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 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ]
Posted: Dec 7th, '22, 05:10    


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Amura wrote: Dec 6th, '22, 23:38 Hahaha, yeah, I do talk too much, but sometimes it makes sense and sometimes (specially here) I think I just ramble...

Yeah, it was awful. I felt terrible. So did the principal, who supported me in every step.
But the kind of things these guys said to this one girl, well, they were unbelieveble. At 13 years only, and talking that way (offensive and insulting, making sexual remarks, trying to hurt her saying shit about her family, etc.)
One does not want to believe that young people can behave that way v_v

But the families were denying the obvious. "Oh, my poor son is devastated, he cried all the weekend, you can't also punish him!"
Oh, yeah, your son was crying because he was caught, not because he repents at all. He simply knows exactly how to twist everything. And you are encouraging him to do so by supporting his bad attitude instead of scolding him!

*looks up australian shepherd*
Oh, it's a cute breed, I've seen some of those and they look very affectionate.

Maybe it's one of those chicken illness?
There is a word in my language, but I don't know how to translate it, but sometimes chickens get suddenly illl for no apparent reason, and they don't move and they even stop eating.
One of my parents chicken felt like that for several months, they were worried sick about her -even thinking they might have to put her down if she got any worse- but then she just recovered.
I think it's pretty common, but not sure if silkies suffer the same kind of issues.
oh yeah, trust me I know for a fact kids of all and any age can be a horrible horrible monster.

and parents don't help, they all want their kid to be the one who is perfect and in the right no matter what. its kinda sick...

Yeah, its called Marek's disease, and we did think it was that at first, but everything we looked up for it just didn't seem to add up. Like yeah a chicken with marek's disease wont eat or drink. But our boy Shadow was eating like a pig, and drinking water just fine. He would even crow if he was left alone in the room. He would never crow for the sun or anything, only the moment he saw he was all by himself he would start crowing until someone was with him lol

so non of it added up for us. Yet he had physical wounds or broken bones, so it was just very odd.

Plus the rest of the flock is 100% fine.

But this is how he looked a month ago.

and this is how he looks now (this pic was taken yesterday)
you can see the little makeshift brace we made him lol its a stick for now, but we hope to have a better one made for him later on, but it works for now, x3 he can walk at least.

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 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ]
Posted: Dec 7th, '22, 10:09    


Joined: Aug 16th, '08, 20:20
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I suppose you can find a monster or two here and there.
But I work with teenagers and I tend to think they are generaly nice people. Complicated age, but nice anyway.
Problem is that I'm seeing more and more parents encouraging bad behaviours. That is not good, not at all. They learn that they are above all rules, they can do as they please and they don't have to suffer any consecuences...

Oh, worse for them, I suppose.
Those parents are raising terrible children, and I'm sure in the end they will pay for it.

Never heard the official name, but yeah, looked it up and that's what I was talking about. Glad it was not his issue, as I've heard it can turn for the worse.
And he does look so much better indeed!
Maybe he just needed some loving care :qh:

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 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ]
Posted: Dec 7th, '22, 16:32    


Joined: Feb 16th, '09, 10:40
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That chicken does look a lot better, great work. :)

Teens are a different breed, it is a challenge. We only have a pre-teen, but starting to feel more & more what it means to raise a kid. :mcheh: We'll do our best.

I like people, don't mind having people around, though I always do feel relieved when they're gone again. I'm kinda springloaded when someone's around, feel like I have to get up and serve all the time. Drop dead afterwards. I really cannot just sit down and laze around, not even when the other one's doing that.

Yesterday I went to a concert with friends, last week it was rock (Guano Apes), now it was a brass band. It was lovely. Did not really enjoy the "main guest", but the pieces with the choir were superb. <3

Btw, on a random note, does anyone still collect the Digging items? For some reason I dug up 3 light Yukata's, but none of the other types... :mcsweat:

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 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ]
Posted: Dec 7th, '22, 19:33    


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Pre-teens are already quite interesting as they are :mclaugh:

For me it depends on the people. Some people stress me more than others.
But as a general rule, having a my home for myself feels better.

I've just checked my wardrobe.
I have spare yukatas of all elements but water, if you happen to want them.

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 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ]
Posted: Dec 7th, '22, 21:15    


Joined: Feb 16th, '09, 10:40
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I actually wanted to trade, but of course you all have everything already, lol. I do love the yukata's the light one is cute. :-)

Since we'rr abroad usually everyone stays over or stays slightly longer... So kinda got used to it, though the day after they're gone, I usually feel like laying around and doing nothing.

Are you done for Christmas already? I only got pajamas so far for my pre-teen, lol. Maybe I'll make him a kit to sew something.... And the little one a jar of cookie mix, not sure. We kinda have lego all over the place, so I was thinking to think of some stuff without lego this time...

Prolly will also upgrade my spotify to a family account, so that's also another gift. :-)

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 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ]
Posted: Dec 7th, '22, 22:42    


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I do need some digging items from previous years (Fire Border, Air & Water Overshirt, Earth Sword, Air Gloves, Earth & Fire Face Mask, Air Top 3, Darkness & Water Diadem). If you happen to have any of those I would love to trade!
And if not, you can have them for free, really. :mccute:

We don't do much for Christmas in terms of gifts, really.
We buy a gift to our son, which we have an idea (Labyrinth game, in the Pokemon version) but haven't bought it yet.
My spouse and I don't buy anything for each other, we've never done. We sometimes buy for our family, but only if we have a good idea (not just buying whatever to make sure they get a gift) and since we're traveling in Christmas time we'll probably wait and see if we find something nice for them during our trip.

We also have Lego all over the place, half of them inherited from my husband - cause my in-laws kept EVERYTHING from his childhood!

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G U I D E - F O R - N E W - M E M B E R S

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A work on progress, but already quite a bunch of sets to check!

 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ]
Posted: Dec 8th, '22, 18:37    


Joined: Feb 23rd, '22, 18:43
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Amura wrote: Dec 7th, '22, 10:09 I suppose you can find a monster or two here and there.
But I work with teenagers and I tend to think they are generaly nice people. Complicated age, but nice anyway.
Problem is that I'm seeing more and more parents encouraging bad behaviours. That is not good, not at all. They learn that they are above all rules, they can do as they please and they don't have to suffer any consecuences...

Oh, worse for them, I suppose.
Those parents are raising terrible children, and I'm sure in the end they will pay for it.

Never heard the official name, but yeah, looked it up and that's what I was talking about. Glad it was not his issue, as I've heard it can turn for the worse.
And he does look so much better indeed!
Maybe he just needed some loving care :qh:
yeah x3 we are going to give him a new/better knee brace later today :] I'll take a pic x3

My aunt and uncle are like this with there kids, they have an older son who is just a monster, he would start fights in school, he tool a weapon to school once, and now as an adult he is a shitty human bean, but his mom was always defending him and saying how he had the right to 'protect himself' and shit. Like dude your kid is in the 5th grade, he doesn't need to protect himself for other kids with a knife, wtf.

but yeah I can't stand parents like that, and now that he is older I made sure to cut ties with him as best I can.

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 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ]
Posted: Dec 8th, '22, 19:11    


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I often say that a person becomes "bad" for many a different reason, you can never point an unique reason.
But when parents encourage bad behaviours, well, you've just bought all the tickets ¬¬

A knife to school!
Damn it, that's really bad shit.

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G U I D E - F O R - N E W - M E M B E R S

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 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ]
Posted: Dec 8th, '22, 20:56    


Joined: Feb 16th, '09, 10:40
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Knives in school? O.o Protect from what?

My colleague was talking about her son the last week, he's 15 and is her 3rd kid, she was finally happy that he was doing well in school, with hobbies and all untill he also broke down. Seemed that he caught a classmate with a snuff box with white powder, he didn't want to cause trouble so the kid would get sent out of school, sooo dunno. Being a teen ain't easy I guess? I sometimes wonder if times have changed or if it's really the difference of country, but compared to the shit I hear, in my time I either did not see, did not care or it wasn't there. No idea where I was, but I've never been in those situations my colleagues kids get. Maybe I'm different? Dunno.

Eventually they talked with the kid instead of sending it off to doom, and they said it was nicotine powder (my reaction like, wtf?!?), apparently that was a way to stop smoking... (like again, wtf?!?)

I checked my digging stuff but I don't have any of those, I think I was kinda gone around that time as well and only got a lvl 100 this year (like, I never knew about apples and muffins before... O.x) So sorry, I really wanted to help you. Seems like I mainly got the weird ears and several sashes.

Well, since I totally gave up on keeping up the St Nicks tradition, I came up with the Dutch "surprise" idea, (bit explained over here, which had to be slightly simplified due to little one being only 6 and only learning letters right now. Buuut it was fun anyway, we shared some sweets and simple things, homemade stuff and rhymes, think we'll keep it. :)

Also name days, which is a tradition in Hungary, we skip those. Don't care, don't want. Funnily enough, my middle one was born on his name day, in the middle of the summer holiday, sooo...

Christmas, everyone tends to make a huge gift holiday out of it, I'm ok with a few gifts, but originally Christmas isn't about that, I think. Though classmates come back with huge stories. I got some gifts at St Nicks when I was little, but that didn't work with the talk in school, also another reason I gave up on that...

I'm rambling, I want to get a few small gifts. My husband prolly won't get a thing. Maybe socks. Though we'll already give all our employees socks tomorrow. xD I don't want anything either, but it's always a good way to expand a bit on updated toys. Like, 11 year olds need other types of games and puzzles than a 6 year old... So birthday and Christmas is a nice way to get some new things and gift out the old stuff. I make shoe boxes every year. ;-)

Buut yeah, my parents also saved everything we had as a kid. So we inherited quite a lot from that, but not everything aged well... :mcheh:

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 Post subject: Re: [ Treehouse ]
Posted: Dec 8th, '22, 21:56    


Joined: Aug 16th, '08, 20:20
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Times have changed, they always do. We were different from our parents too.
But beeing a teenager is the same as it was: it's a time to get a bit rebellious with their own parents - but most of them are tame outside that. Of course there a few rotten apples, there have always been.
Maye the difference is what those rotten apples are up to? The things they scheme can be so different from what they were in our time...

Ah, don't worry if you have nothing to trade, I can send you those anyway as a gift.
(I should have sent the trade earlier but I completely forgot after I sent my message).

Ah, I've checked that surprise thing. Here we do something similar and we call it "invisible friend": a group of friends makes a raffle so each of them only buys 1 gift to another person of the group. It's fairly common when you are young.
We would always do that when we were at college, for example.

His lego aged remarkably well. The plastic pieces are sturdy indeed.
Other stuff (made of paper or cardboard) they threw away long ago, because humidity here is a killer.

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