

Kyle sighed heavily, his grip suddenly shifting back to it's previous tightness. It was taking quite a bit to not... continue. He needed to change his mental topic. He hugged Helena, snuggling into her neck again. "You're a cloud on a sunny day." He said, his hug now showing appreciation, as did his tone. He sighed again. "I almost with I could take you with me, the last thing I want to do right now is attend the meeting." He was still tense, but less obviously so. At this point, his emotions had jumped around so much he felt more tired then anything. Well, anything he would admit anyway. No need to think of that anymore. Not that it wasn't very, very hard to stop that train of thought.

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Dec 23rd, '15, 02:30    


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Helena smirked as he whispered. "Maybe." She mum erred in a low tone. She knew he'd be busy entertaining Martin, which she was lucky enough not facing. She remembered the words he had said before. That he would kill kill his own family for her. She looked at his neck with her huge eyes.

She felt how the arms around her changed. The way he touched her. It was so different. It send a shiver through her spine that had nothing to do with fear. It was so different. She felt ... Lost. A small moan threatened to escape her lips, but she kept it in. Kyle felt... Different. There was something in his tone that told her teasing him too much would resolve in dire consequences.

Well, maybe they wouldn't be so dire anymore. Her hand went to his shoulders, as she did what a proper prey would, and tilted her head to the side, so Kyle had full access to her neck. She shivered again as Kyle told Martin they were busy. A content sigh left her.she closed her eyes and let herself revel in the possessive energy that radiated from Kyle. She wasn't sure how much of this was Kyle himself, but she wasn't stupid enough to believe he'd fake everything just to piss off Martin.

When Martin had left and she felt Kyle change stance. A small giggle left her. She looked up at him as he spoke. She rearranged herself. So she was sitting sideways on his lap, and rested her head on his shoulder. "I don't want to attend that meeting, though." She said and looked at him. "You family hates me, and I'd be happier to spend as little time win them as possible." She smiled. Then she looked at him. "Do you usually sleep in this room?" She asked. She looked around. This was too big for one person, and ... There was something wrong with with it.

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Dec 23rd, '15, 02:40    


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Kyle loosened his grip slightly, since Helena obviously wanted to shift. The fact she had chosen to stay in his lap was both a good and a bad thing. He settled for simple continuing to hold her, resting her head on hers. He sighed. "I figured, I don't want to see them either." Kyle chuckled a bit. "It's wishful thinking mostly." Her next comment made him glance around the room. "No, I normally stay somewhere else, but I figured a bigger room would be better for-" He paused, feeling a bit awkward. "Our unique sleeping arrangements." Kyle said a bit sheepishly, an awkward smile gracing his face.

Helena seemed concerned by something, that much he could tell, but he wasn't really in his full mind at the moment. "Is something wrong? With the room I mean. Or anything I guess." His rambling was returning, which was a good sign. Honestly, he probably should have let go of Helena and moved to a less intimate position, but this wasn't a situation he was going to let pass him by, regardless of the internal strife it was putting him through. Why'd she have to be so cute? It was almost unfair.

Shaking his head he looked back around the room. Something felt off, but he couldn't really place it. It was much larger then their own bedroom, or the one he used when he was here. It was still cozy, but he hadn't been here much himself. The door was to the left of the bed, and the closets were as well. Some dressers and cabinets on the right, along with the side table. They were directly across from the large, canopied bed themselves, sitting in one of the two chairs in front of the fire, which had a painting hung over it. The large windows on either side of the fireplace were drawn closed, likely because, as a guest room, it was only cleaned, not used.

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Dec 23rd, '15, 03:05    


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Helena looked at him. "I ... no, nothing is wrong. It's fine." She said and took his hand in hers. She looked up at him and smiled. "I was jus curious." She said. She looked down at his hand. She didn't remember this room. It wasn't the one in her vision. She had seen the room enough times to remember it. This room was wrong. the windows ans the furniture was in the wrong place. "You should get going. Your family is probably waiting." She said and looked up at him again. She didn't make any move to get off.

"What is the meeting about?" She asked and tilted her head to the side. She hadn't heard anything about it back home. She had just insisted on joining, when Kyle had to leave. Probably also the reason the room had been changed. Still, she was sure someone would come and ask Kyle to join his family soon.

"Kyle?" She asked and tilted her head again. "How come your family is so ..." well, they weren't rude, but they were in a sense rude towards her. They hated her, or well ... they seemed to want her talents, but his mother didn't want her near Kyle, and Martin didnt wa n t them here. Kyle's father, however was just creepy. She didn't like him, and he didn't like Kyle, it seemed. He was just ... she shook her head. "I thought they were the one wanting me, so why are they all ... acting like this towards me?"

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Dec 23rd, '15, 03:31    


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Kyle smiled and squeezed Helena's hand, shifting his own slightly in her grip to do so. "Alright." He was no longer resting his head on hers, now that she was moving it to look at him. Nodding a bit in response he just continued nodding at her next question. "Mhm." But like Helena, made no move to get up. Honestly, it was more then just a little tempting to stay here, even though he knew he had to get up eventually. It was likely they at least had a little bit of time, but his family wouldn't wait forever. Or even that long.

"Ah." He tilted his head a bit, looking thoughtful. It hadn't occurred to him to actually explain what the meeting was about, not that she'd directly asked. Now was a good a time as any. "We've already discussed the basics of our plan against the hunters, but we're going to discuss the details today. It's safer, and honestly easier then the other methods. Besides, having all the parties present means we don't have to wait for conformation before deciding on a specific idea." Kyle sighed again, obviously not wishing to go, despite the fact he knew he should. His life was on the line, but at the moment that was more a distant worry then a present one.

He tilted his own head at his name, glancing down at Helena. "Hm?" She started up a question, seeming unsure, though he could guess what she was getting at. It seemed like she had more to say, so he let her finish her thoughts and continue. When she finished he paused, thinking of the best way to explain. "Well, that's... probably more my fault then anything, though honestly they tend to act that way around... everyone. It's just how they are." He seemed to ponder for a moment then continued speaking. He'd shifted a bit into rambling, which meant he was saying maybe a bit more then he intended.

"Really, just because they want something doesn't mean they won't still... look down on it so to speak?" He sighed. "It's a bit hard to explain, but despite that, I think the problem is, once again, mainly how they view me..." He trailed off, thinking for a moment before getting his place again and continuing. "My father and brother hate me, and my mother cares for me much more then the other two, which is part of the reason they hate me." He sighed. "My brother out of jealousy and... well, is mostly due to his pride and the way my parents both hated and doted on me. My parents, well..." He drifted off again, his brows furrowing at this thought.

"They love and hate me for the same reason really, I'm not my father's child. I'm the product of her long running affair, thus her attachment to me. Obviously, this has not gained my father's favor, but there is little he can do about it, other then hate me from the sidelines. I doubt he would care so much, were it not so obvious. You may notice I take after no one in my family." He chuckled, sounding morbidly amused. "Apparently I take after my mother's lover quite strongly." He sighed. "If I'd taken after my mother, it would likely have been fine, but he is obviously annoyed over having to look upon the face of his wife's lover whenever he sees me. It's not that he cares about the deed, as much as the constant reminder of it. Me being the families' heir, well... guess that just makes it worse."

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Dec 23rd, '15, 03:56    


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Helena looked nodded as Kyle explained the meeting. It made sense to prepare for the attack. She looked around the room. Kyle was goi g to be attacked. She looked at him. Was she okay with that? Not really. If she was honest with herself she was far from okay with it. He may be an idiot and tease her all the time... but she liked it. He was different he treated her different. It was nice. She liked that.

She looked at him as he told about his family. Her eyes widened as he said the reason there was bad blood between his dad and himself. "You ... are only half noble?" She asked. He was the product of a lover and his mother. "Your father is dead?" She said. It sounded like that. His current father could be the reason, but it just .... she shook her head. It was su surreal. "Your family tree is weird." She said. He coukd be a by product.an attempt to get a son with powers. She looked at him. An lover on the side, huh?

She remembered the woman they had met in the shop a week's time back. She had seemed very interested in Kyle. Would Kyle find someone other than her to entertain him? She was very young. Maybe he didn't want to touch her. She looked at him. Then she moved down. He had his meeting. "We can talk more later." She said and smiled. "You should get to the meeting. Your parents are probably waiting." Also, Helena had some exploring to do. He headed over to the door. "I'll go and give myself a tour around the house." She said with a chuckle. "I'll see you at dinner, Kyle." She said and headed out.

as she got out she headed down the corridor. She looked around the house. She tried remembering her vision, trying to figure out where the vision would happen. She found the right corridor after half an hour of walking and remembering. She opened the first xoor and looked around. When that didnt seem to spark any memories, she closed the door and headed for the next door. She continued this for every door, until she found it. The room in her vision. "What are you doing here, miss?" She tensed and closed the door. She turned to see a mad loom at her. "Um .... I aas just looking around." She said. "This is lord Martin's room." She said and put her arms on her hips. Helena frowned. "It's not Kyle's?" She asked. The maid smiled. "We had already prepared this one, so it was given to Lord Martin, seeing as his arrival was unannounced." Helena looked at the door.

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Dec 23rd, '15, 04:28    


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Kyle chuckled a little at her shock, but nodded. "My father didn't even have a station. Sort of the roguish wanderer type I guess?" He shrugged. "I never met him, so." He pauses a bit at her next comment, thinking. "Well, something like that. I wouldn't be surprised. One day he just up and vanished apparently." Helena seemed be thinking something, but didn't end up speaking it. He did chuckle at what she did say though, nodding in agreement. The next look she made was rather odd, but without her speaking he had no idea what it was caused by.

After a few more moments of thought, and some mildly worrying facial expressions, Helena removed herself from his lap. He was disappointed, but it was probably a good thing. He wasn't sure if he could have convinced himself to move if she hadn't first. He smiled back, standing up and adjusting himself. He needed to be presentable after all. "Indeed. I'll see you then Helena. I'll be quite looking forward to it." That last comment he hadn't intended to speak, but it had come out anyway. Not that it wasn't true, he was quite looking forward to seeing her again after dealing with his family. His ears turned a bit red once he realized he's spoken that last part out loud.

"Feel free to look for Harold if you get lost, I'm sure he'll be happy to show you around." He added as Helena left. The mansion was quite big, much bigger then his own house. Sighing once more he brushed his hair back with his hand, heading into the bathroom to check his face. Splashing some water over it he felt grateful for his vampiric healing. Otherwise he was quite sure his eyes would have still been quite red. Sighing again, something spending time near his family always made him do. He opened up his mind once more, specifically pulling away from Helena's, and headed downstairs to the meeting room.

His parent's had chosen one of the drawing rooms, a red room with soft cushions and a dark lighting. Odd choice in his opinion, but a noble's fancy was often odd. Sighing again and pausing at the front of the door he almost turned right back around and left. Their thoughts showed a conversation he honestly wasn't sure he wanted to be a part of, but he sighed and knocked, opening the door. "Ah Kyle!" His mother almost crooned. Leaning forward in her seat. "You've finally decided to join us." Kyle smiled, resisting the urge to respond to her less then amicable thoughts.

"My apologies, I was worried about leaving Helena alone so soon after such a traumatizing incident. She's feeling much better now though." His brother seemed rather disturbed by the image, something that amused Kyle greatly. The rest of his family however, seemed a bit confused. Obviously his brother had given them the impression he had gotten about their actions in the room, but "forgotten" to mention his part in the ordeal. They didn't speak, so he answered their silent questions for them. Kyle sighed, partially in mock exasperation, partially out of real exasperation at the games nobles played. "Almost run over by a carriage. Can you imagine?"

He resisted the urge to sit in the chair, though an odd thought from one of the maids near Helena left him confused. He decided to ignore that for now, to distracting, and looked back at his family. Martin, hiding his panic not all to well quickly stood up. "I must give you my apologies once again brother. I have already punished the driver for his negligence, I cannot believe such a thing happened under my watch." Kyle almost snarled at his fake sincerity, though he had to admit he was grateful the poor man hadn't been sentenced to anything worse then kitchen duty. His brother never had understood what made a punishment. "I can swear to you something like this will never happen again."

It was all Kyle could do to no hurt his brother right then and there. Luckily, his control was as good as it was, otherwise this red room might just be red with blood. His mother spoke up, sighing, "Martin, how many times must I tell you to properly train your servants, to think..." she trailed off. Kyle, not wanting to make this go on any longer then needed, spoke himself. "I do apologize for my earlier absence. Have you discussed any details of the plan while I was away? I would hate to bring up something you three might already have thought of."

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Dec 23rd, '15, 08:36    


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The maid had been kind enough to show her to Harold after she had asked. She skipped down the halls as she walked, which made the maid chuckle. She smiled back at her and hummed for herself. A nice little plan was forming in her head. A devious, genius plan. She looked around the house. "This place is so big. I will never be able to figure it out." She said. The maid chuckled. "Well, mistress, you only have to be a few times. You have your own household to manage at home, I believe." She said. Helena caught something in her tone. Jealousy.

Was she jealous that Helena had her own home. "Is it good here?" She asked. The maid tensed. "I have never heard any complaint, my lady." Helena frowned. She didn't sound like that was a good thing. More like the maids was scared of complaining. Did something happen to the maids? She opened her mouth to ask something, but then the maid told her they had arrived. "Harold!" She said happily, glad to see a familiar face. She moved over and took his hand. "You'll show me where the library is, yes?" She said and smiled. "Kyle said I could ask you to show me around." She said as if she needed to explain why Harold had to follow her order.

She wasn't really that used to having servants that listened to her orders. Back when she was listening to her parents they were her jailers. Making sure she never wondered anywhere. Always staying inside. They never listened to her. Answered directly to her father. As they walked. "Does the maids not get treated well here?" She asked and looked up at Harold. Then she smiled. "I have a secret." She said and chuckled.

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Dec 24th, '15, 01:17    


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Kyle sighed heavily, rubbing his forehead as though in an attempt to remove the tension between his eyebrows. Looking up, his brow still knitted together, he sighed once more. He'd managed to convince his family to use the guards as the surprise force instead of the staff, though they would swap uniforms to continue the cover. Now he was fighting with them over when they would switch. His family, never wanting to go long without a full staff, were insisting they change right before the event. Knowing that would be too obvious, he was trying to convince them to have the change happen that morning, since the staff and guards slept in the same area.

"If we only switch the ones who will be part of the plan, then you'll still have almost a full staff. After all, only a few of the guards look similar enough for it to not be noticeable." Kyle hoped that would be enough to convince them, but knowing his family... His mother looked as though she would argue, and his father was obviously going to say something. Sighing again, his heart dropped. Any more of this and he was likely to lose his mind. Luckily his mother kept silent, though his father did voice his thoughts. "That's all well and good, but when is this supposed to happen?" This caused his mother to speak up, "We haven't discussed who he'll be walking with, we can't just have him there alone!" Martin chimed in, seeming amused. "We could actually, it's not like he's not prone to lonesome walks around the gardens." His mother was beginning to get angry again. "That's not what I meant and you know it!"

Kyle sighed, rubbing his forehead again. He spoke up, "I'll need to get more information from my source-" Martin interrupted. "Who is this source, anyway?" His thoughts confirmed it, he knew Helena had visions. Damn it, who told him? Kyle glared his way, but before anyone could speak, Martin continued. "You know what? That reminds me. How about you walk with you're lovely little fiance? After all, you wouldn't want to leave her alone at a time like this." His mother spoke up, just a shade away from yelling. "And how would she protect him?" Martin chuckled. "You know that's not the point mother, we want this to be believable! After all, why would Kyle walk around with an armed guard?"

They went back and forth like this for a while, his father adding that Helena was such a small girl, and it would be much to dangerous. Kyle twitched, his knuckles going white for a moment as he attempted to compose himself again, to little avail. That perverted old man. Damn his whole family! Kyle's fangs gritted against his teeth, but before he could speak his brother responded. "Ah true, we wouldn't want her to get hurt after all. I suppose I could-" His thoughts betrayed his intentions, and this time Kyle was unable to hold back. He only addressed the obvious, but he would leave Martin alone with Helena over his dead body. Interrupting his brother, Kyle's eyes burned in the dark room. The stuffy air seemed to take on a chill, his voice sharp and venomous. "Are you implying I can't protect my own wife?"

There was silence for a moment, as though no one was quite sure how to respond. After all, such outbursts were not common when coming from him. Martin seemed to jump a bit, but smiled, beginning to speak. Kyle interrupted him again. "It's pointless to argue over such matters. After all, regardless of who we choose, I will need to discuss the matter with them." He stood up, looking over at his father. "I'll send Harold with the time, as well as my plans for this... other matter." Kyle knew he needed to leave, he was barely able to hold himself back now, let alone if this continued. Luckily, this was a bit to his advantage, as the dangerous look in his eye kept anyone from arguing. Before they decided to speak up, he excused himself and left.


"Of course, M'lady." Harold nodded to the maid, who curtsied and left. Motioning in the direction of the library, he began to walk, making sure to keep his pace slow enough to match hers. Harold, in his quiet, contemplative way, didn't immediately answer Helena's first question. He respond to her next comment quite promptly however. "Is that so?" He returned her smile. "If M'lady wishes to share, it would be my honor to listen." The old butler seemed to think for a moment before answering her original question. "I have not stayed at the main house in some time, so I am unable to properly answer your question." After a short pause, he added, "I could find the answer however, if M'lady wishes."

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Dec 24th, '15, 03:10    


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Helena chuckled. "I know how to get under Kyle's skin now." She said and grinned at Harold. "He thinks he's all cool an collected, but have him now. He can't hide behind that mask of fake ignorance anymore." She said and widened her smiled. She looked at him. "I think the maid are not treated well, though." She whispered. They entered the library. "Are you treated well?" She asked. "Do you like working for me and Kyle?" She asked.

"You can be honest with me. I won't judge. I know I have been a different sort of mistress." She was probably far more diffucult than anything Harold had ever been in charge of before. Not that she felt bad about it, but the truth was the truth. She had a lot of bad history, but not enough that she'd would think he downright hated her. She looked at him. Herold probably liked Kyle. They seemed close. She was curious. And her mind supplied her with so manh questions. She had already asked so much, but the questions kept coming up, even though Harold hadn't answered anytuing yet.

"Did you know Kyle long? Did you know him as a kid? You two seem very close. Are you also old, or Is Kyle older?" She asked. Was she asking too much? Well, most of those questions was about Kyle's childhood, so they couldn't be too hard, right? "When would the meeting be done?" She asked.

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